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High School Exercises

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The animal exercises of tlie High school took place at the Presbyterian ohurch en Friday forenoon. The platform from whieh essayist and orators read and spoke was taBtilytrimmed with 'flowers, and overhead suspending from the gallery was the class motto semper instandum - ever persevering. üpon the platform were Superintendent Ferry, Prof. Pattengil and Bev. Mr. Alabaster. In the front pews were members of the board of education, Messrs. Philip Bach, Leonhard Gruner, Israel Hall, Christian Mack, ex-mayor Sniith and ottiers prominently interested. The church above as well as below ■was crowded to an extent that seats were placed in the aisles to accommodate visitors. The exercises were Interspersed with music from Speil's celebrated orchestra from Detroit. Supt. Perry is to be congratúlate upon the commendable marmer in which the program me for the occasion was fulflUed. Considering the youth of the actors, the natural inclination of young ladies to indulge in qnantity rather than quality of words, their inevitable tendency to treat subjects in a sentimental marnier, the Misses acquitted themselves creditably. The young men generally spoke in good voice, audible to any portion of the audience and with one exception without hesitation; and this young man before conclusión redeemed and proved himself the better speaker of the programme. "The Turn of the Screw" was the theme of Martba W. Barry of Aun Arbor. "We flnd" remarked the essayist "that a great portion of the lives of intellectual people of the ages have been devoted to torture. Science and scientists both have suffered under tlie torture of the screw. Prison walls have not ahvays been unfriendly to learning. Bunyan and otliers were compelled to pass a portion of theirliveswithinthem. Luther gathered strength from oppression around him. AVitn what joy man has braved for his fellow-mau." Miss B. read too rapidly. "The Debt of Capital to Learning" was the swbject of Ilenry Bitnell of Mt. Carroll, III. Countries count to-day their wealth by millions. Consider llic wealth of former with latter times. Look at the manufactures of En "land the little Isle. In our own country observe the cotton gin that wrought great changes in the cultivation of tl southern staple! Behold the steam engine and see what this machine has done for Gould and Vanderbilt! The money interests of the world must continue as they have been in the past, indebted to learning. Mr.B'smannerupon the stage was good and comparatively easy. Misa Mary E. Farnsworth of Ann Arbor essayed iipon "Pyramids and Pigmies." On the mountain tops is where character is scrutinized the most keenly. In our own land we have illiistrious examples of pyramids and vales. It is not birth that makes nian a pigmy. ÏTone were bom in greater porerty than lïenjamin Franllin (tnj Abraham Lincoln, and yet to what illustrious hights these men attained. "A man's a man for a' that" is the old Scotch proverb. Miss F. feil into the error of reading too f ast. Chas. II. Cooley spoke of "Sermonsin Stones." One of the essential aids to the cultivation of society is the study of good books. There is no one so wise but what he can be made wiser by iting the woods and studying thelaws of nature. It is to the advantage of students particularly. Mr. C'a voice is without volume suflident tobe heard in all parta of the room. "Clouds" was the chosen theme of Miss Mary L. Gott of Arm Arbor.- What a wonderful appearance the clouds present to usl Children wonder and behold them wïth awe and fail to understand why they do not f all. Rude and uncultiircd people think as do the children. The clouds are rich in suggestion of speech. Clouds of despotism and superstition have gradually f aded away and sunlight has appeared.- Clouds of prejudice are removing, the essayist instancing the admission of ladies to the university as proof of the latter fact. Miss G. read plainly and was easily understood. J. Albert Case of Anhurn, Ind., discussed "Diplomacy and Diplomatists." Diplomacy, wliat is it? It may be defined as conducting peace between nations of the earth. Some system of solution must be found to determine all questions of differences. Various and great are the necessities at times and none but the best and ablest men shouldbe selected. It cannot be denied that diplomacy has contributed to civilization. The rudiments of this system were instituted in Greece and Rome. Woman is not without sentationin diplomacy. Ladie9 Josephine and Ilamilton have filled tliis position. Franklin was the greatest diplomat of the eighteenth century. Others who had gained f ame were mentioned, and the speaker improved the opportunity by saying he was happy to announce the honor that liad fallen to Michigan by the appointment of President Angelí.. "A Hoek Ahead," was announced to be the subject of the essay of Miss Clementina L. Houghton of Ann Arbor, but it should have been entitled "An Argument in behalf of Female Suffrage." ïhe social as well as the physical world is fllled with impediments- rocks we may cali them. ïhe rock of slavery yielded to the labors of üarrison and others. Another is ahead which will be removed in due time and universal suffrage will be adopted. What the world needs is practical knowledge. Will women summon to their aid all their power? Wby are not girls as well as boys taught to understand politics? Let Miss TI. persevere and by and by she may be able to join the band of unsexed shriekers led by Susan B. Anthony now following in the wake of politicians trom convention to convention. "National Consoience" formed the topic upon which Richard M. Dott of Anamosa, Ia., discoursed. lic said justice is the law of conscience. "We are possessed of an instinct of obligatiqn that directs us to do right. It ia eaid nations, but a langer man, have no conscience. England's con-, leí) se makea war upon the wenk. ';'.j has committed atrocities that should never be countenaaced. 'he;i our nation was on the brink of ruin, paper money was Issued, and many men are without a conscienoe In regard to ttsredemption and also payment of tbc national dcbt. The ludían has no rights white men are bound to respect and they have acCQidingly been hunted down. Our national eonscience lukte treated these wards shamefnlly. The wise men at Washington are e ideavoring to solve the probtem and ave out conscience. The orator spoke distmctly and received considerable appl in ". Miss [sabella ir. Hall of Elambnrg, readoi "Origlii of Speech." Speech is not the sole attributeol man. Little as we think of it we can't think without it. Language binda as of a chain all nations. As far back as laBguage can be traced the hiatory of the race eau le traced. Two thousand languages have been spoken. Was man endowed with this wonderful gift of speech at birth? It is in the opinión of sotne that language is not natural but man has acquired its mastery. Science asks hogy man knows tho language. The answer is, he is taught. Miss II. showed she had been reading up th.e Darwinism theory and was converted by it. Like ottiers she was in too great a hurry to get throtigh her effort. " ïhnrnbs Up, " a very singular subject was chosen by Miss Bessie P. Hunt of Ann Arbor. The originator of thié very interesting game was highly interested in fmiling somethingt ■) please the public. The essayist belisved as the world progressed thevevas lessfoltowing of leadei-s. T?y, extre ,ii tadividuality man can isolate hl aself. Minds are heightened by the books they read. Miss U's theme was at Ie ist attractive to the audience who naturally expected Bomething hnmorous. They were doomed to disappointment for the fair essayist seemed to have lost sight of her subject, impressive as it is as a text for a discourse. Mary M. Ilendrickson of Ann Arbor, wrote of " One of tl e Fine Arts. " God is the great original artist. Ilis Book is full of interest. Scattered here and there is a ráre bit of niusic. We are all lovers of the beautiful. The face is the interprater of the mind. A mirror reflects only what is. If we would grow old beautifully we must cultívate the fine arts. God is the autbor of all arts. Miss II. read well and distinetly. "Limitations of Development" is the subject of Prank C. Wagner of Ann Arbor. It is a matter of common observation that the mind is capable of development. Compare the difference between the child and man and what is the difference - simply development. If genius is Uie result of chance why is it there wereno great men in the earlier history of the world. "Who would limit knowledge? Miss Addie M. Kmght of Ann Arbor read of "Popular Admiratton Of Great Thieves." Among the countries of Eürope there have been discovered men who were outlaws. There were Robinhood, Rob Roy and many more. Spain had a host of brigandg. Coming down from their retreats from the mountaini? and up from the caves they leave thoir marks behind. Dick Turpin caused lus renown by the coolness of bis andacity as a robber. The Italian bandlttl are the most renowned of any in the world. There is a too great admiral ton for r.iKl tint! mr of 11ip. imsi. Essay well read. Edward R. Wagner of Ann Arbor spoke upon "Education in Ancient Kome." The speaker assérted that Roman education was behind th'e Grecian. The earliest studies pursued in Rome were oratory and military. The Romans were without the sciences.- They had no literature of their own and were obliged to depend on Greece. The classical courses of both countries were i conflnedto the rich. Koman boys at the age of 16 were compelled to address the public. "Essay on Criticism" by Miss Millie S. Knowlton of Ann Arbor. Our reporter was unable to perceive the drift of the essayist's paper in which "three black crows sat upon a tree" predominated. What relation crows and their location bear to criticism he failed to comprehend. Speculation as to the author of the phrase, as well as crow's habits provoked laughter. "Critics are more nice than wise" said she, a term she will probably apply to our reporter when she reads this. Miss Emily R. Stebbins of Ann Arbor read of "Schiller."' He who would write heroie poemS should make his lif e a heroie poem. Schiller's life began when Germán literalure was making great progress. II e drew about him many who admired him as a writer. Miss S. was an excellent reader. "Bright Spots in the Middle Ages," E. Cone Willians of Wauseon, O. The middle ages ara assoeiatedwith intolerance, oppressio'iandcruelty. Ignorance has ceased and knowledge is spreading everywhere. We flnd the most to admire in the middle ages in their literature. The peo;le of those days sang songs in full devotion to their church. Then followe.l presentation of mas. Beturniug to their aeata from the platform in front of the altar where they received iscords of tlieir degree the youngladies without exception were loaded down with boquets arranged in all styles imaginable. Benediction by Eev. Mr. Alabaster closed the exercises of the hom. ALUMNI MEETIBTe. The alumni ftssociation of the high school held its animal reunión Friday evenlng at the high school hall. A large number of graduates wei e present. Jerome Knowlton, '70, presided and Webster Cook delivered an oration. Miss Mary L. Martin was the essayist of the evening. The exercises were interspersed with musio, solos being rendered by L. D. Wines and Miss Alabaster. The association will be officered during the coming year as follows: President, Levi D. Wlne', '70: VicePresident, Chas. P. Gilchrist, '72; Sec retary, Mary Louise Pond, '71; Treas urer, Louis D. Ta lor, '76; Orator, Rev Joseph Mills Gelston, '05; Alter i.i Orator, Cha. T. Harria Jr., '71; Toet Theo. II. Johnston, "(;7; Altérnate Poel s. i'. JToungs, 74; Essayist, Mrs. Nelli ;. Blackburn, '68 Altérnate Essayi: i Mary Miner, "7:',; Committee oi Music, Wm. T. vhedon, "77; Executiv Committee. John V. Sheehan, '72, Luli Goodrich, '7.'!, Chas. Waguer, '77 and Mattio Tenny, '78.


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