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Competition In Business

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A'liin. in ttio (rirdi-n of K lnn. iivl ftnhinsnti ( lm op, on t lm Mand of Juan Fcruniidpü, nrc llin only instancos we havo of ftb'oluto froodoni t'roin cotnpet ion in busine s. Tiicn' will öecouipetition in cvpii tho sinnllnst coinniiinU li", niitl bctwccn individual who ■trivo lor a livolihnOil side by side. Ooinpotltion nhvavs luis existed, and it nlwuyx will cir, s) lotlji 08 soino r)Proin sliali l)n superior to othors, sa loii'i as men shnll .strive t thw in knowlodjfp, so Ion f in perfuctiou in all ihiii;;s s nol attaiuod. [s com peiition 'Ui vil nsmany claim? Compot ilion Imiso 1 on f' i ■ in 't.' !il- au I i'it.1 supwkii'ity of (n1 lucís novor was in 1 ncver will In' R.iytlwirfetaa ili-ui :hi Hcaloulitblc blussiii ( t lyinkiiil. It amuses nli of :i iirui's pucrgy :unl quickni'ss mui dcviïlops lii- pliysiuul nnd nicnlal capnbiliiipa. (Joinnctitloii is tho direct outuoiuc of tiniitioii ; it oriii:ites t'rom the eoiinneiidablo deliro to pxeel in whatevw" is undcrfiken. U'ilhout oonipntitioii tlicro would bu no ni)il followïng, oue ai'ter nnolbcr, of industrial and inventiva devolopmeiits. Conipetltioil is the vigorous opponent of gtagnatiou, rust and conitervatisni. Tho spirit of oompotitiou kcops men tVotn lupsiug into a supine and di'euiiiy existenco; it iiuikci it necessiryior tlioiu ta strugjflo to accoinpliáh all tlicy are ca pable of doing; it oonstantly ñiriiisltca individual íaculties tliat nou1(1 othcrwiso becoiuo rusty IVoni hick oí' use, aud it wars npon couservutisni an.l nou-prügnwsivuncss by eontiuually sliuwin tliat the present cundition oí tilines eau in some way be bettered in all things. Coiupelition give.s eest and novelty to lile. Wiierever pbysical or mental energy abounds, men, barburous and civili.eil, are eaer to contest each other"s ability un. i endiinuice. A dozen contestants eiyaife in a walklngrmatch, and shouts ol app lause groet the vic(or as he touches tlie goal. Five or six men gather about a big rock, and ench one sti-ivos to lift it higher tluui it can bc raised by hia fellows. Men of spirit and mind who possen facility in tin; use ol' languagv, delig-ht to struggle with each other in the intricacies of debato. Miinufaeturers desire to makc bvtter goods tlian can rirals. As a coiuwquency their niinds are ftgreeably and pruütably oocupied in trying to devise iniprovenients oí' varioua kinds lor Ültrouuction into their establishments. Kverywhore aud evory day do we pereeivo in tho workings of competición the highest energyproinoting and ploasure-gLving attributes. Wliat immense direct utility do the peoplc at largo is derived trom compctition in business. llour fortúnate it is tliat more tliau one ïiianufaeturer oi inercliant stuuds roady to supply the general deinand lor any class 01' artielos. No sooncr does the proprietor oí one establishiliont ask an exorbitant price tbr nis goode thau a business rival takes ad van tage ol' the iaot aud selis so mach more cheaply the same kind of producís tliat thu majority of the poople buy of the latter individual in pietoience. A fair profit is all, in tno nature of thms, that can bo obtained by several manufucturers 01 nierchants who have a market in eomnioii. Tliere ia thus establisbed a principio of eqtiïty which eould uot, su long as the luajority of men are uot more maguaiiituous thau at present, be ïnainLauicd uiider a monopoly. Triekery and uufairness are common to coinpetiLion in business as thoy are connnou to the seller who deceives the buyer; to the minister who preaches gooiiuess and prácticos hypoerisy; to railroads 8 har ka who cheat bondliolders out of their just duo. Bul honorable competition, the only coinpetitloil that can alude and steadily ilourish, is highly benelicent. - Tu Maaujacturer. In locating an apiary there are several points that should be considered. Perhaps water oomes, because it is Bomething we camiot get along without. ïnere is a great quantity used by the boes on a hot day to keep the combs from meltlng down, besidea what is used in feeding brood in the Li t ter part of the season. When the wind blows from the cast, hot and dry, hees have been known to use a pound a day to supply the hive, alloring a lufflcient quantity for evaporation. A bee's life is governed, we might say, by the work it does ; and if it luis to fly a long way for water, it camiot for its life uring the honey to its owuer it 'could if the water was handy. Wet saud is the best for boes to suck water from, for none ara drowued. -


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