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Scenes In Damascus

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Likenil Enstftrn cities, the Interior Is rtisappointiti'r. Thp ntreetsare dnstv nuil nnn-öw, nul the effect of tlte shab. iiv honm and dtlapiilated walls ig rntl.ertlmtofacoHoction of vüla imltlled tojfRtlier than of a lar-e and imnoi-taiut city. Onr flrst cali was mnde at an excellent hotel kept by a ureek. lts court-yarda w!(,li fonntams piayin? and large oraiiita troca K]ia.iovu]r tho vrhole plnno lookcd so entlcinir. its myrtles and icsaniines aml marbic floors so cool, nul ín i.,1rooms so elean and comfortablc tliit we feit quite sorry It had not been nri-niivfml tltl w0 gliould stay there,inPtca ' " ■' )itirliing our tents 'in oije of Mio far-fnmo.1 ganlens of Damascus. I1 roiti the liotel vre tnade a progresa thnmijh tho pioture bazars. ïlere tliprn nre piTerod-in building, warming vvith ppople u evf.ry variety of oriental costiirrms. Turks, Syrians, Alirunites Rnü Dmses of the toTn ! lic cach other. Now a Bedoiiin of the lesertrldes by on a beautiful Arab nrare, xrith hig long-painted lauco at rest, folloTrred by otber Bedouim on : foot and in ras, unsuccessful robbers, posaibly. Fridiiy is tho Mohammedan Sabbath, and they raabe it markot day as wcll, so tlie Bedotiilis of the dosert wlno roine (Voin lopg distaiioes may combine thelr temporal and spiritual dnties comlbrtaWy nd do their innrkcting and go to the raosque on tho sninn Aar. The streots wgtc oven moro crowdcd than last night, with varied ftiid wondei-l'iil costunies, so closelv pnoked tliat it was difflcult to inflke ciic's way tlirotih thoin. In the corïioi- stood a Bcdoiiin Ananzeh, of the iribus i'roin ïiear l'alinyra, bargslning for a cañe to mako a apear, his goat'shair cloak, with its broad black and white itiafc, hangiiig trom his stalwart shouldors. Another of tho tribe hard by secmed to bc döing liis best to 8üll his Iiomc, whilo othcrs again rode by with :ui abstracted air, the graceful mares whieh they begtroue ot'lcu ibllo"wed by wliinnying Ibais. t is a fact not genorally known that coins witli hoies bored or punch('I in tUem wUJ not bo received at tho Treasui-y. J3y punehing a large hole In a silvor dollar from 6 to 18 cents' vrorth i.s taken out. Individuáis mrely rciusc to acL-ept these mutila tod coiiH, as tliey pass readily. MaunfiictiU-OM who obtain largo quaütilies ot'silver eufler tlie most by the iniitifation of t!ic coin, as the defeotive )ieocs cannot be exclianged for certificiites g-ieeiibjick at the ofHce of the Tivisnry or Öub-Troasury. ïlie pnn;ilry for iV.-uulule' mntilating coins is a line of' not moro thiin $2,(X)0 and iinprisuoiueut of not more t!mu two ycars.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus