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MEDICINAL. To Nrrvou.s gufferers-Thc Great Europeau Kcmcily - -Dr. J. 15. SiXDpsOU'a Spedilo medicine. It is a positive cure íur pernnilorrhca, Betuna] Weakness, Impotency, mid all diaeasas reau iiag íiom Sclf-Abuse, ;is efobi. Mental Anxíety, atek. Jfr -,,■. Losa o!' Memoi y, jUA WCT' JfSide. and diseaeee Lüpë3Cï tÜ '"'Sr 5m tbat lejid to ƒ V. -v t Jfets' H1K 'in e'ly Lruve. s4. jw wil t; wonderful succes. PmupMetü t;nt f ree toull, Write íor íhem aud el fu 11 pnrtituiaiB. Price. SpeciÖo, SÏ.00 ;■■■ i packngé, or híx pací foríó.üO. Addrev ■■'" ortira to. .1. P. IMl',-(fN M ED!CTNI:n., Nos. 104 and 10Ö MaJU Mrci. HuC-iiu. N. Y I 'or ah' in Aun Arbor hy KbprbacJj Se Bou, nal' y hiiaiusííii-ts evei jwhere. rovoüiiBiun. GKAVS 8PECIFIC aiCJJltlMí. TRADE gUWK.Thc r,r,at Hn. riïAüEULêLK K jiiii unfiiiüny curo jr't';-''. "ij jSLff nifltorríirn I j? -3' ■)k fina sequpnce " '5'1 Before TaJringLoBBOf mo4! Aftor Tákiiig tTnireral Lamitude, Pain in the Baok, Dlmnew m Vision, Premature OH Age, and man; otiierdiseim es that h'ad to lnsunity, Consa.üpliou and u Pr1taatnre Orave. #3r Fuli particulnrs in onr parophlets, n hicb V' deslre to sene! free by muil to every one. The Speciflc Medicine i? roM by mi Druggistp ai ï perpackflge,or wi pnckíiffea Vor 5tor mllbi aent by muil on rei Pipi í' the monew1 7 HddreaMDg THE (iRAY MEDTCiNE '().. No. 10 Mechanica' Blnck, Detroit Micb. -efRolfl ïn Ann Arbor by all Druggists, aud by drupgÍ8te everywhere HALLS BALSAM Cures Colds, Pnonmoiiia, Bronchitis, AsCima, Croup, Whooping Couh, aud aíl disensos of the Breatbing Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Membrane of the Lunars, iitílamcd and poisoned by the disease, and prevenís the nislitsweats and lgiitiess aeross the efiest yiliichaceompanyit. C0NSÜMPT10N is not an incurable inalady. lt is only necessary to IiaTe tlie rlght remedy, and HALÍS BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T piüSPAIR OF RELIEF, for this beniíín specillc will cure you, even thotig-h professional aid fails. HENRY'S GÁRBOLIS SALVE the Most Vowevful Healing Agent ever EHscovered. Henry's Carbolic Salce cures the worst êores, Henry's Carbolic Salve allays the pain of burns. Heurt's Carbolic Salve cures all erttpttons. Renry's Carbolic Salve heals pimjtles and btotrits. lic h rif 's ia r bol ic Salve tvill cure cuts and. britist's Ask for Hen r y 's, and Take No Other. (3T BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. .J TIT1CHI IE CURES ÏN OM3 MINUTE. A KURl' PREVr.N'TIVE OF Contagious Disoases, C'oids, Iloaiseness, Diphthcria, ai:cl Whooping Cough. J'ltajsaiit to the Taste. rs JOÍIN V. HENKV, CURRAN it CO., 2-4 tíoifcso Flaco, ííey York. MAXHOOÍ): How Lost, How Bestored. ni Just publUhed, a new edition of Dr. -;.'■ . Culverwella Celebrated Essay on jg-y tlic radicahcure (without medicine] "f zÜBffíZ Speematorrhoi or Seminal Wmkoees, ïuvolunttiry Seminal L se. Ihpotasoy, M'iil -1 and fbyeical ï ncap;u-itv, Impedimenta to Marriave, etc.; also, Coxsouí thn, Ffti,ep8Y and Fn a, incHucd by st-lf-imlulgence 01 sexuul extravagante, &c. The Celebrated author, in tfcia Admirable Esaay, clearly demonstra tes, fïom t thirly yuars' successful pTactice, thai thealannirg conscquences ol ielfabnse rnay he nidically cured wil houl i ht (AHgeroub use ui internal médíctue or the npplicattou of the knife; polntttiff out n mode of cure a( onc simple, certain and effect ml hy rneass of whicb evory suiferor. no umtter wbat hia eonditiQn may be, raay cure himself cheaply, prlyately, und radica II y . rïiN , This Lecture sliould be in the haiuJa of every youth and every mnQ in the land. 8ent,under se:il,iu aplain envelope, to any addresa, post-] aid, on reeéipt of six cents or two postage si fuiíps. Address the PublisheTS, THf] OüfiTÉRWELL MEDICAL CO-, 41 Aun St., New York; Post Office Box, 4580. BEST ra_CHSA?2STf LEWIS' OOÑOENSED BTYllQTirZ PURE! We will ffive $1000.00 for any Alutn or ether tultilteratlon found, i. íiis rowuxac. JSgñm Incioireu by tTio ErooKlyn Board 0BÊSr ' ncaltü, and by the best cheiuiiU ■e la tJae Uuited St itea. MBob It is STHOW.ER tlian ran txiiy Yeast i'oinitr in VMft4rA It r.KVER FAITES f o ,A JrAmnlic ltoUt brcaU wlica JBSa3 Itiat.'ÓBIMENIiiabYPlT flBHB - tonsckecper wUo haa gl'. o;i It a ÉFmB ItiS ancntircly IÏE W ISTEI. iSl TIOBTjivllhoutanyof tiiebalqujlltaga tlfs of soda er salcmtus, yeatt or ■ V otüer bakiiij? powcl"rs. B-Ba „ It has la 11: t !f a trnrtency r'ïa-tl' riisluiii auU noui'isli tiie eystem. Good food mnKea good healtTi; and honitü 13 lmprovcdorliiipaijfcil In pi'oportlon astiie lood "wc eat Ir, nütrltlous or otlier; Lewis' 35A.KINU l'OH'DtR alnap mahra good footl. One can oí th'.s ia wortli two of any otüer baking compound. It mal-íes bread -ivliltcr and rlcTier. ïlore than half the complaintsot nl flour arlse from the uso of common baldng p dors, whlch oltcu inake tlio best of llour tuin out dark bread. Tlie mo t delicate persons can eat iood pn ;;ared wltli it vvliliont lnjnry. Kiarly every otlier bakiiü; powdcr 13 adultérate and la utwolutely lnjurlous. TlllSiS made trom KeíUied Grave Crpam of Tintar, and I i PEUPBOTIíT PUülS. It makc3 the liKST, uiucui, and most ïllltl'itfoiIM BREAD, BISCtMT, CAKE, CRUU.CR8, BUCKWHEAT, IfiDlAH, AND FLANNEt. CAKES. Aslnprln t:i:lviU prove tliü uperlorlty of uns Powder. MANUFACTDIIKD OTiT BT GEO.T. LEWIS &MENZIE3 GO. PHIIiADELPHIA. BMuSsSAml l''KK.NCI' DIECIl'JS ■ f ■"' ' f lK%jLl Ribbpil and Rongh Plato for II LI H I tt%10bke! 3ky Lightü, Cut in.d Kiiun■ ■ KB " ■ IIQI clcd Olíiss, Silver I'ine.l II 1 Mal m I Vlf II Piiíh Bars, Freiich and Oti' .' I i M iÏt I SB ■5B'V ïl I '"■li ai"1 Oil, Colorí, PutLv, O4AL&3KL3LUuLÍS Poiiits. etc. rfTTKÍTKTUrTlf3 ï OT ' imiWinp, or in want LgJ CaTi -f -jf H yl I ' a" J ltiiuS writo fur ,■■■■ i.,, i i, i _ ui atea. 19 & 14 Congi-es3 St. East, Detroit, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Argus