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RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CKNTRAL 1U1LK0AD. JUNE 13, 1S80. QOINQ WEST. TjTTTfTÍ stations. ai t ,m Sa SS $_ l_ llgl 1 il ,. , . , - M. A.M T.M. ,.. M. P-M.'p M L)etroit,leve. 7 00 11 35 8 68 4 05 8 3 9 ín inl.Junction, 7 18 g 53 (i in 4 20' 8 ' 10 1(, ayneJuttotioi 7 52 10 20 6 42 4 46 9 17 K, 42 Vpjilanti, 8 20 10 4k 7 06 r, 05 2 n 07 Oedde, 8 30; i 7 20 __ ! Ami Arbor, s lu 11 00 7 M 5 2 10 88 11 94 I'elhi, 8 63 7 16 i DfJtter, a 0-1 7 56 5 8S 10 21 Cheleo, p 2S s 11 g jj 1" 35 GrussLake, 9 50 8 35 6 líllO M . T , t. A.M T:ickmn, 1 10 20112 15 9 00' B 55 11 50! 12 65 Ubion, hl 04 12 60 7 4.". 11 69 1 88 lui'Mhnl], 1 1 1 50 ■ I :;o - 8111221 ii V. . M 8 A..M. iatileOreek, 12 9 1 55 l 8 41 12 45 S 20 i.ilcsburg, 1ÏJJ 9 ij A.M. iiilamiizoo, 1 li, 2 Sil 4 5l il SJ 1 30 .1 01 "iwton, : 5 2j 2 or. eontur, 2 ld ' 5 42 2 21 towngitte, 2 ;; 6 12 ' -h "il. 4 04 6 07 3 lul 4 38 luetlHnnn, 8 1 1 7 02 3 231- 'hice Oiiks ; 1 7 27 N-w Buffalo, 4 03 4 63 7 40 4 05 Lieklgun üity, 4 i' 6 20 8 08 4 33 555 ■k. S lij 6 02 8 M 5 l; 6 48 ■"i!,. r'riT, fi n 1 6 5H 9 f 6 05 8 18 Chicago, arrive. 6 50 7 40 10 351 C 55 8 30 GOING EA8T. - 1 - 1 - 1 - A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M. p M ChiCiifto.lenve, 7 00 9 00 4 00 8 151 9 10 Ccnuiugton, 7 50 9 50 4 5!) 6 05!10 00 ..Hke, 8 :(8 10 30 5 42 6 60 i 10 43 Michigan City, '.1 20 11 18 6 :('■ 7 40n 30 Vi'w Buffalo, 9 49 11 S2 (i 68 1 59 Hiree OakB, 10 03 7 18 . A. M. tachnnan, 10 32 1 7 40 12 ;)o ïilei, 10 46 12 IS 8 10 9 0012 45 )uw:igiac, Jl IÜ 8 38 1 ifi pc!ilur, 11 30 , 9 05 1 32 .awtnn, 11 57 : 9 2r a. M.' 1 If CalnlnnzOO, VJ 33 1 38 10 01 B 50 10 25 2 25 inlesburp, 12 581 1 . 7 0R : Battle Creek, 1 38 2 15, .g' 7 40 11 10 1 3 18 Marshall, ï 26: S 00 f 8 08 11 35 j 3 46 a.m. , Albion, 2 52 8 21 a.m. 8 35 11 59 4 12 ic.kson, 3 45, 4 05 7 15 9 30 12 45 5 00 ■ rnss Lake, 4 10: 1 7 38 9 50 : 6 25 helsen, 4 40 8 02 10 07 1 5 50 loxter, 5 00 8 16 10 19 6 05 TMM. 5 10 8 25! . ' Ann Arbor; 6 22! 5 07', 8 40 10 35 2 05 6 25 Geddes, 5 29 1 8 48 ' Ypsilanti. i 3R 6 28 8 BB 10 48 2 20 6 41 VayneJunc, 6 02 5 45 % Ui 11 OS 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, 6 35 6 lij 9 45 11 35 3 20 7 45 )etroit,Ar., I 6 50 f? 30 10 00 11 50 S 35 8 oO ' Sundays excepted. Saturday and ttunday exepted. tDaily. H.B. LBDTAED.Gen'l Manager, Detroit; H. C. Wentwoüth. ü. P. & T. Agi., Chioago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking eöect Sunday February 22, 1880. GOING NORTir. ■ GOING SOÜTH. ixp. Mix. Mail """Mui! Mix. Kxp. STATIONS. A.M.r. M.:p. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 8 10;i2 05 6 10 TOT.EDO 10 00 3 05 8 10 8 13 12 08 6 13! North Toledo 9 57 3 0018 07 8 20 12 22 0 2(1 Detroit Junction 9 50 2 47 7 58 8 2912 3. 6 30! Hawthorn 9 41 2 83 7 48 S 37 12 48 G40 Samaría 9 33 2 207 39 8 50j lid 6 55 Lulu 919 168 7 24 8 55' 119 7 00 Monroe Junction 9 14 1 SI 7 18 9 06 135 7 10 Duniïet 9 05 1 35 7 10 9 16 157 7 22 Azalia 8 64 1 15 6 55 9 30 2 27 7 35 Milan 8 42 12 50 6 41 9 37; 2 40 7 42 Nora 8 3IÍ12 38 6 84 9 15 2 55 7 47 Urania S 30 12 25 H 28 9 5(i 3 i7 7 68 FiUsfklcl June. 8 20 12 00 6 18 0 10 3 45 8 10 ANN ABBOR 8 08 1 1 40 6 05 All traína run by Columbus time- 7 minutes aster than Ann Arbnrtinio. J. M. ASHUJY, Jb., Superintendent. DETEOIÏ, HILLSÜALE AND SOUTHWKSTERN EAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. f "TNG WK8T. GOING EART. Mix. Mail i , ,SiiulMiy STATIONS. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M.JP. M.IP.M. 7 30; 8 25; 5 45 Ypfiilantl 10 401 5is! 10 8(1(1 8 44! 6 02 rittsfleld June. 10 22 4 5' 7 38 8 30; 8 57! 6 13 Saline 10 10; 4 48 7 12 9 00 0 15 fi 30 Bridfrewater' 9 SS 4 33 6 55 9 50 9 35; 6 48 Manchester 9 ir, 4 15 5 50 1001120822 Hilladale 758 246 S 60 1 15 11 30 8 30' Bankers 7 50 2.tQi 2 15 Traína run by Chicago time - 20 minutes slower ' W.i-.PARKEE.Supt., Ypsilanti. ANAOA SOrTIIEÜN R'Y I-I1VKS. L' The Ouly American Koute ïhrongh Canada Trains leavo U. C. li.ii. Depot, letroil, city time, sfollows: Aliui ticjLxpre8s, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to B.slr.n. I-ast Day ÉxpresB, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car o New York íuil! Ropton. Lijïlitning Exjirri-s, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wagner car to Buflalo and Rochester. Toledo triiins lcavo 7 50 a. ni. except Sunday ; 3 10 . ra'. dailj ; R 50 p, m, except Sunday, For Fayette fi 80 p. m. except Sunday. JS For information and tickets apply to H. W layes, agent M. C. R. R., Aun Arbor. 11. C. HOACH, Tass. Ap:cnt, Detroit. FRANK E.SNOW, Gen. Pasa, and Ticket Agt. Detroit. pttEAT VESTERH RAILWAYVT Depulb íui t of Tliird and JJrush streets. Detroit time. Detroit tirae. Lenve. Arríve. Atlantic Expr S8, J4.oo a, m. ; 30.00 p. ín. y Express, 8.35 a. ni, 6.oü p. m. íew York and Boston Expresa, 7.00 p.m. Í9.45 n.m. )etro1t Express, l-.45 p. ni. Steiimboat Exprj 8, "7.00 n. m ?wt hJ pi , 11.50 p. ni. 3.4n a. m. JDally. Dailyoxcept Sunday. t Except Monda y. Sr For information and tickets ftppry to H. W. layes, Agent M. 0. K. 11., Aan Arbor. W.TI. FIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Western Pass'r Ag't, General PasB'r Acent ilMliAltlli lUiíllAliii Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assetp Jan 1, 1876, gG,7S2, 6-2=9.88. Loases Paid in 55 Years, 44,760,391.71. íurplus over all Liabilitíes, includii Ee-Insuranoe Reserve, 4,735,092.8O. iet Surplus over Liabilities, ïncludinf Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK Agent, Ann Arbor. r INSEY & SEABOLI'S Bakery, Grocerv, . AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c.' For Wholesale and Ketall Trade. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI IFLOTTIE?.,! J. M. Swift & Co's Best White Wlieat Flotir Bye rlour, Huckwheat Flour, Corn Kaal, ï'ecd, &c, &c, &c. At wholesale and reUil. A general stock of GROCEEIES AND PKOVISIONS constantly on hand, which -will be sold on as reas. enable ternis as at any otlier house in the city. y C:ish paid for Butter, Eggs, and Countrj Produce generally, - Goods delivered to any part of the city with „at etra charge. RraS]BT & SEABO1I. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1,1879. pARM FOR SALE. Forty ncrö, cultivalile every acre, and locnti-d nhiml Iwo miles northeiist of tlic üity In Am! Arbur ti.wnship. Water rmiliing thiouih it the ycnr round, wlthin slx roda of barn. Oood house and harn. Orohard of 100 trees. For salu or excnange for city propeity. Apply to { H. BUBLlNGAME, 33 Thompson 8t. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1SS01-tf I PAiNTS, OILS, ETC. 'pilli LABO CSX ANB BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALT. KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c, AMEEICAN AND FBEN0H All Sizes. -AJX SOEG-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. A NEW 6R0CERY! AT16EAS1 HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprÏBinfreverytliïniïin the line t bottom pricfcs - and purchased exclusively i'or cush. From a long experiencein tbe "trade, ret.iil and whoh'.-ule, lie beliüves üe cud boII goous as cheap a8 ;he cheapeat. CALL AND SEE HIS PE10ES All Goods Warraiited First-Class.; Farmers produce wanted for wliich thp bighest cash price will be paid. VST Eemember the place, 16 East Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. EDWARD13ÜFFY, Wholesale and lletail GROCER A Lorge, Kew, and Clean Stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries ALWAYS ON ITAND ! Togcther with u full and complete stock of BOOTS? SnOES, AXD RUBBER (JOODS, Also a choice assortment of I.aiües' and Gents' lindeiwcar, Hosfery, (.lovcs, Ad öpecialinducements offered cash customers. EDWAIID DUFFY, Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor. B-"F" Cash paid for all Farm Products. GET YOUE PIIOPÉKTT INSUEED BY C. 11. 3ÍILLEN, Tmanfcsnoo JLg-oaa-fe No. 4 Soutli Main Street, ANN ARUOK. - MICII The oldest agancj in the city. Establishec a quarter of a oenti ry ago. liepreseiiting the followiiig first cliiss copinanits fióme Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over ?f),COO,00( Continontnl Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over S3,000,00( Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Asaet& $1,1 t2,4H Girard oí Pa., Assets over$l,000,00( Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 3700, Gu( Coinmen ial Union of London, Assets .;i,OCO,Ufi( JSGff luw. Losen libcrally adjusted auc prompt! y paid. C. H. MIMEN. OPHING FASHIÜK8 - OF- Choice Mnllnery GEEAT VAEIETT, - AT - HUGO HiLL'S, 78Woodwnrd Avenue, DETROIT, ÏIICH. Eggs!Eggs!Eggs! TIIK PlTTOOfTIl KOCKS, orto of 11k best broeds of poultry, i.s un sale by WM. BUSH Superior, P. O. address Aun Arbor. Trice S.per düzen, ofitó For two dozen. Thls is the Corbin. Xc-ffiíitrton, Conn., breed, amoug the best for eggs and tiible. MR. BT'SH bnson Pule, pricc 75 cents, the book of 100 pilles on Plynioutt Backs, containiug fi;ll filrectíons for maliDg, breoding, eire and managemfiu of this vtiriety ot fowls. lt is m admirable fnr amaten!" v" o." "" '■"''! tw !- ttÉST IN THE WORLD! Bl-CARB. SODA Wliich Í3 tho samo thing. Impnre Sn.Icra.iii3 or Bï-Carb Soda (wli ii i H tho sanio iliiiijisofa sliglitly tlirty tvUitc color, it may apjíear wlutc, cxaminul by itselx, out COMPARISOiï WITH CIIÜRCH Si CO'S " ARM ASDILVJIMER" BRAND will lioiv t!o dlfference. See tliat your Saleratns and Bak" lus Soda is whito and PURE, as ghould lo ALL SI.UIIiAK. SUESTAJVCES used for fuod. IIouaíTieepers who prefer broad made vdth yeaat, will improvo ita quality, inako it risa bcttcr aad prevent it from souring. by adding ono-lialiteaspoonful of Church & Co.'s Soda or Saleratus. Be suroaudnot uaotoo inucli. Tna nso of tilia lyith sour rnilk, in preference to Ealsing iowder, saves twcnty times its cost. Sce ono pound packago for Taluable iniormatioa aad read carefully. City Sea-venger. The undersiRrwl offors his services as Scovenser. Vanlta, Ceespools, &c, Stc, cleaned to order or ly thu season, :it reasonaUe priccs. House draine uiado to order. Vaulta made, Orders may bekft atJ. II. Nichei's Meat Market, State Stieot, 47 ISnuthThnyer Slrc.t, or inwlu tirongb tbe Postoüioe. Work will be done as ebeay no the cheapest, aud til orders promptly " ACn0N. LEGAL NOf ICES. Estáte of I aniel Wallace, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTf O oí Washlenaw, i. At a ubsíod of the ProbJ JourtfortheCminty of Waebtenaw, holrlen ni th! Probate Office mthecítyof Ann Arhor, onTlruiT lay, the teoth day oí June, in the yeai J, ;houR;mil ejxhi hundr d and i ghty. at,Wlllíarn D.IIarritnun, Jud?eof ProVat Inlhe matter of üil estáte uf Daniel Vv'alW deceaaed. '! Edwin V?. Wallaee, administratot de boni tfÈ with the will annexcd of s;iid Áltate comea im, court and represent! tbat he la now pripnnd J rendot his final account as uncb ftdminiM nitor Thereupoo it Li ordered, that Wedm Beventh day of July next, at ten o'cloci the forcnoon, be assigned fer examining and ali0 Ing tach account, and thiit t lie devisees. legtiteu and helrs ut law of said deceased, and all oiu persona lnterested tu . are requireáa appear al i 'bnrt, then t ■ at the Probni e Office in the city of Am. i said county, and show canse ir any ther be.wj the saïd acconni should not be allo wed : And ir j furtber ordered Ilial ratur gfve i..; to the persoTii" ïntrn Bted íb . dI tbe pen denc'5 of said account and the hearing thercojj.j o;u;hü;: a cojiy oí' (Ma order to lic publtsl ■ ■ It . kmt Ajibob akim's, a ttewspaper print ed and n citlfttf Rfí In aid county, th ee sueceMlte teecfegpi rtoiu tosftid ilay oi hearing, WILL1AW 3). HAKHIMAK (A truc copy.) Jifdge of Prubafa VVm. G. Doty, Probate Resistor. Kntate of Henry Tinkfn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTf of Washtenaw, ss. At a seasion of the Pfc bate Court for the eounty of WatshtenaW, hola at the Probate Office in ihe eity of Ann Arbor, r Htiturday, the flfth dny of June, in the ypj, one thousand eight hundred and eljrhty. Pieaent, Willium I. Harrlman, Judfrenf Probnf In the matter oí the estáte of Henrj Vinklo,4 ceased. On reading and füinq: the petition, duly vpriflf of Charles s. Öregory, praying that hé n:iy lioensed to wl] the real estáte whereof sak) oeaaed died ss'ized. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Wednegday,] scvcnth day of July next, at ten o'clock in th' foj noon, be A&sifrned for the hearing of shid petitie und that the devisees, legal ees, and JiHrs at lm said deceased, and all otlwr persons inurested aaid eetate, ore required to ftppear at a utHrios said court, then to be holden t the Probatt offi in the city of Ann Arbor, and h1io"w dunte if m therebe,.vhy the prayei v-i the petitioner show not be granted : And it ia furlher oroVred th said pt'titiont'r give nolice to the persons i teiested in s;iiil estáte, ot the pen d ene y oí si petition, and tin he'irina tbereof. by cauinp aco nf tliis order to be pnblislwd in the Aks A rüor A ovBt a newHpnner printed and circuí a led in ta eounty, threesuccessive week8 previous to ït day oí hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKIÏIMAN fAtruecopy.) Judge of Proba Wm.G.Doty, Probate Begister. JJstate of Morris Gregg. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0ÜNT1 IO of Washtenaw, ss At a sessioD of Ihe Pi bate Court for the CouDtj of Waslitenaw, holden thO Probate Offie In the city ui" Ann Arbor, Tueeday, the ritst day of June, in the ye one tbooMTtd oihi hmidred and t-iphty. Present. Wilüam D. Harriman, Judge ofProbtif In the matter of the estate of Morris Giq dtcfiised. On readinp and filintr the petition, duly Terifle of Angosta Gregfi praying tnot he may be licrnw to sell the Ucal Catato wLercof said deeeasedi Bflized. Therenpon it is ordered, that Snturday.the tf ty-sixtb day of .Tune instant, at ten o'eiuek in t! fovenoon, be nsaúmed for tlie hearing of n jjetitinn, and that the heirs at law said deceji5ed, and all other persons inieiestij S6Íd estáte, are required to apptar at a session Baid court, then to be holden at the Proba Office, in the city of Ann Arbor; in said ronnt and show cause, if any tbere be. whj ; prarex of the petitfoner should not he prnnte And it ia furlher ordered, tb at sríc) petitioi i-'ive notice to the peisons iiiterested m snid t-sliii of the pendency of snid petilion, nd the heari thereof by eausing á cnpy oJ this order to be p lished in the Ann Aruob Arous, a n irppap printed nnd (rircalated in aaid ronnty, tline sa ecssive "weeks previons to snid day of hearin WILLIAM D. HARK 1 MAN, (A trnecopy.) Judge oi Probate,1 "Wm. G. ItoiY, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COT7NT1 of WashtenaWf sa. In the matter of the ei tate of Lïzzie Kellogg minor. Notice ïsbtrebyfl OD, that In pnrsuance of n order grantpd to t undersií?ned guardián ni gnid miror by fcfcl V-t Judsje of Probate for the eounty ot Washtenaí a tbe third dy of.Tnne, A. D. 1880, thrr -vrtll h sold at public vendne, to the bjghest bidder, at th e as t front door of the court linuse in the city j Ann Arbor, in the eounty of Wnshtenaw, iu sú State, on Ttjf.sday, thk '1 Wntittii day ct Jm A. D. 1880, at ten o'cloclc in the forenoon of tUj day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgnfe t otherwise existing nt the time of the sale the ft lowlDg deseribed Beal Estat, to-wit; The eqni undividod one sixteenth part of the northeaei qua ter of the north eitst quarter of stction DOn ewhteep in townehip fonr south of Bangesii n (Yoik) in Miehigas eoctainiag forty acits of Iu be the Bame more or loss. Duted JuiteSrd 1880. ALBERT C KELLOGG, Guardian, Cliancery Sale. 1 County oí' Washtenaw - inChanct'ry. I-utlif complninartt, vs. James O. MeGee, Arn i McGee, 1l(1íu Lnther RlcOee, Jamslï. Wntp.ii, Jrthn U. Merker, John P. Merker, .Jane A. Core; Joim J.Bobison, and "William B. Ofborn, defeac ;n). In y-ui.-unnce & d by virtue of a deorpe ' Raid eonrt rend( red nu the secoiad day of Apiit,i D. 1SL i. In the al ove entitled pause, not iet i"r' given that I pbnll b 11 at public miction to the biph st l.idder. on Tr i.suay, the Sixth day ofMt 1880, ut lOo'cloek iu the forenoon, at theeastfron door oí t) e Court Heuse in the city of Ara Aiboi County oí Washtenaw ;t d State 'of 3Iichigin, il thosecertein pifees or pareéis of land siHütieda the ïow&hip fi Sharon, Uouaty oí WasbtoM aod State ot NÜcbigAD, known, bounded ud É Bcribeö ae follows, to wit : Being the eatblW the north west qoartt'j1, the aouthwest quartn vl uorthwest quarter, and the north sixty acres J froTTi t-f scnt!i"rf-t ter of eection nunta twen y-seven, townsinr three - uih ran ÍMI east, contulning one hundred and eighty aerts a land. Dated,May20,lL80. JAMFS McMAHON, Circuit Court Comniissiune A. Fetcii, Fsq., inaud for said County. Solicitor for Coroplainant. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT HAYINGBEEN.MADI in the cnndilions of a oertain murtgtgc lif( inR date the twenty-fhst day of January, i. I ISTiMnade and executud l.y Chnimct-jr H. MiW and Bara M.Mincnhis wi)e, of the cit.F oí M Arbor, in tlie county of WasntenaTT mm Btftle ' Michigan, to William H. 1'nrker ot Lowell, Mas cluisttts. and recordtd in the office of theKegu of Deedsof Washtenaw oounty aforesnid Ine J enteenth day of July, A. I. 1878, at 11:40 o a. m., in libe'r 6B of morl pages on page 251, oo amount daimed to h' doe ut the onte of this nol is fourteen hundred and t iveii!y-tive dollars l tvtiity-i iylit cents, jilso thirty dollars as fl rm& able ioltcïtor's or ttoiney'e fee, in additiotw other liga) costa 11 ony proceedings shonU taken to foteclose this mortgage, and n.Pr;' int H law orin equity having been institutM recover the sjme or ny part thereof: oti tlifi-cfore hereby jivcn, that !y virtue of the pow of salo in aid mortgaee eontained, I shall sell " SATUIU'AV, THK SCYF.NTEKNTH HAY OF .TüLTS. at two o"cloci In the afternooo of said day JtJJJ lie ver.due to th' hffihest bidrier, at the íootí ! cinorot theCourl House in the city of Ann Ai connty ot Washtenaw aforesaid that lieini building wberein theOircnit Court forWart is held), all those certnin pieees or parcela sitúate in the dty of Ann Arbor, in the raR Waahtenáw ané sta!.' nf Michiyan, :uid njw as wit: Hi'ina lots Ni. four, live ; six in block No. six Í6) accordinp to a recordé? I of Ransom S. Smlth'a 2nd addition to said all', Ann Arbor ns recordad in the Rt-giiter'sottci aaid countyof Washtenaw. Dated, Airil 22, 1880. WILLTAM H. PARKER, Mortgsgf John N. Oott, Att'y for Mortgagee. Price wlthin tJ-" ' nf 1?' ioi popnlar IïooIïs since prlnt inji was invented. The Full and Complete Lectures of Col. R. C. Ingersoll, No. 1. Mistakes of Mosos. No. 1. Sknlls. Nft ' Ghosts. No. 4. Heil. N.l. 5. Liberty of Mn, " man and Child. No. 6. Pods. No. 7. Intcll'LJ Development. No. 8. Human Rights. . Hereafter. No. 10. Religie us Intoleiance. ■ ,: Heretics and Heresies. No. .12. Col. IIS Vlndication of ïhos. Faino No.13. rieafori" viduality and Arraianment of the Churcn. , 14. Tho'ReliRion of Oor T)af. No. 15. P"""J Deism lleiiied. No. 16. The Philosopher of Ee" - Humboldt. PRICE 5 CENTS EACH. ' Col. Ingersoll and his Chicago CiW A Lccture by tbe Fev. James K. Apple'y' 'Price 15 Cents. Speech of Challe Stewart rarnell at the V' tion Building, Chicnirc, February 8S, ,j eether with a short Biography of his U. J,aree Portrait and Autograph on Coto I'rice 10c. ,j(1) Full Report of the Grand Ee-JInion of UM S and Sallora of the I.ate War, held at Cl' Nov. 12 to 18, 1879, ini ludinir all spe'j!e-Jrii those ofCol. H. 1. InuerfOll, Col.Wm. „ Samuel Ij. Olemens fMark Twain's hïc Babies). Price 25 Cents. " Life and Trip Around the World ot " GraDt." 15 Cents. "Last Speech of Senator Zach. Chandl ar,d Biographlea] Sketch, with Lanje of Mr. Chandler on Cover rge. 5 Cent Common Sense, Essay on Preams, The fisión of Dpísth, in one volume, vj ■ Paine. FB1CB 2S CENÏ8. . Any of the abore tent post-paid upon raeiptalF BÍS" Ascnts wauted in every City w Liberal leras. A.Ulross: P. W. CAlUtOIi 101 Kandolpli St., tllc0J ■in h ?orr&hu$ fGa.3 tr our n-ice V ,f HH B B 1980. FBim ' V =3 Mldreu "";!, n(inl 1 ft BL Pllcatlon. c ,ït ' S3Br thinu rei]" W „i """ personal orW"5"J wlth over 1.200 Illnstratlons. "'S ij ood t Wholesale prloes In l",1'6,,,!" the pnrcnaaer. The only Instltntlon In '"„.a whomske thli thelr special buslnem.00 BONTCÜJlliltï WAK1) Uv l 837 & ai Wabasli Ave-, CliiiM


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus