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The Railway Up Vesuvius

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At the tuut of tac cono oí Vcsuvius tliore is now to be seen the new station of tlicj raihvay which asconda to thu Btimmit of thu oUl cráter, and in future will spare the lover of nutural phonoinena a wearisome climb. The station is situated on a level spot on the west sido of the mountain, a bout half-anhour's walk lïoin tlie Observatory. Tlie constructora of the railway havo adopted the American doublé ironrope systein. Tlie re are two lines of rails, eacli provided vvith a carriage divided into two compartments and capable of six: persons. Whilo one carriage goes up the other comes down, thtis establishiag a countorpoise which cöhsiderably econounzes the steain of the stat ouary traction engiiie. ïhe incline is extremely steep, couimencing at 4Ü dogrees, iucre:ising to Üü degiecs and continuing at 0 degreea to the summit. Every possiblo precautiun lias been taken agaiust acL-ident, and the railway itself is protected against possibio üows of lava by an enoruious wall. Tueasoent will be made in eigllt or ten minutes, while befjre it required fjvm one to two hours. To obUiin the nueossary supply of water, large covered cisterna li.ive boen construewd, wluch in winter will be íilled witn the snow tliat often falls heavily ou Vesuvius. Tliis snuw will be quiekly melted by tlie interuil] heat, and, besides the water thus obtamed, tlie irequent rainfall will also be oouducted iuto cisterna. Au elegant cate restaurant capable of aocoininodating a hundred persons will be atUieheil to the station. Above the enlrance to tiie latter is an ampie térrico gupjxjrtetl on ooluinns, vrlience ftn OHcliflUoing view is obtained uot ouly the ot' tne Guit of Na)ic3, but also thoso of Baio and Gaeta, eacli dutted with isluuls, whilo to thonurili spreads the luxuriant plain of Uasarta, bordered by tue distant Appenniuos. The wholc shipping interest of Canada lias been of lauj up in amia agaiust the by-law of tlic (juuücc llarbor (JomhiUsion to inorease the ciucs of pilots tor tho lowor ISt. Lawrence. Montrcal moi'chautá havo been nuieli exeilod in the matter, and tho Quebec board of trade has forwarded a petition to Ottawa, praying the Gkvernmeiit not to aune t ion the by-law. Notwithstandiug the prayord of the inercantilo uommunity the Govornment has given a decisión favorable to the pretentions of the pilots. i - ■ -- ■■-■ - "I bolieve in a personal devil," saicl Mr. Moody, at a revival meetiug held in a remote western city. "That'a true, that's true - you're right there, stranger," said nn old farmer, rising from lus seat in his earneslness. Wheroupon a cahn-faeed, placid-looking wonian rose froni the otlicr end of the pew, took hiin by the ear, mul led him slowly out, and tho assombly knew then, for the tirst time, tluit tho old nian's mlnd vrasfilled with domestie thoughta insteadof the heroafter. Bojpis !?old $ö pieces ai-e being circulated in Sacramento, The coin has tho right sound, U exact in weiylit and size, vcry tinely exeeiiled, gold-plated, of the dates 18Ï4, 1847 and 187.;. These pieces, the Union says, are tho product of a company which executes its work in ships at sei, origiually off tho Spnnish eoast. The oomposition of tho picees is au alloy of platinum and si her, heavily gildod. French and English coin is also iiniUitcd by the sanie partios.


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