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Burmnh, a lrinzdomof theTndo-Cliinese pepinsula, has, as it mnv exists, throe vrell-marked diyisions. Norfliorn Burmah, Bnvmnli proper and th Eastern Shan, tribu Ini-y Stfttès. The inhn.bU.ants beloir.r to the braneh of t.lie Monsrolid dist'mi'iiislied by ,a monosyllabip Iiututío : thcy nro ghortheaded, broad-sknlled, flat-faeed. havo black haii" and dark brown skin, and roaemble tliñ Monzols more tlian the Hindus, Both sexos woar a wliito linon jacket, oailod in-'fft'e; tlio men WrftppR vonnd tlio lo-,vor part of tho body the pul-so, sevoral yards lonsr, and the woinen wearing the tn-inüic, a scant silk or ootton frarraent, to which are added on occasfon Rilks, muslins and gold ornament s. The men and women alike smoko ci'rars and chew betel-nuts to exëess. The former are, for the most, iast, robust and well inade. and excel in boxinsf, rovin-, wrestling and other aUiletie exercípcs, and havo considerable mechanica! fikill. The honses aro a framework of bamboo, thatcbed with the water palm and are built on posts soveral feet'fVoni the ;ri"onnd. The woinen, more indnstrious Ihan themon,buy, sril, weavo and attend to domestic dntïes. Both sexes are vory fond of featin, íilitr Bocin r, buiVoonerv, theafricals and bn!'falo il ','h t i n ;. Tlio nativos aro attached to their home, thoagh theyarevery fur from patriotic. Without individual cruel tv, they are indifferent to the shedding of blood by thoir rulers, and, whilo températe and bardy, aro hostile to disciplino and continned labor of any sort. Bnddhism, tlioprevailini;' riliuiin. haA ban wmini iï í'- great pnrlt'y; ita shrines, temples and moimments are nnnibeiiesá, and ita festivals rigifllv observed. The governnient is hcreditary and despoti the sovereiL'n beiiiLf assisted by a conncil of tho 'nobility, over whose iHember lic exercises a kind of fuiubii jiuisdictiou. Thcro are in Londou now two Javanese priuces, the first cbildren of the "inagic land" who have ever visited England publiclyas ï-epresentfttives of the wealth and resources of try. To tlioso vrho havo been led away by the charining description of the Javaiiese princes in Eugene Suc's roiuancc of the "Juif Krrant," much disappointuneut lias buen conveyed by the appearanee of l'rince (jrondosiwayo and liis son. Öuu's Caney prince is representad as being as delicate in ümb and feature as a Greek sluvc, lithc and snpplc as a young tiger, gi-aceful and swilt of ioot aa the antelope. The Javanese piinces in Lioudon,on the contrary, aru of middle lieiylit, inclined to be stout, tlieil" oomplexions of tlio dark yellow of the Malay race and their hair blue-black, and rather oily, hangs straight down caoh sklo of lliü face. Their oostutne is ricii and hlghïy oniamented, witliont any of the gaudiuess of contraatiug colora so loved of theHlndoos; and in general their wliole aspect conveys ui impression of more serions aiins and views of lüe, than does that of any othcr Oriental race. During the last, l'pw nionths Gcrniany lias niado considerable advanoes in the iron tradn. SeVeral tinns wlio had littlo or nothing to do last year are in :i fah" way of business now. Large quantitics of wire are being shipped to Ëuglaud. -""


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