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- Lansing wil] celébrate. - ( i ulation 4,67. - The Soutli Lyon Herald ladead. - Jackson has 16,875 inhabitants - or tiicri aboats. - Lansing guesses she has from 9,000 to 11,000 bouIs. - Gov. CrosweB will deliver the adiiicss ut Tecumseh, July 3. - Tlio heallh officer of Charlotte ia a wonian - Dr. Mary E. (reen. - Wheat In Lenawee county will b ready for the reaper on Monday. - Two boys and flve gids only graduated from Port lluron's higfc school. - Monroe's lliih school gradúate eleven the largeat number ever sent out. - A Port Iluron firm of fish dealers has 1,000 live sturgeon penned upintheriver. - AJbion would like tobe the loeation of the state military encampmaat Uiisyear, and is striving hard for it. - Headquarters of the Butler road arO to be established at Adrián and thecitizens are consequently happy. - A $800 stallion property of J. Outhwaite in Fisliville, southeaat of Gras; Laké, was killed by lightnbig recently.. - Au Adrián young man will support because he is the author of "Ten Nights in a tíar-room," a ylay he admires. - Mrs. Edward Burns of Rojal Oak was courted, married and became a vvidow in five days. All iu warm weather, too. - Wool and elothes-thieyes infest Albion. Wm. Henry lost his entire wool clip June 17, and June 14, several had their washings stolen from the lines. ■ Captain Qeorge Proudfit, circuit court commissioner and for many years member of the Jackson county bar, but of late very dissipated died at Jackson last week. - The Wayne County Courier says that a business man in Wyandotte signed a petiüon to have a nuisanee removed trom his own yard. He did not know where the nuisance was when he signed the petition. - Lowe and Mabee of Jasper, discovered that some thief had bored a two-inch augur hole through the floor of their grain house, from under the' building, and had been drawing out oats, a lew baga at a time. - lí is hard on the boys who are notified by marshal Doran of Flint that the use of flre-arma withln city limits, and lire woiks witliin lire limits are prohibIted and any violation will be punished to the full extent of the law. - John Campbell, a sbip carpenter of Port Iliiroii, 48 years of age, while takiiit; down a greenback pole, June 18, and suspended in the air by a rope below the crosstrees, feil 60 feet to the sldewalk, and was instantly killed. - A farmer living near Grass Lake has lost 29 acres of clover destroyed by au army of cut worms, which also invaded and laid wasti; a large portion of' his gardenfbui strange to say have not interfered with his cornlield. - Jacksou Citizen. - A ncw mutual fire insnrance company was organized at Marshall on Saturday, to be known as the Citizens' mutual to distinguían it from the old society - the l-'anncrs' mutual. Itstarta ofl with UK) memberi and risks amounting to $200,000. - Minnie. age 16, daughterof William Xeal of Ogden, acenses her father of incest, aml oí' V.ciiiK the yiavcnt of her' child. Her divorced her father' sometime since and she has been keep-keeping house for him since. Neal i 50 years of' age. - Fred Anderaon, of Camden township, Hillsdale county, was kioked in the abdomen by ahorse on the21st, and is supposed to be fatally injured. The horséisthe same cheerful brute that was reported to have nearly chewed up a man named Appleby, recently. -The Seeley House, a newbrick hotel now in procesa of erection at Orion, isthroe stories in helght, with 40 sleeping rooms and will cost$10,000. Thekitch-' en will be apart from the hotel and the1 cellar extends underneath the entire building. It will be finished and opened for business July 5th. - Geovgfl Allen in Adrián jail awaítIng examination for rape upon Hattier Aiken, is step-father of the alleged tim. Hattie is a daughter of Doremus Alken, held for triRl for the murder of policeman Lyon. lier father and mother vvere divorced some years since, and the mother aftcrwards married the aioresold Allen, -Chus. Davis a fellow who ha been stealing at Wholesale from carriages and wagons at (irass Lake, Parma and other places, was arrestad last week. l?y liis own confession he has tolen and disposed of six lap-robes, a Paisley Bbawl,a buffalo robe, an overcoat, thrro linen dusters, and any quantity of whipfl. -Prof. X. B. Staat, of Port Iluron, died on the 18th, aged 70 years. Ui history was a singular one. He worked at the tailoring trade until he báñame an old man, and then began - without ariyprevious art training at a 11 - topaint picturee, as he bas ever ave rad, "under spirit guidance." Some of his work was of course very poor, but on the other hand, some of his more ambitious paintings have been pronounced marvelons studies by good authority, and executed with the skill of a master hand. Ideal scènes in the spirit land, etc., were his favorito studies. - A few days aince .AV. T. Hall, of Leslie, sold liis wool to I.N. Heynolds, for $91.!),'?, protesting tliat the fieeces contalned nothing but clean, washed wool, but, on the discovery, by Mr. Reynolds, of twenty-eight pounds of unwashed tatrs aoattered through thn load, he as wjlllng to deduct $ö0 from liis price, rith(r than to have the matter brought into the courts.- Jackson Citizen. - A youth of 19 years ín Port Hurón reoently maxried a woman twíce bis age and the mother of eight children. The farmer husband of the guishing bride left years ago for California, and for a time wrote to her regularly. sendiiifí drafte, bvnk notes, etc.; but after awhile tliese ceased, and no trace of him could lx? obtaioed, ami he liad been given np aa dead for years. But since her second marrlage she has received a long loving letter frora h'nn,iucloingadraft, and amxnzncing his intention to return soon. A livcly timo is anticipated. Whatmakestlie msttCT more interesti'g is that the youthful second husband was engaged to a young glrl and the wedding day waa ííxíkí, when he deserted her for the charming widow.


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