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The Angell Banquet

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Ourdistingtrisliedfellbw eitizer,, president of the ITnivetsity and mini extraocdtoary to China, Dr..AngelI, was tendereis b,'.:iqu!t by his friends it Detroit a: Friday eveniag. M;my of the-prominent men of thatcityattended, ajul irom Ann Arbor, t)ere were present Jud;,e Cooley, Gov. 'Felch, l'roi's. Adam, Tyler, Morris, D'Ooge. Hon. G. V. N. Iiothrop presidid. Besidef tiie response oí' Prest. Angrll to Uie toast "Men of Letters In Diplomatic Service" given below, represeatative ïfewberry, Dr. Pitkin, Jüdge Cooley, JudgeCampbeU, Judge Chipman, Judge lirown, Prof . Siü, Theodore Romeyn, and Prof. Tyler spoke to toasts. IMIIIDe;XT A.XUELL's RUSFONSE. I know nothow t; flnd words adequate to expresa my gratitude for lina kt art reception. I remetnber how litüe I have done to deserve it, how short a time 1 is since I was au utterstraiiger in Michigan, 1 can explain tliis demonstrutiou onlv by recalling the traditlonan r pu tation of tbe Wesi for whole-souled íkíspitality and by recalling the man y kind nesses and courtesies which I have enjoyed intheir pleasant homos. For in trui.h when I eame tothis State a few years ago I had an Intímate ae quaintance with but a single person. He had been the fiiend of my childhood as he is the friend of my mauhood. ile prepared me for college. He suggested my name to the Board of Regents, l suppoae, for the positáon T now hold. He has been ever Bince "O;e gnide, philosopher and friend," onwhosecoun T have loaneii. I speak of the .acholar who has done more íur classieal learning than any other man in öie State. )vno madehis two years oi' acting Fresideucy as fruifcftll tíi tlie ITniversity a any oiher equal period In her history, anti who now kindly consents to bear the burdens of my office during my absence. I speak oï hini who is so dear to all h:s old papüs heve, Ilenry S.Frieze. 'J'heve are ïn leed others whose names and w-loss seryiceswere familiar tome. ;Va a Rhoiie Islander and a journalist, I háve had occasion to record the Buceessea eapecially of two Michigan men. One was fchat pure and noble man, who leavingElinde Islandin early life and planting hims'if. haa after a worthj business eareer "secured the hi'.r honors the State could confer on hhn. and ia now serving them as creditably tq the State as to liimself in the S oï Lhe United States, HenryP.Bald The other is a gentleman who grad cd at Brown iJniveraity eleven ■ before I did, and left benind hima re] - utation for brilliancy and eloquence which was fresh in my college days and stil! sufvivea inthose college haUe. a reputation whieh he has more than justified in that long series of prominent triumphs, which have placed hinp fa eik mineen at the head of the Michigan bar. Yon recognize the decription and rond"r it unnecessary t'or me to prononiiie the name of 'Ilon. George van Ke.s3 Lothrop. In studying tlie catalogues of tlie Unlvereity two other ñames had also, attra sted my attention. One vas thai of ft gentleman who traces bis descsnt ;ood ■"'■1" raland stock, aiui who by nis timely and munificent areneroaity furnished the observatory with one of tl ■ Instruments which have been the Djeans onder Watson's skiliful eye of making1 the name of the University known wherevei the namea of the stars are knovn. That g.nerous donor is Ilenry N. Walker. The other gentleman is one who, while an Eastern college was ponderiiig the question of purchasins a valúame Germán library. 'ith the same charactoristic energj' which he brhisrs to the arrantrement for a fair, or a raüroad enterprise, or, to a banquet likethis, instantly telegraphed across the sea to parchase it at his expense, and haditupon tlie shelves of hl CTnivBraitybefore the Eastern compr-titors had recovered frcm theïr astonishment at these abrupt business ways. I need hardiy say that the library now bearsthe naine of Pililo Parsous. Of cou-rse it would have argued mynpH unknown notto have known of the name and th f .-me of the great Miehi iurist, wiiose worka on Constitutional Law are read and rfispected woerever Enriish and American jurisprudence is studied. Thomas M. Cooley. And tuve would fail us to rehearse the long and glorious catalogue of Michigan men, i i nent in State, in the chiircb, in the nrofessiona, in all honorable pursuits, men whoHe namss were as fim'lïiir tn me as to the whole nation. Rut il had not l'Pen my rood fortune to onjoy ■ personal aenitaintancewith anyofthem. lam therefore deeplv touched that, after a reaidecco which seems to me out a day, T ahould fin;l myself in a scène as this. Butwhileyour cordiality forbida me to doubt thai this reception expresses a most eratifying personal interest in rap, yetlarazlad to b lieve tkat ii evineesadeep in the work and fortunes of bfie institution with wlneli t have tbe honor to be connected, that pride ;ia! ny and strength of tbe State, the Univeraity. L accept as a demonsítation in );- half of the University. It is nol r,proper for ine to say that stio is dea ing of your interest and of that o; all the people of Michigan. She bas a vitality, a power of growth which seema to assure her a brilliant future. Tbe marka of her growth even during few yeara that i have been persi acquainted with lior are nötewofthy. The number of her Imildir.-s has been nearly doubled. The Bpaciona campus is already bezinning to I toniewhai crowdea. Kewdepartm have been establisbed, tie Homi thlc College and the Dental Coltege and t'ip Sehool of Pharmaey from small beginninss have grrqwn intoadepartment. The School of Mines and of A.rchitectnre had a promising existence for a time, but owing to an unf ortunate complication in the Legislature, had ( be dropped. J5ut v,e trust that in i form its work inay yet be resumed. - The work m the various depaiimenta has been greatly improved. Por ex ampie, in the medical s hools an examInation for admission has bee i ■ lished and tbe course of instruction as ! !i gthend from two te i ■:: mthfl eaj h to three tei s of i ( v !■; the i. . lortant crian i , which [ wil] aói s ■ tai!. Uut the il ; ■ i of th( older gradu ■ preca' e, when I say tl the faculty isnov work f rom the students .ris to ;too r have i seenso much manly earn. bs in students, and never i 1 relations bi tw e i them and instructora. The a e Las sti adily increasigg in al] di inents until it lias this yeir reached the unpreccdentednumberof 1,430. j a conseqoence of thisthe flnancml condition oí' tí.' UniTersity is n Kratifying. In stort the institntioTi is ■ i every respect in a most promising ai pioaperon state. lts influence ia . antty wideniiig and deepening. It vs iis studi ats from e, i ry contiai i. Persons of both sexes and of every race nd nation are welcomed. It may just ifow beof interest to say the feeling towards colored students is ilhistrated by tlio fact that a young in;m who come out of the South rcontraband" boy witha Michigan er has recently béenelected Presideni of one of the literary societies. State universities in all the States tr :n here to the Pacific build more or les upon the mode) of our ÍTniversity. S une of her methöds have been imitatel 'm the East, and are studied with int rest even in Europe. Ithinkitmay stly claimed that the üniversity oue her part in making Michigan known aad b mored wherever civ: ti on and letters ars esteemed. ■ ustit is su evident, fiom l have saitl of the prear-nt condipower, i od the prospecta of . that f think there ia no or more honorable y pating in the o aduel oí ■ ich an ïnstitulion as this, and that I ain not disposed to abate my efforts in its bchalf. No; but it has oceurred to me and to prominent inentte of the sity.ii! wbose i!'gmrr,t E eonfide peniaps the a , riod o i so i"":!'1' f ofTi ■! , ■;..'■ Pres!1 (lont. may insufe to istitution. I do iot don is in part du to my o ti ■ ction with ii I Lat Í ba ■■ '. ■ ■ , ' to 1 '.-■■■ ■ ! licate and diftu uit 1 ! ■! t me and m; ■■ ■■ imcoi tato cal] innniveri ■ . ■ nrs !'!' ei' al Iaw. It Is fresh in lories thal tb e fair-mi I nd Ie irned scholar, Prof. Mont i I ard, was i his chair in Oxford to be one of i ho oini com nissionorstu Alabama trou bles Wflte si ines Lowell has been taken Ilarvard to rei I at Madrid and now at S t. iami . ( i néll University, the inentión of - ■ h ■ suiil , i ■!- I on dil Wy 81 ing t: ;liair ot Berlin whicta w . J by ':. 1 ; :. '. is ; i' i . ï"ou '■" vivare tl::-; the Chinese en i all i iple tl!:' i raming o in d( termining the choice of ■ : ■ ' I :■■ i n( monarchy the po ■ nmbiesi i)iv v!io can attain to ei linence in scholarship, naay hope roi pron otioo to the mosj respon: il So ïf.-m a humble origin, aa ! have been üshed Assistant Minister troxn CShina to t1:: counVVing, wlio is aot yerswl in the learnicg of his nation, but u ite from an pla v in ':;' h liehi y and to his 0' ü. U may w li ;, tbat tl ■' t michi not be irapprop il lancj as i Üych some onü of our unü my :--'!'.i."..i he tnJtrhi i ■■■■■' f iu worthier representative of m Bion, i hope official relafion to the University may facilítate rafcher tiian obstiTict n y vork. Howeverthat maybe, resl astured that I am going abroad, not fri na any lack of dèvotion to t!it' Universty. iior with any pv.rpose of turning asïdepermanentlyfroni life. I hope to return to tnj work witliunalrated zeal to serve the ünjversity and t'.ie State ;is tong as sliail d(i:-e my seryii ■■'■ i; favor of sncb stmincn friends of University aa I st before i know are to be fomiri . ' ■ ■ 1 rievotion I . of its : ■ ■ : devoted able fai I 8 no universit; has-l . by the administration of ita Regenfs, tfeé ; . ; am ; i '■■ ad I shall Bnd it more viporons and more prosperous on my return ihan it is to ■ And riow, gentlemen, I havo detamed yon too lon. I Jeave yon witii my best for ti :s prond ('■ mm and espedally foi this bcau which sits hexe like a queen. ruliög tlie he preat i ni and feeas. - what words can I flnd moro flttárg to expresa ]fj fervent desire of my '■ for licr than those of tlie benedietion of t Psalmist upon the Holy City: "Peacebí írithin thy waHs and prósperity wlthin thy palaces."


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Ann Arbor Argus