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Dexter Department

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-Bev. D. Edgar was at Detroit tiii.s weck. - Edward Litchfleld lies in ;i precarious condition. - L. James is recovering from bis receñí lilness. - Diphtberia haa taken its departure. Let ub hope forever. -Mrs. Rielly, mother of Jas. Rielly of Dexter, Ie very 111. - The"Peter Funk" jewelry and hardware turn are gone. - Mis. A. I'idd who has been seriously il is conyajescent. - W.II. Fields vrtll walk ropo etc., at Williamstoa July 5th. - José])!! Garrityof Webster is building a Qne ncw barn. - C. S. Gregory & 8on have a new tin roof on tlu'ir bank building. - Prof.Olneyof Ann Arboraddreused the H. B. clubSunday evening. - Rev. S. P. Davis attenda the U. R. convention at Jackson tbis week. - Improvement of all kinds are constantly going on about the vlllage. - Tlie snit of ll■l'l öoodrioh vs. los. Ijucas will be tried to-morrow. -The cloaing exereisae of the liigh school take plaoe to-night at Costello's hall. - Marshal Dexter bas gone by stage to Chicago, lie is much improved in hcalth. - C. S. Gregory and J.C. Tuomey repicscnt Dexter'sdemocracyatCinclnnatl this weck. - ïwo sons of L. L. James of the lirui of Packard & James, N. Y., are visitlng hlM thM treek. - Anotber ehange in the M. C. R. R. time table and another extra passenger train west In the morning. - Improvements are in operalion at the Catholie eemetery aud wheu completed will give the place a fine appearance. - Eev. T. F. BÍattery attended the commencement exercises at the Monroe (Mich.) aeademy, Tuesday and Wednesday. - Several of our young folks, will altend the dance at Wm. Johns ms new barn, about two miles north of Dexter, lo-niglit. -The white and red ribbon iie-cream and strawbeery social at R. 8. hall Wadnesday evening was not a önancial Buooess. -The dance at Pinckney Frilay eve. last. proceeds for the cornet band was a success, neurly lil'ty couple being in at1 cn.laiice. - Mr. Alex. Soulier of Detroit, well known about Dexter, was thrown froto hls buggy and severely injured one day tliis week. -.Mr. T. McNamara, C.S. C, E. Croarkin and F. McPhillips are expected home from the university of Kotre Dame tlns week. - -Mrs. J. Croarkin accompanied by her son left tb altend the commenceïncnt exercises at Nofcre Dame University, Monday morning. -E. Jedele the butcher, hung up a sign last week that eclipses aüything produced in tliat line in Dexter. W. H. fielda was tlic painter. - People who delight in pngilistic affairs can be accommodated to their hearts content almost any Saturday evening on our principal avenues. - Mr. Merrill of Webster has a large barn under procesa of construction, sviiicn wnen compieiea wm aaa ia to the good appearance of his farm. -The firslgrown colt of M. Guinan'a Diamond Champany was in town Saturday iriven by its ovvnerMr. Dawaou, 11e weiglied 12,50 Ibs. and Mr.D. has refused $200 for lam. - Wheat is an extra fine erop around Dexter and vicinity, and this harvest will produce a more abundant erop than aiiy previous 011e for a nuraber of years. The wlieat here is last timing yi'llow and in two weeks or less will be fit to harvest. -The "boys" wliilo laboring undei a false report made aecesaary preparations to give (as they thought) a newly-married man a warm reception, and he wishing to avoid theracket, and with an eye to the future set the lads agog on beer, and the town had to stand the hilarious hooting that night. -As we predicted a few weeks aso wheat has fallen below a 1 and s worth but 95 cents at present wriLing. 'liiis extremely low price seems to be no abatement to the loads that stand upou onr stieets daily and which goes far to show the country is well BUpplied yet and the price will be still lower. -The Dexter wool boom seems to have suddenly collapsed, no one being nnxious enough to proclaim themselves buyer, and no farmer wishes to come with his clip lo a doubtfu] market.- ïlms Dexter merchants iet a line opportuiiity to incrcase their trade slip, ungrasped for, through their fingen. - The Leader is very anxious to be enlightened in regard to the ecandals. The, Leader should keep posted, but whrn Uk; partios interested can be no longer screened, and they become the property of theeoarta and public, we will endeavor to relieve the anxious and troubled niinds and satisfy the ambitions jf an eagw "expectant public." - Thereportedenrelessnessofabrakemancausedan engine, tender and two cars to run off the track at theeast er. ssing Friday evéning. He was i ml ahcad to turn the switch and tlic train following close after him went off beCorehehad time to turn the crank. Just where the brakeman was to bla-ne we fail to see and if the engineer li i i been laidoff-aa miti as fee brakeman right uoiil.l ccrlainly been made might. - A gOOd slory is tolii of 6 yOUUg IV]low whose parental flomicll is wlthin the village Omita and who was enamorad liy a fascinating lass, md at prese il Languiahesia a grest ttate of perplexlty and doubtfu] love over the appearan e of an equally prepossessing sister, ir.' caímos amae au öeart, and bigamy is a pualsbable crime. At times when be is rationa] ha thinks it, is ;i riny forme. 1 fco ]hice hhn aotOBg the benediuts. -The resldence of Dr. Chas, Howell was the scène oï ;m elabórate thougïi quita affair Wednesday afternoon, it luiiiK flie advent of tbe Quptial ceremony of Miss Moe, who was unitedin matrimony to Mr. A. C. Niohóto,D.D.8. of Aun Arbor, HieofBciai ■ man being Rev. .). Magoffln rector of st. Jumes (Episcopal) chureh. But luw jueita wen: Larited owing to Mr. Howell'i feeble health. The aumerooa aud costly presenta went far to show how Miss Moe'a acoomplishments were appreclatedbj her numerous friends, At 8:80 Mr. and Mrs.NicholatQoküiewestward bouad tiain for a short tuur, wah the goud wishes of UI.


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Ann Arbor Argus