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A Wonderful Head

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Charlea Erling i? a most remarcable specimen of man. Ever sinco bis bivth he has becn unable to Btand upo liis féet, on account of the yreight of bis head, wbich is of abnormal size. For twenty-eight years, the lengtli of bis lifc, he has been coinpcllod to lie a bed contimially. lic vin boni in Burlington couuty, N. J. He lacks ono inch of being five inches in length, but woulil probably have grovvu Jonger had he boen in the habit of taking physical exei'cisc. His head appeara to "be six timos Lhe oi'dinary size, aml, his mothcr says, Ikis always boen ;is disproportiouate in weijfht to the rest of his body as it is novr. Tlie measurement around the head at tlie ïniddle of the forehead is thirtytliree iiichcs, ■■hile the line ps over tlie crown and under the cliin is forty-four inches. The inner corner ot' the oyes are tour Inchea apart, the di.-lance froni temple to tomplo is th ineen inches, and the bridge of the nose is six inches below the upper line of the forehead. The trunk of the body is aliont the game in size ofniany a big fat boy tlmt walki the Btrcets, but the musclea are soft and weak for want of activity. - The naeasifrement around the chest is forty-i'orr incliesand around the waist thirty-five inchoi. llis iegs, however, are no thicker than thoso of an 8-yearold boy of ordinary si.e. Ile extends his hands to vi8itors,bida them good-day and chats with them in a childish wanner. 11e soenis to have an evenly balanced mind, but it is thatof a prattling infant. He cminot Fead,and iwver would try to learn even thealphabet, at his neok, although no wciikor than might bo expected in a person who has always bcon conüned to liis bed, was not Btrong enough to move his head withoul giving bini pain. His paronts havo liad no child but Charlos. The father is dead, but the mothor is with him. lioth parents were hoalthy, oí' ordinary stature, and possessed the average physical development.


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