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Among the rare bits of worldly 'wisdom uttcred by Major Eastburn, ona ot' the Ibrmer magnates of State Street, whose familiar face and forni u ha Btood (tt his office door at noonday will be reealk-d by many, none muy be mura profltably considerad at the present time than liis comment on making hoste to be rich. "I've stood here ou State Stret," said lic, "lor tbrty years, and 1 have seen men accu muíate fortunes by speculation, aud I've seeu these fortuues disappear. I have Been men go up in "vvorhlly wealth, and ga down, and Fve always noticed that thosc persons vrho were content with slow gaina and six per cent. interest carne out ahead in the long run." The greatest of proverbial philosophen haa also said, "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh luiste to be rich shall not bc 11111006111;" and again, "He that UASteth to be rich bAtb au evil eve. and considereth not tluit poverfy shall come upou hini. lic hastens best who hastens slowly jiüt lazily, for thcro nmst be work. bai-ked bf ênergy, perseverance, intelligent sel'f-denial. and tñoroHgh busU uess liabits. Believen In business impossibilities are not as mnnerous as ibrmerly. For yeai"8 wc Beemed to bt: living in tlie atmosphera of ventur and great undertakiiifs, and our whole industry was tinged with the nnearthly light, but of late years wc have been Búflfering from a eollapse of these great hollow ideas, and there is hope for tho return of tlie tapie prosperity of e:irlier times. Tho past six years of depression has-stilidilied all branches oí business. Prudeaoe and economy ia íiow the motto of tho successful inerchant. The migfortunes ot' the past dia nut come for naught; It is a delusion to suppose that success is attained by any kind of patent process. Boolja are sometunes advertisèd with such takiBK ütlesas '"The Secret of Success,'' "The Road to Woalth," etc, but they niake the path of sucows nu plainer or easier for those who are looking for a short road to wealth, power, honor, and iiilluence. These come only of years of intelligent labor and devotion to business, prudencc, economy, honest dealIng, courage, and perseverance. lio that v.'euld' havo truc and lasting succoss must deserve it. A fortuno won by blunder or acoiclcut, by short cuts, by etrategy, or close bargains, is not success, and is likely to leave its possessor aa quickly as it canie. Sueeesa must be conquered in a legitímate way. The man who enters business only for plunder and galo, with no thought of Lis reputation or character, is not a good business man, and is never regarded by bis fellows as a successt'ul man. The truth is that real suceess does not mean wealth, social positioD, or politicsal honora alone. To these must bo added houcsty. a hcartlelt consideration lor others, civility, promptitude oí thought and aotion. intelligence, sobriety, and every mauly virtue. ïhe truly successt'ul business man is onc who is complete in everything that belonga to his ealling. lic has a thorough knowledye ot what has beon done in his business, and appliefl this knowledsewiih untiring diligonoe to the undertakings before him. lle watches and studies the markets, knowing hovv niuch is produced ot'the commodity ia which he deals and the amount consumed, he is prompt in decisión and ex cution, ti'utliful in word and conduct, and keepa his credit unimpaired. In all he does he conimaiids the respect and conlidence of all with whom ho dwils, and niaintains a high and noblo character before the wond, which is beyond all piúce. The principie of the "survival of the iittest" is nowhero more applioable tban in business matli'rs. Tlie unworthy and iucapable are sure in the long run to sink to their proper Jcvel.-


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