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_ Tis Captain Revenaugb of the rifle team of Company A. - Impoi'tod peaches have made their ippearance in this market, _Revs. Ryder and Baskellexchanged pulpit lasi Sunday mornloft. -Quite i nnmberof ourcitizenshave ylicii In 1 1 i o ToVdo races this weck. TIip anmial retmion of tl ie. graduUtesof tho lii?li school t;i' es place this (vciiiiitr at (lif1 school hall.j - What to wear at tbo univeraïty fduiniPiii'nicnt ■: Oiat is the question Mexinff the mindfl of many ladiea in pi viciiilty. - It was hoped by the cotnmtttee tbat Gen. Logan wouldnpeak fconsJuly8, buthe writcs lic wil! ba uiiable to complywitli the Invitaüon. -genlora of Iliirh School held classtey oxcrciscs at Wliitmore Lake on Iomlav. The alumni meeting wlll be Mi ai school hall this evening. - Johnson 's Natural 1 [istory is always ,-ory popular. 70 copies W6T6 onlcvcil inllillsdalc, 75 in Ypsilanü, 1G0 in tcfcson, and over 60 have Ieen taken k this city. -ïïenry Binder and Gottlieb Weitncbt, two soldiere who fougtat under lien. Hwioook fired thlrty-eight rihis bon redpt of the news pf tlie nomlna'jon of tlieir oíd commander for pre-On Satunlny afternoon nt tlio oiTire rf circuit court nommissioner MacMahon.Tlis tlonorEugeneFrueanff untted inbondsof marriatre Michael Preskorn ■ Detroit to Catherine Schulth now of betroit. -Messrs. Eberbach & Son are bout Ltrect a fcflck laborator? at the rear of tlieir store on the site of the barns rciently burned. The building to be extended to Second street at some funretime. -Tbis is the particular season of the year vhen a great many college and fcb school gradaatea lay their books tthe library shelves and Joyfully exEbn, " Well, ttaank heaven, my educatimi s at last flnishedl" -Bemember tliat Aun Arbor is going to celébrate the glorioua aimiversary nnSutimlav of ne.xl week. Tlicrc will lean ahundance of patriotic fun for all. Arrangeyour buainesa and all join in the jubilee. All come. -The Detroit dailicsare nowreceived k lilis city by the early morning train iml are Bold upon the atxeèts before makfast. Ihfi cliantre. will Lave a He appet te ror the 'inniniiiL' mcal of niaiiy of our citizen?. 1 - Another relie of by-gone days has leu removed from tlic central depot. llavini; no further use for it the large Voodslicd has been torn down and taken :! is also proposed to remove n watering tank to the north side of k tracks. -WedneBday morning, at the post; . the liorse of A. M. Tett becanie ightened at a bicycle and for a time hm was every prospect of a lively btiway. The coolness and pluck of Í eyoung lady in the carriage after a I art struggle brought the horse into RAJection. I - Snme of our readers say, thftt when K eakprs go out to addresa red ribbon as[mblages and say before they leave eywill return on or before midnight, J d they do net appear until near the ;ik nf day, meetings are continued ' til too late aii hour. I -l'rotection lióse Company will go t Battle Creek on the 8d and compete í thechampionsliip at the firemen's ■ niampnt. The boys are putting in 1 -t licks'' drilling eacb evening, bey do not get the prize will ■ Batisfaction of knowing that W winners had to work for it. -Wm. A. ('lurk, ex-recorder, lias ' 'fome a member of the grand army t office-holden having been appointed r the census supervisor special agent 'Hakethestatisticsof the interests of tliis city. When "Goip" makee bis returns the supervisor l)t coiivinccd that lie had made a ""' uppointment. olm George Xeithammer died at Meaidenoe of hls f ather-in-law, Mr. jMnuel Manu, In this city on Wednes.■ i 1 tii tin iu)a age of ninely years ana'six The deceased was bom in 'r iniy, and somc years ago owned a r in the townsbip of Scio near Jas. I - ljnt alternatelyresided in the city II tat town. He was buried in the ' r "n Lutheran cburcb cemetery of do. "-Augusta Benke and Miciiael Jae' eircnlated a story to the effect George was the ghoul wlio ex1111 the body of Mrs. Jascheckaod tóthe aniversity aothorities for Ing purposes. The Dr. oauBed t under the rigld act of 1879, e slanderers off without furhment than a retraction of ' 'temen t in writing and personally hose to whom they had told and verbally admitting that done the Dr. a gross injustice i 'isalion. 1]e First National bank of thia . '■ declared a semi-annual diviix per cent., payable on and ist. Bince thisbanh was or: venteen vears aaro. it haa been by can-ful and experienced stock bas been held verj 1 iuid resarded as ai g the l(1st possiöle Lnvestments. Upon folearn that since its charter 1 lias paid thirty-three semi■' two extra dividends, to-wit: '■' at live percent.; flfteea at six and extra thirty-five per cont. 'land inflation periods, makwtalof two hundred and iifteen i ''"'' r $213 for each $100inves ul has now on hand a surplus of ffrty per cent. -The city is rapidly Qlllng with visitera to attend the dolngs of oommencoiiH'iii reek ut the universlty. Strawberry erop is about "played" for this sea: on luid is being snperseded by raspberries and other amall fruita. - rJ'h dreas parade of Company A on ene couri yard Bquare Monda; evenIng was witnessed by a very large number of citlzens. The company won" fcheir ncw anlfonnB and made et gplei dld appearance, and their movemenö were hi-hiv oomplimented. ThemusJC waa t'uniisiicd by the oitv band whKb appeared in the state uniform of eompany, which alsodld credit toitlf Ai't( r tiic parade Capt. Manly gf e M extdbitioo r streel toovements, show[ng thai the eompany have not l"'1'" idle in their military Aun Arbor can bc proud f her


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus