Mii-ax, June 1. -TI. M. Burt is boring a well In the rear of his store. - W. Whaley was taken sick on the 31st with a fever. - There will be a dance at A. J. Braman's on the evening of the 4th. - Justice Rainey has moved bis office into the room lately occupied by W. Woolcott. -Me. Baluss has recovered from his sickness, and will finish his stave cutting this week. Mr. Parkhurst has moved from C. Davisea house into the rooms over Miss Green's millinery shop. - L. VanWormer is bnying woolhere. - D. A. Woodard has moved his office to Justice Rainey's office over Putnam's store. -There are parties who are talking strongly, of puting machinery in "Whaley's mili for sawing staves with cylinder saws. -Don. Murray had one of bis arms broken by falling from a buggy in returning from Darmum's show at Ypsilanti, on the 25th. -Milán has a new barber shop just completed in a neat and tastily style, with a handsome new column, of the "zebra" decoration. -The Bev. C. Matteuley 'a Primitive Methodist Clergyman will preachat the church here on Sunday evening June 6th at half past 7 o'clock. -Charles Canfleld of this place died on the 29th of May, of consumption, aged 49 years. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. Fisher, Baptist clergyman of Moorville. - Edger Millross of Detroit carne to Milán on Monday the 31st, to visit his fatlier who is very sick, and has been suffering for a long time with the disease known as softening of the brain. -From the appearance of the church here after a meeting the census enumerator will flnd more tobáceo chewers in this vicinity than any otlier community in this state. This peculiarity of chewers does not seem to arrise from nastiness from the fact that those who deposit tobáceo juice on the church floor, are most extremely careful not to get any of their slobbery on their clean boots or clothes.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus