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Dexter Department

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- llaynig and harvest will pull close togetbr, -The band will parado at Ann Arbor Saturday. -Business was brisk last Friday and Saturday. -Hancock and English, therrTs the sentiment. - Work lias been suspended on the Corporation. -Prof. E. E. Thomppon and wife of Albion, are visiting liere. - Lots of wool passes throngli here en route for other markets. - Mrs. Dr. ZeigenfuM is visiting relBtives at Ypsilanti this Week, - Our local nimrods are praeticing daily for the prize shoot Monday. - Ilenry Sedina, formefly a tailor at Dexter, resides al Masón, lowa. -Miss Xellie Sonlier of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Joey Croarkin. - ïhere is soine talk of hoisting a Hancock and English pole in town. -Hancock and English are bevond the range of republican mud-throwers. -Mr. E. Smith of Lima, has workmen engaged building him a large new barn. - It has been reported that Frank Evarts disliking Dakota will shortl) return. - New potatoes from our farmers have made their appearance in the market. -Dr. Zeigenfuss attended the uni versity alumni meeting at Ann Arbor ïhursday. - The town is overrun with book peddlers of every description,%vith books of all kinds. -Cari Green has been promoted f rom Dexter niglit office to Galesburg day (telegraph) office. -Mr. T. McXamara, C. S. C, and Eddie Croarkin are home among their oíd friends again. -Prof. Cook wöl teach our schools anotlier year. A cliange will be made among the laly teachers. - Kev. D. Edgar delivered a pleasing ■lecture on Eob't Ilaikes at the Baptist cliuich last Sunday evening. - Miss M. L. Clark arrived home from Ilúntiiigton, Ind., where she has been teaching in the high school. - Four trampa under the supervisión of Marshal Tubbs, were quartered at the " Corporation hotel " Monday evening. -Messrs. C. S. Gregory and J. C. Tuomey never tire telling their friends of the mysteries connected with president-making. -The friends of Jas. Bycraft will be pleased to learn that Jim will havo charge of the night telegraph office at Dexter once more. -Mis. Becker has sold lier farm of 40 acres containing the somewhat noted whortleberry marsh in Dexter township, to Mr. Grosier. -The dance at Wm. Joanson's new barn Friday evening was the largest alïair of the kind that has taken place here in some time, nearly 100 conplea being present. -The snit of M. Goodrich against Jas. Lucas for damages Saturday, resulted in a verdict for defendant of "no cause for action." It may possibly be carried to Circuit Court. - Dexterites will have a fine opportunity to see at least one celebration this year, and can be a little particular too, therp being one at Ann Arbor Satm..ln$7 .,„,1 -i ■- J-r - Wheat sold as low as 8óc per bushel last week, and in consequence of which bat little made its appearanee in the market. At present writing it has advanced to 88c and may be 90c before the week ends. - A few of our farmers have began harvesting, a remarkable thing for Dexter. Those farmers wlio were continually putting off small jobs of varions kinds " till af ter haying," will be sadly taken in this year. -The It. R. club offlcers elected Wednesdav niglit are : B. P. Copeland, president ; Emanuel Vinkle, vice-president ; W. C. C. Clark, recording secretary ; II. D. Stannard, fmancial secretary ; and Tip Henry, steward. -The pnnster of the Leader was evIdently in a state of perplexity for lack of punning material when he became so irreverent as to misuse the term requiescat in pace, a term, that when tised, is supposed to denote respect or at least what it implies ; a sincere wish of rest for a departed soul, and nol a dog. -The census of Dexter we learn will not exceed 1,000, and some doubts were entertained of its reaching that mimber. To the people here who remember the census of '74 and that it Was over 1,300 at that time, this will seem tncreditable for several new residences since bas surely had a tendency to add to instead of diminishing its population. While no one is the least doubtful as to tlie correctness of Judge Crane's figures and work, it looks rath er slim for IJexter as a city. -The fourth annual commencement Of the Dexter public schools took place at Costello's hall Friday evening last. The hall, which was tastefully decorated, was literally packed, and it being warm, almost lo sufiocaüon. A inunber were obliged to leave before the exeroises had near terminated. All of the graduating class acquitted themselves in a praiseworthy manner. The only fault if it could be ealled so, was that most of the ladies spoke go low as to ronder it indistinct to those in the last seats. There were nine graduates, eighi ladies and wie gentleman, a little thfng over which tlie ladies must have experienced considerable pride. Rev. L. P. Davis made the closing remarks. ïhe followiiiR evening a large audience assembled at the same hall, it being the occasion of the alumni meeting, and listene d to a well delivered address upon "Kducation" by David Wilcox, and the reading of an original poem by Miss Carrie Magoffln t' '79..


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