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Ypsilanti Department

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-Mr. L. ' ll, ií pay Hg hís foniMT í.iüic a visit. -Miss Carrie Towner went to Detroit Tuesday to spend the summer. -Miss Gibson of KSQamazoo is thef ipueat of Miss Mamie Putnam. -Miss' May Ffazer of Tecumseíi, iá ;he guest of Miss Jennie Stevens. - Miss Croul of Detroit, is stopping WÍth Miss Allie Barnes for a few days. Miss Hattie And re ves went to Xa pies, 3Í. Y., Thursday fox a visit of three months. -The lawn social a1 Mrs. Riehmondfl Wednesday evening was a very i-njoyabie affíúr. - Walson Snyáef and family left foi' Báy View Wednesday to spend 0x4 summer. - Mra S L. Champlín went to CharlVolS Wednesday morning lor tvo or tlirèo niontlf. -Quite a fiufübEfr from thís place aítended the conimencement exercises at Anu Albor Tlmrsday. - Mr. O. A. Ainsworth and family lel't foi a two weeks visit to New ílampflhire Monday afternoon. -Miss Allie Putnam andWillie Kimball were married at the residence of the brido's parents Saturday afternoon and started for Alpena the same evening. - There beiiiR no celebration heve tlie 3d oróth of July eveiy one is talking of going to Ann Albor or Monroe, but there are two certain young men who will take " Fenton" for theirs. - ïhe concert of tlie Musical Union was quite well attended, although the .Musical Union will be ont about $20 by the means. as their expenses were very heavy ; but tlie loss will be made up out of a reserve fund which the M. U. have in their treasury. -Messrs. Goodspeed & Judd of tliis city have been given the agency for the Lake Superior lines of steamare, and partiea iñtending a trip either east or west by water will flnd it to their advantage to consult them regarding ratea or other int' ormation desired . - ïhe Baccalaureate sermón preaohed by Trof. Estabrook Sunday evening at the Methodist chureh, was listencd to by a very large audlence. The public exercises of the Normal Zealots drew quite a crowd Monday evening at the Normal hall. The exercisea were not up to the standard. Tuesday evening was " class day" exercises at the Normal and were very fine. This is a new feature with the Normal graduates, and proved a success. May they have "class day" every year hereafter. -This bas been a bad week for runaways. Monday Chas. Wiard's horse attached to a single buggy stáirted l'rom near the Ilawkins house on Congress. street, and ran down Congress towardshome, coming in contact with another horse and buggy near the bridge, taking off one wlieel from the otlier buggy, and spilling all the berries which HA Wiard had in hi.s buggy. On Tuesday a doublé team hitched to a lamiera wagon ran away on Rivev street, but no serious damage was done aside from the breaking of the wagon.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus