Manchester, June 2. - Three more weeks of school. - Fausel's block has been covered with an iron roof. - Our boys play the return game with the Prospect Ilill club Friday. - Sumner Van De Grifft has gone to Milwankee, visiting relatives tliere. - The last club dance of the season was held in Goodyear Hall Friday eve, -The building formerly used au post office is in course of repair and will be fitted up for a store. - The alumni association have secured the services of Eugene Smith's orchestra, of Ilillsdale, to play attheir reuuion. - Decoration day was observe d here Sunday afternoon, andnotwithstandin g ;he unfavorable weather a long pro cession followed the band to the cemetery. A large crowd was present at the cerenonies. The speech of Rev. J. B. Giln;m was pronouneed by all to be an excellent one.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus