Rsliito of minor.OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT tO of Wftwhtenaw, as. At a B6S6Íea of the l'rubuter tlourt tor the Cownty of Wasfrtnw, holden nt tl y Probate Office in the aityof Ann Arbnr.nv Mfed ñenday, lbo Beeotid dtty of -Tune, in the yeai ontf thnusoad enrht hundrod nnd (iglity. PiceTit, William D. Hrtrrimfti., Juge of Vr hnte. In the muteer of the estáte oï Mianio E. MiiUpaugb, minor. htyivmr JO. ÏIH1, tho ptiarilinn of nni;l wanl, eomesdtocMtrt ña representa thar. he is nov prppared to ronder fiual locount as such gutirdmn Tliercnpon ft isorrlercd.tliat Bnturdar, thf nineterntl) Aiy of June instant, iii ten o'elock ii: iltei'orf1noon, bc aMwned fr examitrfng and alfowing such account, and tliat the nest of I;iii of aafd waid and al] other pATSOBS interesird in Ratd estáte, ar reuuired to apper ñt a sunfoti ofsaW court, then tooeholdei attn Piohato OfBce, in Mie city of Ann Arbor. in Raid countv, and sbnw chuso, Ifanjf thtíre be, why the sai'i aeeount should not be allo wed : And it is ftirtherordered.tlmi bW gwurdiatt t;ive notice to the persous Interestecl in ilKKI stiite, of the pendency ot safd aeconnt nd the hearing therrof, by causing a copy otlüs order to be pubütbed In the Ann Aubok Abo tra, a oftwspaper printed aml circuhtiin In mié county, (wo Miccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM V. TTARTUMAN, [A true copy.] Jiidge of Probate.■ Wai. (J. 1oty, Probate Rofïi'itpr,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus