Sharon, Jnne 2. -Mrs. Joseph Moimt is very Blek yet. -Bank' Kuhl's large barn frame is to be raised next Saturday. -We hear of a number of farmers having to replant their corn on account of ent wörms. -Mr. and Mrs. Weed of Augusta, unele and aunt of Supervisor Kose are visiting in Sharon. - The job of repairing the bridge at the Sharon milis was let to Wm. Sherwood on Saturday last. - Sometime between the night of the 21standthe morning of the 24th the school house near Mowrey Pierces' was entered and the clock, matches and one or two pens and pencils taken, it is thong to 1)0 the work of trampa as some were seen in the neighborhood about that time. -The centenial celebration of the organization of Sunday schools held at the Center church on Sunday last was woll attended, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. The church was tastef ully decorated with evergreen , flowers, birds, and mottoes, and on the wall in well formed letters and nicely arranged, the words' "Robert Raikes the founder of Sunday schools 1780 -1880." Rev. Mr. Whitely gave a brief history of Robert Raikes and thefounding of Sunday schools. Mcmbers from the four different Sunday schools, in town took part in the speaking and singing, all of wliich was very good. ('hildren's day will be observed at the same church on the 13th. Quaterly meeting services will be held at the Gillet church next Saturday and Sunday. "UNO" "Where areyou goiugthis summer?' asked Quarterpercent, the broker, oi one of his customers the other day. " (ioingV well, with water Power downto 6i, Erie selling for 35 and the cqppei minina stocks ten [eet below low tidc l thought some of going to the almshousr but I rather guoss I shall try the ok style - creditors' meeting - 2") cents, witl m'y mvii notes nmningtwelve, eiguteei aiid twenty-fonr months, you know Boon as that's settled I "11 go to Saratogs --must rnake aomelhing somehow. yoi know.""
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