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- Dcxter people expect bood lo hear a loud report from supprestfBd scandals. - Rcv. David Edgar late purchaser of üie Dextcr Leader was recently pastor of a Presbyterian church at Erie. - A yotmg man named Underlich, whoisworklng for Ed. Lockwood In Sharon, feil from aw igonand brokehiB left arm near the ejbow. TIipiv wse a basket picnic on mestlay at Fotut Mile Lake on Bemard Steinbach'B f ann n Dexter township. 8cio, Dexter andChelsea brasa bands werc present. -Mis. Eliza Crane of Pittsfleld came to Michigan from Elomulus, BenecaCo., N. Y., flfty yeara ago to-day. Bhe invites i few oí her triends to meet her at her residence this afternoon tocomrate the semiceBtennial of her residencc in and removal to, this state. - On the seventecnth of tliis month the Covert, family and relativea will have tiieir aiinual re-union at Lodi Landing in Séneca Co., N. Y. Membera of tliis family to thé nuraüer of inndied often gathol together at these annual picnics. Mr. N. B. Covert of Ann Arbor town is a member of üiia largo family. -On Tlmrsday night last a horse was discovered on the Michigan Central track about one mile east of the city. Tlie cmrfneer of the 2 A. M. train saw the" animal andteïegraphedtothls city to the secfcion foreman to remove it. At enrly (Uiylipclit the horso was found on the bridge severely injured havingbeen gtruek by the cow catcher and landed iilioul Iwculy foet distant. The Htced wastheproportyof Dr. ■Wallington of Aun Arbortownahip and prized at$12?. - A flrst-class row took place at tlo residerice of Dr. Wallington, about me mile down the river, on Fiiilay. It grew out of an attempt on the part ol Byron Green to dispossess the Di. on tho grpund that the property beloiged to hia (Green's) boy through the will of the late Iliram Arnold of Scio, the boys grandfather. Thysical force was usad. Sarah Shlpley an occupant of tlieresidence procured a warrant forthe arrest of Byron Green, charging him wiüy assault and battery. Geo. D. Roberts procured a warrant for the arrest of Leo Ceas, also for assault and battery. Both plead not gnilty and will betried before Justice Clark to-day. Anot'ne? warrant, charglng a similar offence with a deadly wcapon, a fire-arm, is unserved owlng to illness of the assiüling party. -Messrs. C. S. Gregory & Son's liew safe has arrived. It is a beauty, and in poor judgment as perfect as anything of the kind that could be made. The burglar proof department is of the lntest invention, and consists of elock work whích raises a strong lever against the bolt ot' the lock preventing it from being sprang nntil the time appolnted, which may be iïom one to sixty-four hours. The special value of this arraiiiremeiit is in the fact that the owners themselves cannot open the safe till the time they haveet the clocks arrive. Henee the old burglar trick of dation is iïustrated. And iiero we see that all things have their uses, even burglare, it was to prevent their depredations that tliis rnasterly piece of raechanism was invented. Besides the clock arrangement there are the ordinary combination lockj and bolts, so li at the safe is as secure as it could possibly bo made. Wc onderstand it is the best in the county, and those who have treasures to hide away in it, alas we have none! may now sleep sweetly without fear of loss. - Dexter Leader. - Horatio Burch, suporvisor of Manchester, furnishes the following statisücs: miruber of acres of wheat grown in tlio townsbip oí Manchester, in 1S71), was 3,810; bush. fsom same, 92,008; avpor acre, 2-1 1-0 busli.; acres now on tlie ground, 4,246; increased average, 436. Acres of corn grown last year, i ,- 039; bushels (oars), 115,115. Oats, 077 aerea; buslicls, 27,210. Nnmbcr shecp, 10,020; pounds of wool, 60,460. Farmers ing 1,000 bushels of wheat and upwards: Messrs. Harmandinger, 2,000; Keek, 1,000; Cooley, 1,560; lhibor, Nestel 1, Giskie, Herman, Miüard, Stouts, Richard Green, P. Browor, F. II ill, W. C. Logan, Tlios. Logan, Geo. W. Memman, Arthur Case, l'rank Spafarrt. Jno. F. Spafard, James MeMahon. and L. D. Watkinfl, each 1,000. Largest erop of eorn by Mr. Millard, 4,000 bushels; next by S. P. Miller (Squires' farm), 2,200. Liwgcst erop of oata by J.F. Spafaid, 900 busliels. Largest wool clip by F. Spafard, 2,300 pounds. Largest iiumber acres of wlieat now on the grouod by Thos. Logan, 95 acres. - "Whatsliall üie harvest bc." Deatlis in 1Ö79, 29. Births, males, 25; females, 20- oiie lone old maid of courso. Crops of all kinds are looking uncoinnionly well. Prospect for fruit never better. Graas winter killed some but gainiug ander tho influence of üie favorable weather. Census taker on tl ie war (toe) path, "And overy prospect picases, and oaly man Is wild," or word to that effect.


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Ann Arbor Argus