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Ypsilanti Department

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- Births.- Mrs. Thos. McAndrew, a ' sou, in pounder. Deatha. - o - The Lighl Guarda go to Monroe Julyöth, accompanied by the city band. - Miss Jennie Qfnirk returned froto a long visit to Chicago, Tuesday uight. -E. O. Durfee, Judge of Probate, Detroit, was in the city last Saturdav, accompanied by bis wife. - That time-wom expression "hottcr tlian h- " has been very prevaleiit for tlu' last two qt three day?. --The examination of Boylan the al1 buggy üefuulter of Uüio, resultad in lus being bound over to the Cirouil Co art. - C. P. McKiastry passed Sunday In Detroit, bul Ed. Rnndolph andCharlie Bogardua thought Fenton eapable of afEordtng more pleasure, and went there. - TUis being commencement w els at the Normal, i greal many studente are liere looking over the situation, and buzzing the Proís, for jobs. School closes June SOth. - W'ill Kimiiall arrived Wednesday noon froin Alpena where lic is now situated. He takes the part of Elijah in the Musical Union Concert Friday evealng, and carne home for that purpose. - P. W. Carpenter and Howaxd Stephenson left the city Wednesday for Oheboygan for a short vacation. The Cheboygan belles had better be on the alert as they are two noted "lieart smashers." - The concert promises to be tle iinest musical entertainment given here this seaaon. Mis. Florence Rice-Knox of Xew York city, and C. I). Josleyn of Detroit, assisted by our ablest home talent and the Normal school choir will take part, making a chorus 128 strong. - The Ypsilaiitfan of two or three weeks agO stated that the seminary bell was then in DOSitlOD and ready for the ringèr. These might have been the Cacts in the case, but last Friday was the lirst time that the citizens had the pleasure of listening to lts welcome tones. -The awning of J. F. Sanders which has been in a half completad condition for so long a time, was Bnished all but painting last Saturday. Tho injunction placed apon the further erection of it baring been dissolved in the Circuit Court Friday. We nnderstand the case will be appealed to the Supremo Court. - The temperanoe meeting Runday was held under J. Fiskes spacious tent, and was attended by a larger crowd. both afternoon and evenlag, than has been seen together in this city in a long time. The meeting in the afternoon was addressed by Com. Jas. Fiske, Sr., of Brattleboro, Vt., and B. E. Frazer of Ann Arbor, and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Grennell of Detroit, and li. E. Frazer. -The following offleers were elected at Wolverine Tent Jio. 17, A. O. U. W., Friday evening : N. B. Havens, Piaster Workman. R. Grifflth, Gea'l Foreman. R. Kopp, Overseer. Chas. Sweet, Recorder. Geo. A. Neat, Receiver. F. P. Hunt, Financier, ('has. Wllcoxson, Guide. John Sanders, Jnside Watchman. T. Whitford, Outflide Watchman. R. .Kopp, Trustee. E. Batwell, Medical Examiner. - A Glass ball shooting club is in progresa of organization. At a target slioot Alonday the following is the best scores made. The wind being unfavoralile no vcry reüiarkaülo score was made : 200 YAliDS. 500 YARDS Ilayton, 16 -Simons, 19 .Simons, 18 Tmker, 12 Tinker, 18 Edson, 10 Edson, 14 Manning, 21 Manning, 19 Pattee, 16 1'attee, 17 Hunt, 8 - The graduating exercises of tho High school which took place at the Seniinary Tuesday evening, were short but sweet as there were only foui graduates, two ladlea and tw i (jen u uien. The hall was trimmed very niceïy for the occasion and a very large nuraber atteuded the exercises in spite of the warm weather. Some real rude boys tried to créate a sensation by shooting ofE a bunch of fice crackers outside the building. - At a regular meeting of Huron Lodge, Knightsof Honor, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : E. Hewitt, Director. F. J. Swaine, Vice Director. O. E. Thompson, Pass Director, T. O. Judd, Asst. Director. 8. (ioseline, Keporter. F. liurnhatu, Flnance Reporter. J. N. Howland, Chaplain. Chas. Fleteher, Guide. W. Worden, Guardian. Geo. Fuller, Sentinel. J. N. Howland, Iastalling Offloer. - Whisky got in its work on Woolsey and Monroe, two of Yysi's petroughs, and caused them to give a countryman named Conklin a severe beatina Monday afternoon. It seems that Conklin stepped into Jim Fulton's saloon in search of a man by whom he was to be employed, when Woolsey tackled him to treat, which Conklin refused to do on theground that hedidn't drink. This dld not of course quench Woolsej's thirst for blood (or whisky) and he immediately bounced him, tnocked him down wlth B big stone, kicked and pounded him williout any regard for the fellows feelings, being somewhat assisted in the fracaa by Woolsey's partner, Monroe. They were captured alter some little diificulty and i)iit, In the cooler to sober off a little. Woolsey was examlned Wednesday morning ch.irged With aBMult with intent to kill, i)le;ul guilty uul was boinid over to the Circuit Cuurt to appear Uet. 3d. In default of $1,000 bail he was taken back to jail. Wudnesday afturnoon Monroe is t ïii-d charged with asaault and battéry, found guilty and flned $5 and ooBts, amountMfeto $10.74 in all. Tuis sccms a light sentence for one so old in crime as Moaroe is. Both boys have tastedof thebillof fare, both at lonia and Detroit house of correetion, alsi) ai our county jail. It is hopcd that Woolsey will be put now wherehe will not trouble the city for some time.


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