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Hancock And English

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It is with great pleasure that we place at tho of oar columns the names of Winfield 3cott Hancock of Pennsylvania, nominated on the second ballot, for president, and William'H. English of Indiana, abosen on the first ballol for vice president. It is au exceptionally Strong ticket and one that will commend itself not only to all demo 'atic voters but to ;'.iousan:ls of repub Ucans who believe tlie time has coiné . for a chunge of administration. Tliese ' uuiuinatiouH will heal the breach in t'ne party in the great pivotal state which will decide the contest. There is no doubt eoncemïhg New York now: Tammany wlU march ia solid phalans by the sid,e of anti-Tammany, eaeh vieing with Uie other in support of the candidates. Indeed, te. recover its lost prestige the bravea led by Kelly will woük the liar.der to ie-iiis(.aie themselvcs in affectibns of the party. The' empire state is good for 40J000 majority. COnnecticut and Xew Jersey, eoutiguous s'a'.es, vvill as usual i'all tafo line with tlieir great and influential ueighbor. With 138 electoral votes south we want no more to win the day. Yet there is Indiana, the home of EnUlish, which can not for the coming battle be placed in the list of doiibtt'ul states. She with flfteen 'electoral votes will be safe to f'all back upou in case of necessity. But what of the Keystone state with tw.enty-nine electoral votes? Win not the nomination of her favorite son place her in the list of doubtful states ? Rermblican she has been it is true, but by majorities that can be overCöme. lier soldiers will not forget tlieir okl conimander. fier pride will be appealed to and we confidently hope and believe successfuïïy, to give her support to one of her children. Our candidate for president was born in Montgomery coimty, Pennsylvania, Feb. 14, 184. He entered the West Point Academ.y in 1840, graduated in 1844, and ki 1846 received bis cornniissfoir of L few tenant of infantry. He served during the Mexican war, was promoted for liis gal'antry, and having filled several subordínate posts. was wade Assistant Quafternaaster in the Western department, witli the rank of Captain on the Staff, which rank he lield at the outbreak of tlie civil war. In ]S6l 1 e was appointed a General of Volunteers, and served in the Army of the Potomac. He accompanied Gen. McClellan'a army to the península in 1862, and distmguished hdmself at the battl of Wiliiamsburg, At the battle of Fradericksburg, in Dec, 1862, he coinmanded a división, which suftered severely, and for lii.s meritorious conduct on this occasion received a comrnission as. Major-General. He took part in the battle of Chancellorsville. When the advance of the Union and Confedérate forres, encountered at tiettjysiwg, July, j. isr,;. and the Union forcea in ifalmwi back. Hancock wns ssj.t fbnrard bv Mearte to 0' ' ' ' sliould be riski'if tttere; and if so. al though he was out-ranked by Iloward who was on the fleld, was ordered to take the command unül Meade shoulc come up. In the decisive engagement, July 3, Ilancock's own división bore the proruineat iut, alüiough he himself was severely womcted early in the action. He recovered safflciently to retirn to duty i)i c. 27, 1868, but was unaMe to conimand a body of troops till April, 1S04, vvhen he was promoted to the cemmand of the íáid Arniy coips, and was engaged in all the battles of the WUdernesa campaign, from May 5 to 19, 1864, when the breaking out of the oíd round recerved at Gettysbnrg compelled him to leave for a time. He returned to bis command in July, and remained witlv it t'll Kov. 20, 18ft4, being subsequently engaged in liglitei; dnties till the elose of tlie war. He was pronioted to fte Brigadier-Genera! of the regular army in Aug., 1861, Brevet Majoi-Genenil, MarcB 13, 1865, and Major-Geraeral, United States Army, July 26, Af ter üie war he was snceeesively Commander of the Middle Department (1865-66), of the Department of the Missouri (.1866-07), of the Department of Louisiana and Texas (1867-68), and of the Department of the Uakota (lS(;0-72). Upon the death of General Meade, Nov., 1872, althougli Gen. Hancock was poiitically opposed to President Grant, aaid althougli personally thy were not even apon ing terms, the President, in acknowledgment of the great military services of Hancock, appointed him to the commaïl offcta Department of the East, witfl his bead-quartenr at New York, a position whleh he still holds, beins one of the three msjof-genérals in the United States army. In 1808 Gen. Hancock was a prominent candidato for tire Preidency, and in the Democratie nominatinfc oonvention he received on the lsth hallot. Hl vote, the h ntnüber 'rtth ne exoeption of 1 !" cast for Mr. Pendleton, on the 12th ballot) cast for any eandidate, until, on the 22nd ballot, Iloratio Seymour, who had , before positively deolined the ture, was suddenly uominated by way of compromise, and received a inianiraous vote, but at the ansuing electiou was defeated ly Gen. Grant. SchuylerColfitx's soliloquy: "Garfield and myself botll slm'kholders in the credit mobilier; both were proven guilty. I heing the honester man coníc;sim1; Garfield denied. Now whieh deservea most the eonflderwee of the American people, I who told the tnitli or Barfleld who lied about it. Such examples to be placed before rising generations will not angur weJJ to the repubBc. I will shortly announce myself a candidate for 1884 and test the moral sensibilities of the party which by the progresa now m iking, will theu be in shape to tluis honor me." "Any man who leaves the army to eleettoneer for eongrsss o-ught to be scalped," wrote llaves in responso to a request from his people to come home and stump his district in hi's own favor. lie didnt go bnt Garfield dfd and Garficld's sealp haan't aever been lifted. Bro. Beal's "boom" had better be put on ice during the Warm weather. M)rU!ic:ition may set in.


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