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Mil w. June -'■. - Jolin ( 'lark lias liis nev. house nearlj enclosed. - ('yiiis Iais La building an addition to lus house. - Fonr car loada of piles were slii] - ped from Milán on the 28d. - Samuel Bortles has gone to Marshi.ll to WOrk in harvest ÍU that seetion. - Dr. Bessacof Manchester, is visiting liis son, Dr. II. 15. Bessac of tliis place. - Miss A. Palmer lias built an addition to her house lituated on Palace Avenue. - Mis. Libbie Edwardsandhermother, Mre. s. Bortles, are visíting frienda in Jackson. -rucie Ihirrv HartsufE of EastSagnaw, Ls visiting bis many frienda in tliis vicinity. - Milán has wind lo aparé, aufficient lo mu a eornet band, and the machinery has been ordered. -Amos Taylor has bought two village Iota Of Thomas luchareis and will build a house, upon Ihem. -Farmers of the larger wheat-growing (listricts, liave been in Milán engaging hands í'or the harvest close at hand. - Ilarmon Allen, William Needham and Daniel Case attended the state temperanee eonventíon at Jackson, as delegates from Milán. - An Independence ball will come off at the hotel of A. J. Braman, on the evening of July 2d, for the benefit of the Milán cornet band. - Chas. D. Hildebrand exhibited bis panorama at the chuic'i here on Monday evening the Slat, one-third of the recelpts being donated to the Milán Sunday school. - ir. M. Burt has just pula ncw counter in bis hardware atore, pronounoed to be the handsomest one in Washtenaw county. H was built by S. Audrus of this place. - llev. L. P. Tompkins of Dundee, will preaeta a patriotic sermón at the church here on July 4th, at 10 o'clock a. M. The occasion, and the popularity of Mr. Tompkins here, will bring out a large congiegation on the above day. - Lorenzo Ilitchcock had three men arrested on the 19th for cruelty to a borse wbich he owns. The, men were brought before Justice F5. W. Marble, and the case, adjourned to one day the present week. The ñames of the tranagressors are E. Ilayes, McCall and l 'ayne, employed on Vjmworiáer'a brick yard. -The Butler railroad has now progressed bpyond the "wind" stage of existence, and the real worfe bogan by paying cash for right-of-way to ownera of land along the line. The amount paid la considerable less than asked in many inslances, and some cases will have to be tiettled by legal valuation. It is not yet decided vvhere the depot will be located ; two points are talked of, one at the crossing of theT. & A. A. railroad, and tbc bther at theroad crossing ot' the Monroe road, east of the village. The south poüit is probably the location which will be gelected as trains will have to stop there at the T. & A. A. road belt re crossing. - An illustrated lecture on prison life wasgiven here on the evenings of the 18th and lOtii by Chas. D. Hildebrand, who lias BpentlSyeara in prison, and who was connected with the Jfounger brothers. The identity of Mr. Hïldebrand was questioned by aome in this community, but more especially by liquoi men, who could notbearthe truth of the insinualions of the speaker, that a large majority of the convicta of prisons owe their life there to the inlluence of liquor. The entertainment was given under üie auspices of the reform club here, one-third of the receipts golng to that organization. Mr. Hildebrand has taken up his residence in Aim Arbnr, wbere he intends making a permanent home.


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