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Estáte of lïauiel Wallace. OTATE Ob1 MICHIGAN, COUNTT kj oí Washtentw, w. At a sessiou of the Probwte Ouurti ■ ' law, bolden ut the te in the city o &.iya Arbor, onTtmr'v, the tonth 3.v of June, in the yetir oue ..M1 f-V1- "vir-i ttnfl eighiy. Present, William D.IXarri aan, Ju T?.nf Probate. J.U fcUtí UlbtWE Ut Lito oainit üf Duiíltíl ftJlatiü, ■ ■ ■ Edwin W. WaUaee, admlnietrator de bon is ron wïtb the wiÜ annexed of iaid estáte comes into 's tlmt he ia row prepured to rt'iider bis Sn;tl aocou it as ancb aniinistrator. Ther unon it is l , ■ [ay, tbe :, (Uy of Ju}? ue et, :it i bh o'i ' i 'k in ii i-m enoon, be asalgced fjnexarainlngaDd aüowuch account, and tha the devisees, legatees, and heirö at law of saiil dectaaed, and all otiser persons interested in said ft-):'to, ure required to f Asiid Covrt, thua to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor in county, and show oaa e lf any there be, why ■ '- : And it is ■ ■ i itra ■rí:;' ■ I o the peri os h t-".'1 ' I tn ■■:,- [ account i ■ tbereof, by I Uia order to i ■■ :■■■ , Lsbed in the ■ [nted and eirtosaiddayof hearing. Wil. i. i A.M O. HAURIM T, ! A true copy.) fe of 1'robnte. WM.Ó. Dotï, Probate Résister. lístate f Èfenry Yinkle. QTATE OF ÜIICH1OAN, COUNTY O of WahtEnaw, es. At a session of the Probate i !onrt for i be connty of Washteaaw, holden at the Prob teOtíicftiD ihe city of Aun Arbor, on Haturday, the flfth day of June, in the yeur oiie (';■ ■ ■ Mr. Present, WÜUam 1. tfarrln an . Judj e of Probate. ! ■ , ■ maitcr oí the cálate ut Heury Vinkie, docea ■ l. Ou rondiPQ" and {illnjr thepptition, dnly vorïfled, .. - ■ ; he raay be e real etitute wát-reoí isaid de■ ■' ied seied. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the ck in tht foreooon, be a is) m( d for fche hearing of said petïtion, -,in the rs at luw ot 4;] deceased, and all otaei persona interested in .■'■i estáte, are req,i Iredi i appear &i n session of naidoourt, then 'n be holden t tbc Probate office in Uie oity at Ann Arbor, arrl bhow oauae.ifany i i , ■ j -v : i v the prayer of the potitioner ! not be granted : And ït is f ar tb er ordered that aaiñ petitloner give notice to the porems inistate, oí the pendewsy of said n and the henrins thereoff ■ causinj aoopy ordei tobe pi I ■ ok Abguk, ■ a n ■ ipap ir printed and oirenlated in wnin ooTiiif y, tbr ■■ succesaive weeka previous to said Juy oi hearing. WILLIAMD.HARBIMAN, f K truecory.) Judye oí Probate W. Düty, Probate Register. JACOB HALLER &. SON, DEALERS IN IATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spcctacles, PLATEO WARE AiVD GOLD PENS 2t South Main Street, IsTlÑr ABBOE, MICH. 9" Bpeofa] Fittentlon given to repairing watches locke,aad jewelry. , KT EMPÓEIUM And Artisi's Si-pply Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, AMMÜX J. BBOW, Proprletor, Heffer Ín Pictnre Framos, Looktng RlasRCS, OU Paintinars, EngravIiiRs, Chromn, Arllst'i Materials, aud Art S'peclftltlési O?.D FRAMES RI3-GII,DE. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! T5ÏF: PI.YMOUTH HOfKS, one of the reeds of poultry, i on Bale by WM. BUSH lor, t'. 0. aadress Aun Arhor. Trice Ï2 . Phis Is the Corbln, ■ ouxi., breed, ainoDg the best for eggs íin'l titble. ME. i on sale, price 78 cents, the bonk " l"( ! i ■ ■ ' onth Koek, coi uil Dg foll tlii 'j, cure a y ni ■' vil it. ü an artu T amateurs. 'o one can afibid to be without it. O PEINO PASHIONS - OF- Cholee ftiülinery - ís - G11EAT TAEIETY, - AT- HUGO HILL'S, 78 Woodwnnl Avenue, TIKTROIT, MICH. V i- t tr rv SiiW m will ave monpy by YölïügjreiSen attcndingthe College at KAIAMASOO, MTCtï. Bend foi Journal. W.F. PERSONS, ü-iot President. OSU-ÜMMEiV'jrji ; --■ t :fTi AND V M i)EN, at Wholesale, for Ce h. Sold on Ma . ■ account TVÏTIIOUT LliiJirj:m PBICÜ, to cover money adiaoce. Peivatï daüy. Special attculinn to inJurs. AlICTIOiV Tuesday at in o'closk a. m. W. li. I OBTKSOK & CO.t Con8ifrDee8 snd Vhnleaat'e Auctiooeera. 21-4t 182 Jeflfereon Avenue, Detroit. "ÖÉSflïTTHS WORLDr BI -CARO, SODA WMch is tlio samo thin. Imirare Salrra(u-,cr Bl-Carb Bed (v.iiitfcii.itaoiiuiiiolilijBgjisoi'a.sHgïit. ly dirty xvltlto color. ï„ juay nppear Tfhitc, eiatnïritd by ítspll", bi-t a COnPAItlgOK WITII CIIÜRCH i CO'3 " ARM AKD H Aïi,VL& IÜUBD W-ïï eliow tlie cIIÍFercilco Ecotliat yoov Sa1orta and DafcLn; Soda ij -jvhite oud PURE, u cXould be AL.L SI2III1AS SUECTAÍICHS uscd for i'o.-d. nonsskoepero-who prefar trsad Eaüa with Toast v. i'.l Improve lts quallty, maio lt r:r.a b raadprevaiitlt firom sourlsff. by e.-5g:ií-; oneh&}fte&poo&ful ofChurch& Co. 's BoJa oc :"!. lo i-arotnrlnntusoiooir.ucli. Tie neo of thia with Bonr mUï, in prolerei-.ce to Daklntj PpwHet, iavrn iwrr.y ll:nftn ita coat. hflfj oao pounci psckgo ior T&iuable icformatíoc sadroad Cürefulij. :ts, oiï.3, etc" fJAUK LARGtSX ANO BEST STOCK OI1 L - - -■ i - - 7 7 ", ALVKINBS OF Painters' Materials, fee. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WX2TDGV7 CZiiSS . AU Size. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ÁNN AEBOE. FAIRBANKS' SCAXES THE SÏANDAKÜ üK THE WORLD. ECÜPSE WEND MJLLS THE BTHONGE8T MrLL MADE. SAFjKSTXO ÊtVX, Becama Warramed the Best, and Warranto U Substainial. CONTAIIS ALL UiFROÏKJIENTS. Prioe ïrfret, Quality Jiis;dercd. Bend for Vrtce deicrlbing article waiited, Fairbanks, Iflorse&Co., Chicago. Prtce within fjic reach of All. Jlofct popular toor-ïis Stiice prlatinj was JrïvenSei!. Tlio Full anti Complete T-ectures of Col. R C. SngersolS. No. 1. Miëtakti of Mom. No. 2. BkuHs. No. 3. ba. No. 4. Heil. N . 5. Liberty of Man, Woman and Clilid. No 6. f-'ods. No. 7. Iutel'eetiml Dvvelopment. No. 8. Tlumpn Tïi-Mfl. Ko. 9. Hereafler. No. 10. Keligicus Intoleranco. No. 11. G'-retics nd Heresiea. ï o. 12. Co!. IngersoU's Vindicatios of Tho. ï'ain No.13. Pleaforlndii v m.'i ArraisrnmeD of tïtn Churcli. No. u. The Religión of Onr )).-.. No. 1. Porsunnl 3, No. 16. Tho l'hilosopher of Iteason - Humkoldt. PRICI5 5 CEXT8 EACH. Col. Ingerscll and his Chicago Critics A Lecture by tip "Rpv. Jamee K. Appleby. ' j'v:e lSGenta. Spco-hot rVnilesSiewart FarneU at tbc FxpoItion BiiilditiR, Chicago, Febmary 23. 1880. ToÍ ether with H sl'ort Biography of his Life, wlth ,arge Toi tiait and Autograph on Cover Page. PliC H'C Full Kpor' of til Grnnd Tr-T'nion of the f oldiers ;. 'orp of th Late Wnr, held at Chioaco Not. 1? to 1 17, inrUidint 'l speeclie?, an those of Tol . R. G. iDtrmsoll, rf,l. Wm, F. Vilas, KHniuel L. ïenaonp fMrk Xwain's Speech ou Bat.ies). Price2S Ceüts. " Life and Trip Around the World of Gen. Graut." 15 Centa. "Lnst Ppeech of Renator Zach. Ch?.nd!er." ai d BioprapMeal Sketch, "wtth Ltirffe Portrail of Mr. ChanSler on Oover Page. 5 Centi. Common Scnip, Essay on Dreams, The Relisrion of Dttjsm, in ttio volume, by TbomaB PuiDO. PRICE 25 OENTB. Any of Ihê ahovf. ení ptst-poid upon rfceipt of price. B3T" .Asents wauted in efery City and Town. Liberal Terms. Addrcsi : P. W. CARROIX, tul Racdolpb St., Chicago, 111. LYIÁÍÍHEELEíl O371 ECSTO2ÑT, Teacher of Ëngligh and Italian CULÏIVATICÏT CF THE VOICE, Will lócate in Detroit durinp a portion of the sura1880, and ■ a to recoive pupils on auï aríer June 28ih, ai C. J. WEU.TNKY'8 Mueic Store, Boomt 40 Fort Streeft wtst. B??" As Mr. "Whonlpr can rceive hut a limitad : NiMii :b oí Btudents api Ifcationa should be marlo as boom as comykniest fiiher to him, 161 Tremont on, or ut tlie Riusic Store of C. J. Wbltney, Detroit, where a boclï for signatures will be kf-pt ind ftall particular! tí i ven. 21-61 GET TOTJB PKüPEETY INSUEED BY C. HUMILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AW8 ARUOR, - WICI1" The oldest apency iu the city. EstabHshed a quarter of a eentury apo. ltypreseuting tht foliowiug Sist claaa oomoaniei Homelnfiurancc Co. of N.Y., Asmu over ?6,000,00( Coni iiu'iital lus. Co. of N. Y., Adíj-jt oyer ?■■■.' Niágara Fre las. Co., N. Y., Assets l,442,4fl( CHrardol Pa., Assets over $1,OOO,XX Grient of Hartford, Aswtl Í7OO,O(K Coinmurcial Union of London, Assets 3,00O,0C( L& Rates low. Loases liberaïiy adjuoLd anc proniptly,paid. r. h. wiiiKy. k NEW GRGCEBY ! ATWEAS1 HURON STREET, CASPAR R IN SE Y Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprisin? evf rytiiinp in the line at bottom pricoB - and purchastd exchtsively for cash. From a loop experienrein the trade, retail and wholesdle, lie buliuves he cao soll gooua as cheap aa the ebeapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES All (ioods Warranted Plrst-CIass.] TarTiif rs proiuco wnntcl for which the highest - ice will be paid. t" Reinember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. 'J'o ïny Fricnds and rutruus! I bare non in stock a (rent Varie. ty of Hoaa' and Boys' lïatsnnri Cap, :ul I kiiow it will bc to your intcr. est to ïii.t lic your purebates of me. I ain determincd to move a gooil man y goodt tliis Spring and Sumnier and have maúc pricca tbat will in. ure it. As I statcd in my advertid, ment last Winter, tbeie -was no ex. cuso for bijfb prices tbat wa a m iic h talked of by ome, and ilrcadr tïicrei beffinningr tobe a decline in prices. Sincc ni y return bonte,! bare made ome heavy purchases ut froin TEM loTttEÏIÏ percent, less tba„ tbcy ere bougbt for earlicr, beuce niyabsince nal a benefit to me fu nancially as well as pbysically. I camlidly belielcve I ain sclling suits f roin 50 cents to $2.0O each lost Iban any otbcr House in the State o Micbigan, and Hats from 35 cents ta SI. 00 less each. I have opened a Brancb in Dexter, for n sbort time, asan outlet for the heavy purchatei I have been recently. Doa't lliink of buj iuff acent's worth until you have scen in y stock. JOE T. JACOBS, illrl lolhiiT. ËDWARD DÜFFyJ Wholesale and Itetail G-ROCER A Large, New, and Clean Stoet of Stapïe & Fiincj Groccrics ALWA T8 ON MAND ! Togetlier wilt a full ana complete stock of BOOTS, SHOESj AD RUBBER GOODS, Alo a choie assort inent of Ijadir' and 2enti' f'nderwcar, SJoicry, -!uis, &c. típeeiíil inducemt'-ts offert-d cash cuatutuwa, EDWARD WIFFÏ, Cor. Main and Ano Sts., Aan Arbor. Vfc& Cnsb paid for all Farm Products.


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