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MEDICINAL. .'o Nervous The Greal KSoropean Remedy - Dr. J. ís. Stmpson's Speciíic Medicine. TI is n juisitivc oure for Spormatorriiea, Seminal W'eükiH's, Impotency, ftDfl 'd dis&ases resuUiug froiti Sclf-Abuso, as bfobh. Mental Anxiety, aftek. j&vÍX Losa o f Memory, láA-fK Í&W% Pal na in B ck or y&Sp' k MiÖ!ldPT8lde' !llld iiseaflCfl yffelí-- i1 5n a ead 0" íra jbv Éí íTf''3 sinnption , iusunity cJ&n 8 jfó y&í-KáL. ftnd íin early irriive. y ti '- -fï ! Ei)-.L Vu' sPJciHc y&L wiih wonderfol Bnccesa Pampi tete stni freo to sil. Vi íte for tlieni and gel ful) participara. r i i Specifle, $1.4)5 per package,or nix piickagea for $5.00. Axïdreb ;iii orders t ■ .1. lí. IMÍVON MEDICINE CO., Ni.s. 104 and 10G Main Btreet,Buffalo, N.Y. For sale in Ann Arbor by Eberbaeh & Kou, anp iy all drucRXKta every vhere. ÑERVOUSDEBILITY. GKAY'S SPUCIFIC MUIMOINT, TRADE MftRK.T)l! Grl,nt un.TRAOEMAWC j$ -- -jíl11 unfítilinff cure kí'Í, } JEjfcLr teucy,and vxS' Before Takingss oí biicmory" Aftor "ïaking. Uníveral Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimneas of Yímmii, Premature Oíd Age. and many otberdiaeases that lead to lnsauity, Consamptioa aud a Premfitnre Grave. Fitll particulüTR ïti our pamphlets, which we ! deaire to seuü free bj mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is nold by hii Druggíetsat 1 perpackngetor aix packRges for $ft, or will be seut by muil on receipt of the moneJ y irl dressing THE (JUAY MteDTCTNE CO., No 10 MeclüinicM' Black, Detroit Míoh. 4-Pold in Ann Arbor by all Druggiats, undby lr?}íiít everywhere SCOVM'S gJipjLJBS[BJP, a peerless remedy for Scrofula, White Swellings, Cáncer, Erisipelas, Gout, Chrontc Sores, Synhills, Tumors, Ear_fmncles, Silt Rhcnm, Malaria, Bilions Coniplaints, and all dióeases iiidicatiit ai". íiniure Condition of the Bíood. Tisis (rmid Itemedy is a ' comnoHud of' vegetable extract, tlie chief of which are SAEHAFAKiLLA aad STíLLtNfílA. Tlie cures effected by SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND L1VER , SYRUP are absolute and their ! record is undisfiírured by fallure. For sale by all üragglsts. I IVFR PII I ■■I ■ kll I II ;'.' iwl The hú Cathariifi Vegstabla Regolato?. Thoy rectipj torpi&fáfjt of thc Jjivvr. Titcy (ve totio io the Htoinuch. Tltey act, w-íthout {ripiny, upon the hacéis. They llemovc hile, from the bioorf. Thvy 2urifyf regúlate, invig orate the body. Thcy cure all bilíoug comjilaints ROERS5 WORM SYRUP ïnstantly destroys W0R5IS and is reeommended by physiclans as the btst WORM MEDICINE lu uso. uMin o [l:Lj r M 11 a L La for JUJV and, BJE&MT. For Externa! and Internal Use. The greatest Pain ReHover of the Aga C2 For sale by aH Drwírírits, JOHN F. HEXUV, tXKlUN & CO., SOLE rilOPHIETOIÏS, 34 Collcce Place, New York. BEST IS CHSAPESTI Í.EWIS' CONDENSED STRICÏXY PFREI We isill give $1000.00 for an; Alum or otlwr aJuttcration fnund in this I'OWVJEIl. ígSí Indorsed by the Broolclyn Board Kolk of Health, and by the best clieiiiiots B&fe la tlae United States. fla- . It is s viiOWGKR tlian f Ytast Powticr la MCjH B KI3VEU FAILS o ESA A""ili= llIit hrtad wnen ■ HSJBmlA ""u-vcd as (liroctcil. giBig t& ItlsCOMMEMnEabyevrry f: ■ :, ■ - bousekeeper wlw baa i tvea ie :t 'r tiljl tfSS ItisaiK-ntlrclySJRWTTiVElYSg TlOJi.wiilioutauyof tliebaclquall■H Hes of Boda or B:,leratus, yeast or Vi n otlier baking powders. BLjif It lias ia ltselt a tonrloncy a-n.T'rir" tn staiu and uourisli tüo ' Bystem. Good food makes good health; nndhonlth ia lmproved or imnalred in proportion as tuo lood we er.t is nutrttlous or otnerwlse. Llïivis' líAKliíQ PoVí'Dlill aiwaytf uiakea good food. One can of tbls 13 irortli tvro of any otner bu!;ing compomid. Jt na!:es bread whlír and rlcher. llore tliaji lialf Vao complalnts of bnd nour i tlia use of conunon batlng p - t,-!:!c!i often mate tüo beat üour tura out darle bread. The mot üiilcrto persons can eat food prenared witU It wKfioat iujury. Niarly eyery balein? powcier la aüullerated anil )3 abaolutöly iniurinus. Tuis is made ín ,e Crenra ofiTnnjir, and 18 PEHl BCTrY PtIlJJ. It luakes tlie iiüST, lltitcst, and uiust BREAD, BISCUIT, CAKE, CRULLEaS, BUCKWHEAT, INDiAN, AMD FLANEE!. CAEÍES. A Binprle trial wlU prove tlie supcrloriey oí tilia Powder. MANTTPACTUIIEO OWLY UT 6E0.T.LEWSS & RENZiESGO. philadelphia. 1 wieiiajb: eeid, ! UB PttïHOH iMÏBICAK . ífeTal Window Giass, f late Glass, ' '"- 3 Siifl i Hnn Yut Ribbcd and llouj-h Pinte for 91 1V3Í Sky HK!l(R' Cut i[id ' "■uii 1 B BB f e!tid !a88' Zilver Plated L w fi KV S 1 w H v I Ssh Bfirs, Freuch and OerI OhiaCbvMMUtaBiH mau Looping (.lasa Platea, V'èI I't"'i a"d OilOoIor'iÍQtt7t ÍvJyS Oj" ï ■ ijuildinsr. or In want . -_Z&2JlLLj of auyiliiüf, write for cutí12 & 14 Oongrsss St. East, Detroit, Mich. HOW X ATTAI.N ]C■CESS. Without beallh, life is a failure. Yellow Ktes, Sallow Complexión, Loss of Appktite, Dyspepsia, SickHl-.ADACIli:, Ü1J.IOU8NESS, :il] (.'oXSÏIl'Atidn. i.s the r -uli of a coinplaining Liver. MABCEAU'S Livkk and Anti-Biuous CompotjnÍ) i aeknowledged as a sure cure for the enfeebled aystem. Powegsiug ";ACAMA SAGRADA," wiüi otlitr meritorioua iagredients, makes it aa Lnt'allible reinedy for Eqcaliziko THE ClBCTTluATION, purifying the Hi.ood, and restoring to Pekféct Health the enfeebled ivHtem. 7") cents [er bottle. Town'i Bronchial Syrup en res uil Lfing, ïliroatand Ciieut (iiseases. 75 cents per (juille. Farrand, Wiij.iams A Co., Wholesale Druggiüts, Duioit, Agento. For Kiile by II. J. UKOWSt &. CO. c


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