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MoobETíLle, June 8. -James üauntlfcU is quite siuk with f ever. -Mr. and Mrs. Buckley of Wayne Co., N. Y., were visitiiig ífitíüdí nú last week. - Universalist social at the resulenrc of Ralph Vescelius Juno 18. The society liave organized a Sabbath school llRl'S. - An unsuccessfnl attempt to steal tho body of Charles Caníield, who w:is buried here Sunday, M:iy 80, took place Monday niglit following tho burial. Tlie would-be robbers dug a lióle through tbs rough box bul not of sufïiciont sizc to extract the body, when they weré frightened, it is aupposed, by lanterns which were carried abont tlie yanis of soiiie of the near neighbors. The Bcampa were evidcntly green hands at the business, judging by the way the Milán, June 9. -A. Gardner has giren bis residence a now coat of paint. -Au excellent job of road work has been done on Main street in xMilan village. - Alex. Youncs lms enteied into partnership with Milo Ilaiglit, in liis meat market. -live horses were liouglit in Hilan last weck for furuishiug livery atables ia Phüadelphia. - Myrou Wilson, C. II. Kelsey and E. A. Reynolds havo their new houses ready for plastering. - Rev. D. R. Shier of Salüie will give a temperance lecture at church in Milan on Tuesday evening, June 15. - The Milan reform club will meet every altérnate Tuesday evcning, alter June 16, during the present summer. -James Kearney, raüroad section foreman of tbe section hare, has been put upon a section near tlie llillsdale crossing, but boards in Milán. -Mr. C. Mattenley, the Primitive Methodist clcrgyman who preached here last Simday evening, lcft an appointnient for Sunday evening, July 4. -Considerable interest was manifested here in the proceedings of tlie Chicago Convenüon. The Republicana fearing Grant would be nominated, and Democrats fearing he would not. -Mr. Millross died here on June ", aged 68 years. lie was bnried near his late residence, his fricnds fearing his body would be taken up by bodysnatehcrs if buried in the cemetery. - An atteinpt was made ono niglit last week by body-snatchers to take up the body of Charles Caniield, but wcre frustrated by the appeaxance of two citizens who happcncd to pass the cernetety at a late hour. -Samuel White has bought the tools, stock and good-will of Asa Whiteliead in the paint shop "over Joseph Gauntlett'a blacksinitli shop, and will continue the business of buggy painting and all kinds of other painting. The selection by the delegates of this congressional district and indorseinent by the state convention of Ilon. Chas. II. liichmoiid, delégate to the Cincinnati convention is a compliment wortliily bestowed upon and will be appreciated by the democrats of Washtenaw county. That he will honorably represent us and use hls best efforts to effect a creditable and popular selection at that gathering, there is no doubt. In announcinjï allegiance to the Tlcpublican party at the ratiücation meeting on Tuesday evening, Mr. B. E. Fraser did what he has been wanting to do at the fiist favorable opportunity. The greenbaek party that was, has lost its leader, who, disappointed in political ambition, has changed his coat twicc within a few years, giving the lie to what he has asserted in public and private for tweuty years, and stultifies his late convictiononthecurrency question by giving over to the bond-hoiding resumption party. Politics turn men'a heads, they know not why when they lose their hold on the public purse, The Detroit Free Tress containod from dny to day during the Chicago convention full and excellent reporte. Both parties in this city relied npon it for nuws. Mr. Gruesel outdid himself in reportorial dutics.


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