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Ypsilanti Department

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- Benj. Thompson is visiting his rienda in Maine. -Mr. Baluaa the last of the small pox atience is on the street. -E. P. Allen ís attending the repubican convention at Chicago. - Mrs. E. N. Follett is dangerously 11, lier danghter and son of Grand lapida have been summoned homo. -The Light Guarda are talking of getting a new uniform and otherwise endeavoring to build up the orgiuiizaion. - Phoenix lodge is having a new roof put on their building and some other mprovementa on the inside of their odge. -Frank Culuej from Wyoming and Charley Foster of Dakota also arrived ïere last week, they are not expecting to return. - Mr. Moore's horse attaclied to liis milk cart ran away Monday on CJongress Street, a free distribution of milk was the most serious result. - Fred. A. Cutler stopped here Saturday night, while on his way to Chicago, ie wil! soon remove there to accept a wsition as room clerk of the Palmer lonse Chicago. - Aotiveork has commenced on the ground whicb has been purchased by the D. H. & S. W. R. R. for tlie location of ;heir shops and round house. The city gives SI ,700 towardstheir location here. -. N. B. Perkins arrivedhere f rom his trading post at Fort Hale, Dk.Ter., Saturday, he will return soon, accompanied by his wife and daughters who will take their summer vacation at the Fort. -Prof. Reynolds is giving entertainments at the opera house consisting of mesmerie influence &c, it has not been a complete success np to Tuesday night, although he seems to have complete control over a few of his subjects. -The burning of gasoline has caused a considerable of discussion botta on the local board of insurance, and at the home office. Nearly all of the responsible companies prohibit its use but a few small companies consent. The resultis thata considrable feeling bas developed itself and it may result in the breaking up the local board. ■ i - - i m


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