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RAILROADS. MICII1UAJÍ CE&TRAL KA1LK0A1). MAY 9, 1880. O1KO WEBT. I M (3 1 I I . Si ♦ r ím """W n . .. , j-M. A.M r.M.ip. M. F.M. Detroit, leave, oo 9 35 5 55! 4 o.i 8 3 ' 9 5c tí. T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 6 lo: 4 .f, 8 45! 10 K WayneJunction J 52 10 28 6 42! 4 411 o ioo 42 Ypailanti, 8 20 10 48 1 05' 9 05 9 3b;n 07 Gerides, 8 30; ; 7 20 Arm Albor, 8 In 11 00 7 35Í 5 22 9 55 II 24 Delhi, 8 SS 7 4fi' : Dexter, 9 04 7 M r ss 10 I4'_ Chelaea, 9 221 8 11 5 52 10 30 ClruBS Lake, 9 50 8 35 0 12 10 52 T , M I A.M Jaclmm, no 20il2 15 9 00: 6 55 11 '0i2 Alhion, 11 04 12 M g i 7 4 11 S9 1 3 MaiBluill', n 50 1 30 -' c 8 08 12 SI 1 S p. M. 5 8 a. M. Hattle Creek, 12 19 1 56 t ■ 8 37 12 4 il Galenburg, 12 52 9 10 A. M. Knlamuzoo, 1 IS 2 37 5 00 9 30 1 30 s 0 Lawton, 1 63 S :i3 2 06 Oecatur, 2 10 5 50 2 21 Dowagia, 2 3' 6 12! 2 44 Kilt, 3 05 4 07' 6 55 3 1 ii 43 Buchannn, 3 19 1 7 07 3 23 ThreeUnka 3 49 i 7 88 1 New Ilutfalo, i 4 (I3 4 58 7 ! 4 05 Michigan City, j 4 30 5 20 8 lo! 4 38 5 I Luie, 5 13 G 02 8 53 5 1?: (i 4 Kenini;ton, 6 00 6 50 9 tO f! BS 8 11 Ullicupo, arrive. I 6 50 7 40:10 301 1 6 53i 8 3( OOINO F.AHT. 4 % lita 1 I ? P ?:áa i A.M. A. M. P.M. p. M (IhicHKO.leave, I 7 OOj 9 00: 4 00 5 ÍS 9 1 Kensiugton, j 7 501 9 50: 4 50 6 0ó lo (1 I.nke, 8 38' 10 80 5 42 6 611 10 4 MicliiRiin City, ! 9 20 i 1 1 Kt! 6 :i" 7 4OIH 3 New Buffalo, i 9 4'J,11 32 6 58 11 ( Tbne Uiiks, 10 oa j 7 18 IA. M Burhanan, 10 32 7 40 ; Niles, 1 45 12 16 8 10 9 0012 4 Dowagiao, 11 18 ! 8 38 ; 1 1 DecatuT, 11 fl ' 9 08 1 1 4 Lnvton, 11 : 1 0 ÍS u. m. 1 5 KalaiBOZtK), 12 33 1 1 40 10 00 6 50 10 28' 2 2 önlesbnrff, 12 68 ' . 7 OS' 1 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 M 7 40,11 loj 3 1 Miirahall, SU 3 00 J SOSJlSïjTT I A.M. , Alliinn, 2 52 1 3 21a.m. 8 35ÍH 99 1 4 1 .TaAfcon, 3 45 4 05 7 15. 9 30; 12 4.1 I o GraSí I.nkc, 4 1 1 7 38 9 50 , 6 2 Cheleen, 4 40 8 02 10071 IVxter, 5 O! , 8 16 10 19 ■ 8 05 Delhi, 6 101 1 8 '26 ! - - Aun Arbor, 6 22[ 5 071 8 45 10 35, 2 05! 6 2. ediles. 6 29; 8 42 Ypsilnnti. 5 38: 5 23 i !l 00 10 48 2 20 6 1 WiiyneJunc, 6 02 6 45' il 23 11 08 1 2 44 7 0 Q t. June, 6 88 6 15 9 55 II 85 3 20 7 4 Detroit, Ar . I 6 50 1 6 30 10 10,11 50; 3 35, 8 o #3undüysexcepted. iSaturday and wuuduy ex epteil. tDaily. H. B. LEDYART), Gen'l Mimaïer. Detroit. H. C. Wf.ntwoiith. G. I'. & T. Aüt.. Chicnern. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking tïö ec t Sunday February 22, ISbQ. GOING NO1ÏTII. GOING SOUTTI. Kip. Mis. I Mail ifar 5lii.fip ■ STATIONS. A.M. p. M. P.M A.M r. M P. M 8 10 12 0516 10 TOT.FPO i 10 (0 3 US 8 1 8 13! 12 08 fi 1:1 Non li Toledo 1 9 1 3;'l 80 8 20 1-2 22 B 2" Detroit Jlinetion ! 0 51 2 47 7 5 8L'9!l2 3.M 6 30 llawtliorn i 9 41 2 33 7 4 8 37 12 48 6 40 Samarla ! 9 83 2 20 7 3 8 50 1 10 G55 l.ulu 9 19 1 68! 7 2 8."5 119 7 '10 Monroe.Jonction 0 M l'.llíl 9S 183 7 10 Dumiet 9 05 13! 7 1 !) lli. 157 7 22 Aziilia 8 M II". (i 5, 9 80 2 21 7 35 Milán 8 42113 50 6 1 9 37 2 40 7 42 Nora 8S'12:8 8 3 8 43 '2 55 7 47 Urania 8 30:12 25 B; 8 56 8i7 768 PittsBeld June. 82o'i2on 61 10 10 3 45 8 10 ANN ARBOR M 08 1 1 40 6 0. All trains ruó by Columbus tiuie7 minute faster than Aun Arbor time. J. M. AÜHLEY, jR.,Superinteudent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND BUUTHWESTEKN RAIl.ROAD., To take effect April 4, 1880. OOtNG WE6T. GOÍNG EABT. Mix.iMiiïiËïp! Esp, UttillMlT 1 ■ STATIONS. - ! A. M.iA. M.lp. M. A. M.' P. M. P. f 7 30] 8 25 5 45 Ypsilnnti 10 401 5 IS 8 1 8 Oo! 8 44. 02 Pittsfic-ld June. Id 22 4 r.R 7 3 880 857 8 13 Saline 10 10j 4 48 7 1 9 00' 0 15 80 EridirewHteT 9 53 4 33 6 3 9 50 9 81 6 48 Manebester 9 35 4 l'i 5 5 1(01! 20 8 22 HillMlale 7 58 2 45 2 5 1 15 11 308 30 Bankers 7 50 2 30 2 1. Trttine tmti hy Chicago timp. - 20 minnïes slowe Ihau ColumVms time. W. F.PARKER.Snpt., Ypsilnftti. CA TV ADA HOflTlfRRN Tt'V I,lr:s. Tbc Oniy Anieiican Route Through Canada Trains leave SI. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city tiiue as follows: . Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagncr car to Bon ton. ?'ast Day Kxpress, daily, 12 nooü, Wagner ca to New York and Boston. Ligbtulng BxpresB, dally ecept Sunday, 11 10 p in., WaRDer car to Buti;ilo and Rochester. Toledo 1 leaTG 7 50 :t. in. excepi Sunday ; 3 1 p. 111. dflily ; (i ïfl p. 111. except Siinday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. #$ For inforniati'ni and tiiliets apply to II. liayes, agent MC. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. HO ACH, Tass. Agent, Detroit. FU ANK t.S.UW, Ue.11. i'aos. and Ticket Agt Detroit. pnEAT WESTICHIV RAH.WAÏvJT Depots foot of Tbird and lirusb streets Detroit time. Detroit time Leave. Arrive. Atlantic Expiess, a. m. 110.00 p. 111 Day Exprefts, 8.35a. m. b.3O p. m New Y(jk and Boston Express, '7.00 p.m. t9.45n.m Detroit F.xpres, 12.45p.m. Steamboat Expresa, 7.00a.m ÍDaily. DiiilyexceptSunclay. tExrept Monday &è For intormation and tickets apply to H. Vr Hayes, Agent M. O. B. R., Ann Albor. W. II. FIKTI1. WK. EDGAK, Westirn Pass'r Ag't. General Pass'r Aaent tust a. IffilUM GOMPAE Capital, - - $3,000,000 Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losaes Pairl in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inch"35" Re-Insurance Keserve, $4, 735,092. 86. Net Snrplus over Liabilities, includin Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. 3IACK, Agent, AnnArhor. O INSEY & SEABOLT'S . Bakery, Crocerv, ANP FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c.' For Wholesale and Kctail Trade. We shall also keep a eupply of EBLHI LOTJIÏ, J. M. Swift & Co's I$est White Wheat Flour Rye riour, l?ukvheat l'lour, Corn, Feiil, &c, &. ., ir. At ivholesnlo and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PEOVISIONS onstantly on hnnd, wfaicb "will be sold on as reas onsblc terais bi iit wbj other house in the city. 4Cff Cash pata for Butler, Eggs, and Countrj Produce genereOy. tLS CtHKlsdtlivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. KINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. pARM FOR SALE. Forty nCTes, cultivable pvery acre, nnd loenfed ibnut two miles northenst of the eify in Ann Arbor b wnship. Water rnnuin ttnotiyh it tbc yenr "OitTid, Wttfalo lix rnds o!' b;iri!. Goo4 house and Kirn. Orchard of 106 trees. For sale or oxchnngc 'or city pr]erty. Apply to P. M. BTJHLINGAME, 22 Th&rapson Pt. Ann Arbor, Feb. in, 1380 7-tf LEGAL IVOTÍCES. Mortgmye Km ir. TEFAULT HAV1NG BEEN MADEJA in tb; oODditioni of a certain mort 'age bear nu date the twenty-fiist dJ ot Jauuary , A. 1). 1S7;, jriade and exeenlud ly Chuuucey H. Millen and Haiab M.M i Hen bid wtte, of the city of Anti Arbnr, inthe eoiratj of Wnsblenaw aud ata te of Mffchigao, to Willlata II. Parker o! Lowell, Uauachnaetta, and recorded In the office of the iie;_ister of Deed of Washtenaw county afori'imld the seventcenth clny of July, A. D. 1878, at 11.40 O'c.ook a. m., in liber 5fi of raoitfm:?e.s on page 257, and the amount claimed lo be díte at the dn te of thia m tice is fourteen hundred un) iwcnty-five dolían and twpni y-f 'iüfit centft, ilso thlrty dollars as a n : sonable Milicttora or attorney'a fee, in addition to all other legal cbvta If any proceedlngs íihonld be talteo toforecloee thifl mnrtgaxe. and bo pi ines at law or in eqniy haing been Ibstitored to recover the same or my part theof: Notiee is therefore liereby ;".vcn, that by virtue of the powei of Balein sald mortgaffe cohtalned, I ahsll seil on SaTUHOA Y, TUK SKVENTKhNlH MAY OF Jui.Y MKXT, ut two o'clock n the afte noon of said day at pubIfe vendue to tbA hIgrbt-81 bidder, al the outb frout dooroi the Cour t ïlunm in the city of Aun Arbor, eounty of WUbteusw aforepaid (thni boïng the building whfrrin theOircnit Court for Washtefmw is held), all tliosc ecriain pit ces or paroela of laad Ml HA te in thecity of Aun Albor, in tbe eounty ol Wahtenaw and stulp of Michigan, and deaoribed M wit: Bein? Iota No. four, five and six m blook No. ei ffl)aoeordlnff to a recorded pint of fUnsom 8. Smlth's2nd addltloti t-o aaid city of AnnArbor as recorded h. the Keglater's office of said cuuntyof Wjc-btenaw. Dated, April 22, 180 WÍLLIAM R. rAUKER.Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagea. ChAncerjlSale. State of Michigan, the Circuit Court for the Oounty of Wwhtenitw- In Ohincery. Lacher .lames, coinplainnnt. vh Edwin LutlierMoGee kat ie V. McGee, Jame C. Mtüee, Clmilei 11. Kempf Reuben Kempf Jamos B. Wrttaon, Jane A. Corey and Iaid Weiland defCödanta. in panuancennd by virtue of the decree tiï thia oourt tnnde and enLered in the boe entitled cunee on th' 7th day of April A. L. lftO, the onderslgned, a circuit court QomraisD-ioner in and foi said County oi WoahteDaw, will geil at public vendue, to the high der, at the soul h front door of the Poort Hotue, In tbe city ol Aun Mbor io aald eounty, on Saturday tbel2thday of Junenrxi at one o'cWk in the afternoon of snid dayrthe fhUcnrlag to wit: all thoae cv t ; i j n pie cea or pa, ctlaoi lundaituatsfn the townshlp ofSharon, County ot Washtennir, state of Michigan and deserfbed aa followa vijk the sontbwest qurter of the north-weat quarter of aectlnn twenty-two (22), the north-vept quartr of the Dorth-wesi quarter of eeiion twenty-aevtu (27) and twnty-four rieres oifoftlie west 8id of the west hulfof tbe south-west qnarter of aerlion niimbcr thirty-four (S4) in towuabip numhrr three aonth ol range numbor three east eontaining one hundred and fonr aerea of land be the sanie mure or lesa aa desexibed in said decree. Dated April 29 18öO. FRKD A.HÜNT, Circuit Court ('ommlasioner, Wuahteuaw C'onty, Hich. Geo. W.TurnBull, ConipJainaut's Solicitor Shcriflfs Rale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY uf Wasblmaw. ss. lïy virtue of a writ Ol exreution isaued out uf and under the seI of tlic circuit court for thecóuntyof Wnyne. directfd and delivered to the Sheriff of Washtenaw Couaiy rhereio Georjie Bahcoek is plaintiff :uu3 Johanna Gufzman is difendun'. I did on thp twmy-iírst day uf A pul A. D. 1880, levy upon all the 'nlii titlebnd Interest ofthedefendantütherein nrnne 1 in and to the followintideaeribed Beul Ka ate to wit;n flvr links, soulh of the snuth-wesf corner of DftTia addition to the city of Ypailanti, tbenee eaat three ChlUUtt, ÜlCnCu Ul.l Ci ii UiUac tt'Bftl IIHU! chaiiis, thencu north one ehain to the place of be gin ing in the city of Ypfüant i, Pouniy of WaahteDiiw and state óf llicbïgun. Whlch property 1 ehall fTcri'ie lor s:ile ai punlic venduü to t he liihcj-t bidder at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in suid county on Friday the eighteenth (18) day nf June A.D. 1880, atteu o'clock in the forenoon of i-aid rtnv. JOSIAH 3. CA8E, Sheriff. By D. W. Tu iHpfl in, Ie[iuty 8heriff. CLAitF.NCi. fiNXEit, Flaitttiffa Atty. Chaiicery Sale. TfIE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE County of Wasbtennw- in ('hancery. Luthrr James, coinpLiinant, vs. Jatnea C McGw, Ann J. McGee, Edwin Lulher UcOee, Janana It. Wutson, John ti-. Merker, John V. Merker, lnne A. Corey, John J. KobiBon, and Wtlliam B. Ovbora, defendan'a. In pursuanee d by virtue of u decree of said court remlcrH on tbe secood day of April, A. I). 1880, i ti the aboTe ent ït led case, ootice i )n reby y i ven that 4 shall sell tt puMio auvtíon tu the highest bidder, en Turkoat, thu Sixih day ofJii.y, 1880, at lo o'clock in the forenoon, at the east front door ot the Tornt House in the city of Ann Arbor, Coonty'ttf Washtenaw ad State of Michigan, all those errtiiin pieces or paieela of land situated in the township of Bharon, County of Washtenav and State of Michigan, known, 'boundod and deücrlbed as followa, to wit : feing the eaei half of the nortlnvest quarter, the southwtst quarter of tbe north west quarter, and the north aixty acres ofF frora the southwest quarter of' ppction numbei twenty-evfji. township three soath ranpe throe t;isf. foutuininy oue hundred aíid eijjlit y acres of land. Dated, May 20, 1880. JAMKS McMAHON", Circuit Court Commissioncr A. Fn.cir, Ksq., in and for said County. SohiAtor for Oomplainant. Estáte of 1 Iiza1etli r-aue. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Wabhtenaw, B8. Ata sessie n of tbe Probate Coni t for the (Toaiïty of Wnshteuaw. holden at the Probate üfHce in the city of Ann rboi', on Saturday, the twenty-second day of M;iyt in the year one tbotis-:nd eifi-ht hnndfed anfl eighty. P renen t, Wüliam D Hiirriman. JinlfreofProbnte. In the matter ot the estáte of Klizabeth Lanc, tlfi-iited. On readinir and ftlinjr the petition, duly veritird, of J&raes Sttg, praying that a eertafn institiment now on tik ík tuis couit, purporting to be'tlic lnst will and testament of aaid deeeosed, uiay be adinitto'1 to probate, and thnt he ofsome otlu-r suitable pei'son may be appoinled administrator with the wil! annexfiï of snuf estáte. Thcreupon it is ordered, that Monday,the iwenty-fiist day of June next, at ten oYlnek Ín the forenoon, be aacigned for the hearing of aid petitidii, and that thedevjaeea. I'a'ees. w beira at law of sid deceaspd, and uil other persona interest t_ü in pani estáte, are rt-quirfd tonppearat session of eaid Court, theii lo be lioideu :it the Probate ot&ce, in the City nl Ann Arbor, and sh"W c.iuse, if any thtrj be,why the prajt-r of the petitioner öhould not be pranted: And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner give nntice to the persons interested in taid estáte, of the pendency ot eaid petition, find the hearintr thereof. by causmt? a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbok Aki.vs, a newspaper printetl and circulated ie said county, three successive weeks previoua to said day ot hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A trnecopy.) Ju Itrc of Probate. Willtam (i. DoTY,Probate Register. éstate of Samuel AV. Dexter. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of W'ashttnaw, ss. At a session of the Probate oourt for the County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of A nu Arbor. on Wednesday the twenty-slxth dayot May, iu the year one thousand eight hundred and eigbty. Present, William l. Hurriinañ, Jtidge of Pror-ate. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel W. Dexter, deceased. MilUsaent Dexter and "Wirt Dexter, exeentors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come ïntoconrtand represent that. they are now prepared to render theu iinal accouut as sucb executorw. Th ere ii pon it is ordered, th:it Wodnesday, the twenty-thirdday of Jje next at ten o(lock in tlie assigned for examtning and allowlnc hucli account, and that the devispes leñatees and hel ra at law of Ba ld deceasedland all oiher persons interest cd iu said estate,arf reqnired to appí ar a a Bession of Baid court, then to br helden :it the Probate Ofllce in the city of Ann Arbor, In said connty, and show canse, M au y t here be, why the sald hccount sl-.ould not be allowed : And it is further or deivd that sald exeeutors give notioe to the perso1! Interested in said estáte, of the pendeicy ofsai! ftccouni and t he hearing thereof, bj causlng a eopy of this order to published in the An Arbob Abgus, a newspaper printed and circulatiug iu saiu cuiint v (tutti ucueaan w tts pieviou lo sa ie ni y oí beárinir. [A truecopy] WILLIAM D.HARRIMAN, Judge ol I'rubate Wh, d. Dorr, Probate Register. i ft te oí Jttmes lïusli. MTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Waahtenaw ss. Notice Ís hereby given thnt hy au order ol the Probate Court for the County ot Washtenaw, made on the twt-ntv-fikli day of May, A. 1. l80,aIx montba from that date were alhmed for crcditois to present tbeirclatmsagainst the 'estáte oí James mish, hite of said county, deceased, and that all credltora of said deceased are rèquired to presen i their claims tosatd Probate Court, at the Probate Office In tbe city of A uu Arbor, for examinaron and allowance,on or bet'ore tbe twenty-fittb day ol November next, and thai sucb claims wiil be heard beforeaaid Court, oo Wvdnfsday, tlie twenty-flftli day of August, and on Thur&day, the twciity-ütih day of Kornaber nxt, at ten o'clock in tbc forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 25, A. D. ISSn. WILLIAM D.HARRIMAN, 24 Judííe of Probate. now to attjuh mnjitti'iiair "Without health, Jiie is a failure. Yellow Kyeb, Sali.ow Complexión, LOSS OF ArPKTITK, OYtPEPSIA, SlC'KHkadachk, BlUOUSNKSS, and CoKSTIPAtion, is the resuït of a complaining Liveb. MARCEAU'S Livkb and Anti-Bilioü3 CoMPOUND is acknowledged as a sure cure for the enfeebled systeni. TossesRing "CASCARA SAGRADA," with other moritorious ingredients, makes it an infullible remedy for Equalizinq tuk Circulation, purifyin.sf the BloOD, and restoring to pKBFECT Health the enfecbled ivatem. 75 cents per bottle. Town's Bronchial Synip cures all Lnng, Throatand Chest diseasea. 75 cents per bottle. Farranp, Williams & Co., Wholesale Oruggiste, Detroit, Agenta. by Il.J.BKOWN & CO. nA .BBV NOT FATL to ?n iffl aV fr our I''"il'e List for WW VgV Vff 1880. Krkk to any BB aiUlress upon apmB MÊ, pilention. Conptlni ■ Hl. Jlt 4A0 desciiptlons of everyf HZïT 1 li milt rtMjnirrd f i ir personal or family uso, with over 1.200 Ilhistr:ulons. We aeil all coods at wïiolesiile prlees in quantities to snit the purohaser. The only Institutlon Iu Araeiica wlio ïiütke this tliPlr special ïmslness. Address, UONTtiOMKKY WARD ft CO., aal & iti Wabaili Are., Chicago, IU. LEGAL NOTICES. Chancery Sule. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, THE Cl KJ cuit Court fur the County of Washteua Ghaneery. I,,,ther James, complainant, v, t::1 tino Bour, A red .7. Buchnz, Colead Krapf ? Challes H. Hheppard, (letendants. In nu,,:,'1 und by Tirtue of a deeree of said court ttade "S entered nn thc líifh day of April, U80. in the al entitled cause: Notloels hereby given, tliat I.h'! wil at public anction to the highest bidder" MOKDAY.THK FoURTKEKTH DAY OK JuNÏ Ikgn"' 10 o dock n the forenoon, at the east fron't do theC. urt House iu the city of Ann Arbor, cZ oí Washtenaw and tale of Michigan, the l.,n„'' in decribed real estafe, being the same uientiotJ and described in said d. cree, to wit; Beine all iï certain tiact or pnicel of 1 ,nd knowr and descrtJS asfollows, to vit: The tiorlh fract.onal 1,,],! spcUon Ko. siï towr, tir.e south ranzc six east ■ thetuwnship oí Xortliflcld. c.unty of Washten, andetateof UicLigan, except tbe pan-el deedetjú &.W. Dexter fronj t.he northoast corner thm and alaoa trianmilar plece of laud eouveyed W L. Sherparrt li, Wiüiain (.look by deed dat vember 18, 18S6, and of record in the cos Wimhtenaw.coütaiuingin all three hur.drcd Ü thirtj-aiz acres of l,inl mure or lusa. Anri Arbar, Ajiril üg, 1880. JAMES MoVAHOH Circuit C uit CommissioBer in uDdfct Washtenaw County, Mlchieag John N. fiorr, Eq., Solicitor for Complaintat, Jloitjrafre Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a certaiu niortganbca log date tlietirat day of June, in tl e yeur ü(o, Lurd une thouaand eiüht hiitidred and seventyj, ma-te ind executed hy (hauncey II. Miller i 5 Sarah M. Milieu of the city of Ann Arbor, pon! of nashtenaw and state of Michigan, to Aniuni, Bice of the same placo, and recorded in the „, of the Register of Deed of Washtenaw coim nforesaid on the tenth day of June A I) S76 ,. 514 u'clock r. m. of suid day. iu liber 52 of ni'on! Kasei, on page 5S5. And the amount el ai mei t, bedueatthedate of tbis notico is thirteeu hun dred dolían, ana no proceedings in law or m. havine been instituted to recover ihc same ora„; (mrt thereof: Notice is Iherefore litrtl.y nn that by virtne of the ruiter of sale in i-ni'd "mor! Kfte coniained I sball srll on Saiurdat Twklfth Mï or .II Mi. I88fl,at 2 o'c-loill in the il ternoon of said dav to the hihest bidder at tt south iloornt' theCourt Honse in the city of a Arbor, county of Washtenaw aforepaid, (that hêi,, the tmildiiip wherein the circuit court foi tenaw nty is lield,)all that certtdn pieceorpm cel of lanil sil unte in the city of Ann Arlmr, n ih, county of U'ashtennw anrl ,tnte of Michigan and nWrlbcd as tollowp, to wit : l.ot nnmber niuMSI n block numbi-r seven (7) soulh of Huron stiM range mimber thfrteen (13) e 1, acconVus to art. cordi d plat of C. H. MHlcn's purcliase 'f tliu nun. ea t part of the I.and Company's addition to n, city of Ann Arbor s ree iided in the Eigister'iiy. fieeof Washtcnaw county, Michigan. Duled, Mari-li 25, 1C80. AMANDA RirF., Mortgap .Trips N. ííoTT, Attornej for Morlungea. Kstate of Maria Ford. iTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí' Wnshtenaw, sa. At session of the Pn. bute Court for the oonnty of Wahtenaw, bolín al the ProbnteOtticpin he nity of Ann Ai1 Thursday, the tïiirteenth dny of NÍjiv, in tl one thousaml 'ht hundrert and eiVity. Present. tfilli.iraD. Hiirrlman.JudgeofP In t.he matter .i the estáte of Maria cea 'l . On rf:irlinü-:u'] .lliiiír thcpptiíion, iuly v-iiW, of Charlea 11. Rlchnvmrl, adraituatratar, p-aTk tlmt he mnv ln-etv-dl to s-ll tlie real esutt wi'rcof aífl ñV-eeased rfied seixed, Thewnpon it in orderad. thnt Tu?ñnv th eighth day of June next, at ten o'cloek in tlx forenoon, be ained for the hearing of s.i imn, mm that tli ( eirs at luw ot said fïeceasid and all nthor pir-onn interest! in said ebtttf, are required to airear at a aession oí snij court, then to be holden at the Pr.íbaie offiecií the city of Ann Arbor. and iio canse. 1 Mj there be, viy the yrnyer of the peliiioper sfcouM not be eratited: Aiirl ït is fnrther ordered tbul said pptifionpr ive notioe to tbr persons inteifstpd in M-iiil nstiiie, ot the pondnry oí saií pelititin, und the he -irin thereof. by eausincr fvcop) of f.'ns order to bp publishd in tlie Ann A füíorAi. gus, a oawapaper nvinted and circnlated in m eonnty, threesnoceseiTe wefkf previon Lo said day o( hearing. WILLIAM P. TIARIUMAK, f A trtiecopy.) .Tudge of Probatt, Wv. G. Dpty, Probate Rpg-ïstrr. Kfitare of Qeorge I). jMIineiidinKO, Sr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Washtemiw, s.s. At a session of the Prnbntt Court for thf County of WAihteiiftw. holden nt thc t'vobüte Office in the city of nn Arbor, on Paiürdiy, the fifteenth day of May, in the yeur oai thousin'1 ei"M hondred and eihty. Present, William T. Harriman, Judce of Probntt. In the rniitter of theestate of George D. AllicendiTiger, Sr., doeeftsod. Barbara Allmendioffer, executnx of thc laat will and testament of said deeeased, comes intoconrt and rejiresents that slie ia now preparad to renútr her final ooount as suoh executrix Therenpon it is ordered, that Suturday, the ftfth day of -Tune next, at ten o'clori ii the forenoon, be assigoed for examinin and aft ing such account, and thitt the de visees, legtím, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all oik persons Interested in said etate, are requi appear at a sessioñ of said Court, then to bt at the Probtite Office in the city of Aun Arburil said county, and show cause if any tbere the said account should n)t be allowed : And in ] fu rther orde red that snid e x ecu tri x givc lo the persons futwested in saiií estáte, of the pe dency of said aecomit and i)j icuriiur hvrvol hf eau si [iy a copy of thia order to be published in thi Ann Arbob Akgis, a newspaper print cd and ci ctilatiugiu said county, to succebsive wtekspri vioustosaíd day ot hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, ( A true eopy.) .Tudge of Probitt Wk.G. D'TY. Probate Tiegister. Kstíiíe f Surali -im J.ntlirop. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CüUNT! O or Wathtenaw, s.s. At h S'-smíoii of the Probli ( 'imrt Tor the County of Waslitenaw, holden nf (he Probate Office, n the city of Ann Arbor. on Tirrjday, the eieren th day of May. in the year oa thoacand eiirhl hun Ö red and eigbty. Piesent, Wüliwra D. II;nrimnn, Judpe of Probntt. In t.he mnHeiol'the esttite oL baiah Aon Laihrop. dece.-isi'd. On readitignnd flHn(f thepetitJon; dlyTerifii4 oí Mary E. Fleicher, piaying that Frederitk A or some othersuitable porson may be appuiuia ad min Ut ru tor of Sftid B8tut. Thereupon it ia ordered, that 'ion day, th seventh day of June next, at ten o'clock in ti' nssigned tor the hearing of wyid pelition, and that tlie heirs ;it law of said decea4 and all other persons, interested in said estáte, n required to apjtear at a sesgion of said court, tho to bo holden nt the Probate Office in the city Ann Arboi, and show cnuse. if nny there be, why the prayer of the pctitloner shouUl uot begranted: And it is fuithfcr ordered that sairt petitioner giv notice to the persons interested in sairt estáte oí thi pendency of s;iid [H-tiiion ;md the heannp thereüí. by cuusine a copy of tlus order to be publishwi i) the Ann ABBOR ArGTJb, a newspaper printed ani circnlated in said county, th ree successive weelu previous to said duv of heining. wiLliam l hakpiman, (A true copy.) Judge oí Probóte. AVm. G. üott. Probate Refrifter. Kstate of Jolin C. lïurkhardt, Sen. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT ot Wachten !■, ss. Ata session of ihe Probati Court tor the County ot VVashtenaw, holden tl? Probate Office in the city oi Ann Arbor, oi Tuesday, the twenty-fifth dny oi May, in til ye;ir one ihousand eiirli1 hundred nnd elghty. Present, Willium I). Qnrrimttn,Judol Probate Inthemtittei of the estáte ot John C. Bark bare t. Sen ., deceasrd. On rendlnxand tiliiür the petition, duly verifiei of Emunuel Mann, administrtor, prayine that he may be Itcensed to selJ the real estáte whert" ■aid deceased died srized lor purijusen of distritotion. Therrupon it is ordered. that Tuesdar, t' twMity-seeond day of June next, at ten nVlocki' the forenoon assiued for the hearing of e petitian, and that the heirs at luw ol sí aecea( d, nnd all of her persons mteresteti 'D üíud estáte, are requireu to appeai at u se'011 oí said Court, then to be bulden at the I'rc büteOifice in thecitj oi nn Arbor, nnd ahow ?;!' it m there be, why the prayer oí the petitionij sbould nol be (rranted: And it is furlherorderw thnt BHid petitioner L'ive notiee to the persons in terested ia 8ïd enlate, oí the pendency of ea p tition and the hearinc thereot, by causins' eopj ui tbis ordei to be publisbed n tin-1 A mi AbwJ ... , ( i ut w nper nrinttftï and circulated in coiinfy.three aucecssive weeks previous to !aidW ot hettnnc. WIl.LIAM D. HARRIMAN, f A trneeopy.j Jtidjre of Probate. Wm, ö. ï)oi Protiate lïegiaier. Kstate ol Jiicfb C fí"viniier. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTÍ )O of Washtt iiíiw, ís. Iv'otice is hort-by pivflii thnt by üii order of the Probate Court for tlie ty of Wastateriaw. made on the (enth day ay,A. I). 1880, six monlhs from tlint t3ati' wort ullo'wod forcrediloTB to present theirclainisagiB' tlieesttite of Jacob C. Gwinner, late of said coiifl ili cfasf.l, and thtit ll rreditors oí cald decent are requirrd to present their claims to said Prot.a Court. at tlie Ptobate Ottice in tlie city of Arm AT" oor, for examination and allowance, on or bt?t"r' the tenth day of Nrivemiier next. nnd Ibat su" olüiiiis will be heard belore said Oourt, on TuedJj ibe tenth day of August, and on Wednesday, tj' tmtb 1 1 a y of N"nvemher next, at ten o'clock w tbo tnrenoon of t :ich of pnid days. Uated, Adu Arhor, May 10, A. r.,lSO. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 20w4 Judae of Probate lOstate of John Frlederldi Zahn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of Wahtenaw, ss. Kotice is hereby glrtfc that by nn order ut' the Probate Court tor the coim ty of Wasbtenaw, made on the tenth day of M?' A. D. 1880, sil rüonths from that date weie nlio"1 for creditors to present tlieir claims against tl ts" tate of Jolin Friederich Zahn, hite of saiil coanfli 1 maed, nnd tlmt all oreditow of said decensw ire reqnired to present their claims to said Proo8 Court, ut the Probate Office in the city of Ann '' bor. lor exiiniiuation nnd allowance, on or hif"? the tenth .lay of November next, and that sc" claims will beheiurl before snid court, on Tiief day, the tenth day of August, and on ■' nesday. the tenth day of November next, at te o'elociï in the forenoon of each of nid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, May KI, A. D..1SS0 WIL LÍ AM D. HAK1UMAN, 20w4 Judge of Probnt Iïstate of íioriis ííregg. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNÏM O of Wahtenaw, 83. Notice is hereby given,'!. ! j an order of the Probate Court for the Connty Wnshtennw, minie on the fifteenth day oi May. ■ I n. 1880, sis montbs from that date allowen I creditors to piesent their claims apainst the M'' of Morris fíreprir, late of snid county, decenw"' and that all ereditorsof said deceased arereqi""1; 0 present their claims to said Probate Court. the Probate Office in the rity of Ann Arbor, for imination and ailowance.on orhefore theh'ftef"' day of November next, and tlmtsuch cbiima wi" leird before said Court, on llonday, the six'11'" dny of August, and on Mondny, tha fi Iteoiith of November next, nt ten o'clock in the f noon of eaoh of s.-i ui days. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 15, A.T). 183ÍK WILLIAM D HARRIMAN, ;1t1 Judge of


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