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- Jasper has the mumps. - To Friday 100,090 lts of wool were bought in Coldwater. -Au Adrián clr p put up $6 on the nomination of Grant at Cincinnati. - Four,pïisioners at tlie Port Iluron city lock-up "took a walk"' Friday. - Why ïhould a Garfleld Qag float over the [onia state house ofcorretion? - ëeveral line horses havo been stolen Ín the neighborhoo ! of Monroerecently. - Clinton's population 927, Morenci 1,1S5, Orion 429. Tecumseh 2,111.- ColdWater - The norse TJndine owned by Chas. K. Bennettof Jackson and valued at $5,000 died en voyage to Europe. - Tho Clinton News is bonest. It gpologizes for bei .ig onc i!y late on account of "laziaesa oC ons oí its hands."' - l-'ariïiei's of Qakland countyare disposing of their wool ranch faster than j farmers of Washtenaw, at ' to 34 ets. - i The postmaster at CoWwatei will hereaïter receive for his ser'ices ?2,500 per year, Union City 51,2U0 and, Quincy l,100. -Mr. Jacob Dubois of Vevay, an old and respected pioneer of Ingham county, feHdead wliile entering liis son's house. -Mr. Chanta of Ithaoa. put his fln; - ers in his horse's moath to see if the animal's teetli wei e sound. He is now satisüed that they ar -Tl ie largest reported family in Jackson connty is that of John and Auge line Jackson comprising the above andfourteen childreu, all living. - Addison DuBoia of Liberty, was bitton by a rattlesnake while picking wintergseen one day last week, but has recovered f rom the effect. -The new Methodist chureh at Port Iluron, built on the place of the one swept away by a tornado last summer, will be dedicated in about six weeks. -The board of trustees of Adrián college met last week and appointed a committee to secure the establishment of an endowment fund for the college. - Tlio Michigan Baptist minister's ir.stitute will convene in the Baptist cLurcli at Eaton Eapida on Monday wering, Juno 21, and. continue unül I'riday evening. - ïlie rcbnilt methodist church at Pon Tluroii Í3 to be dedieated about Augii! i 1. Ji will be remembered that tliis síructure was blown down by a tornado a year aso. -The Flint Journal says that nothing so aggravates a Plint man as to findthathe cant pass himself off among the female guests at a Xew York baarding-house as a Bussian prince. - A country girl being asked if she was going to spend the Fourth in ColdAvatfr, replied she "thought not; it was no fun to go to that town, wind herself around a hitching post and suck oranges all day." - Onthe25th of -August James Ilumphrey and Milo Bordner, of Ionia, are to have a match on a novel wager, one betting SöO he can put more wheat tlirough a threslii ng machine in 10 hours thanthe other cim. - ZStr. John Robinson of Battle Creek, attempted to comndt suicide on Saturclayby jumping l'rom the railroad bridge, she vas re scued by a gentleman named Alwarf. The lady has been sick for some time and was deranged. - Allie Moore of Coldwater, has a squirrel that is his constant companion. When Allie is ready to go, into hls pocket gocs the pet, and at night iiiey Ifrrrre the same bed. He is e) educated; performing tricks in a manner truly wonderful. -The Mt. Clemens Record tells a Ihrilling tale of the sad onding of a proposed elopement in that city. All wa a well platmed, the lover was at the trysting place, and at about the moment the girl should have showed herself her father appeared and kicked all thoughts of love and elopement out of the young man, who now takes his meáis from a shelf , being unable to sit down. - Capt. E. G. Fechet of the Eighth United States cavalry, formerly a citizen of Port Hurón, has been court martialed lor being drank on duty, foundguilfcy, and sentenced to be dismissed from the service; but upon the recommendation of the conrt, in view of the accused's services and efficiency, as set forth in the record, and with the hope of his reformation in the future, tliesentence is mitigated by President Hayes "to suspension from rank, on half pay for six months, and to confinement to the limits of the postwhere Captain Fechet's company may be serving for the sume per'od." It is the aminnnition funlished by the republican journals themselves that is being used against General Garfield, and it is a little curious that those now warmest in his defence, and least tolerant of any inquiry into his recoi-d, were then most pronounced in their charges. ïhus the Oincinnati Commercial, nnd er date of Miirch 31,1873. Speaking of Garfield ander lire it says : " And Garfield 's noble soul was sadly perturbed. He looked npon the scènes with grave apprehenatons, and regardp(l this un8eemly persecution of the righteoua with Buch horror that his soul was siek within him. He came near making a fatal blunder once;. After Ames nad testLfled the second time as to the giiilt of Garfield, fixed it vpon him clearly and unmistákábly, the general at once -notiflëd them thathe-.vonld come before them and refute the vile slanders that the mendacious man from Massachnsetts had poured out agamst him. The day and the hour came, but simultaneotisly came not Garfield. 11e had heard that Ames (wno was then reluctantly producing the receipts that Patterson had signed) had in his posaession other suen documenta to prove the correctness of hia testimony in respeci to othere, and the gallant general, whose flashing blade was wonttogleam down tlie line, in the glory daya of the past decade, round that to stay away was prudent, and he never appeared. The complaeent committee forbore to question Ames further as to Garfleld s statement and his own, and the papers were consequently never produced. So long as the liles of leading republican journals contain matter of this kind, it wil] be Mie upon the part of the Garfield presa to frown down all mention of his alleged delinquencies. The New York Tribune studiously avoids ffientionlng the nnme of Chester A. Avtluir, the Eepublican candidato for Vice-President. Heisa mouthful of " crow" that eannot possibly be in roduced between the teeth of the journal founded by Horace Greeley. Tlius the Tribuno assumes a virtue though it has it not. .


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