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T+nTnn77.]fil do8 on the streeft of Memyhis aro shot duwn without me rey. Only ono hotní at Jrwtttonville, Fin., Will réniain opon du ring liie suuiuht. Over 260.000 Eonsof iron were pBr hased in England in the mónth ;' llarch lor tlie United Suites wlüoh is t 1 1 ie rate of :i,uoo,ooO toiis per ytr Tlie total number of schools in New lampshire is l'ound by tlie assessors .o be 1,156, an inrrrn.-o oí 74 over laet c:r. Of these, l,0U7 are in thu unión [istrict, Philadelphia eontalns 103 dlstinct ron lactovics, giving craploynicnt tti learly 12,000 h;iiiii, vrinhout those employcd at the Bald'win locomoLive ■Works. Thcre is not a singla liquor snloon ti any town along the line of the Kast Cennctsee and Georgia railroad, bouween Cbattauooga and Koxvillc, a dist:mcc ol' ono UundtaJ .'i'"l kvrvim mies. Mr. ITcnry C Rich dicd tlie otlior ïay at Newport, Mass. lt is refated of liitn nul li is brothcr, Robèrt IC, who Btill lives, that ttiey cach to( a leg on tlia same day during the war, the latter at Antietam, and the Conuer on board the United States steainer. Busquehanna. Two years agti not more tiian citit hnndred head of entile were pwued along the cnlire valley of tho Üppeif Cilii rivor. To-diy tiicre are at least tweni y-iivc thousand head grazlng over tlie same ground, and tweiity-six good ranches be ing tarmedi The lalest plan lor crossing tho English charme! is embodied in a model ïiow before the Britsb admiralty for a monster iloating niilw;iy station, vrhich is to carry trains holding- 2,000 passengen acroaa at Liic mie oi' tburteeii knots per hom-. Mrs. Etogcrs, iukI öne oí' her daugliters, of liuiicoiiib, N. C, made by their own labor duriiig lasL season, froto two and a half arres of huid, SiiH+ worth of Lobacco. Tliis amouiit was retained aller paying a reut of one-tbird of the erop. The young ■women of Onoko, Tcx., have taken toafashionofcuttiug their hairaa short as seissors will do it. They wear little slouohod hats on the sides of their suiooth keads, and look as rakish as pirales. Richard Wulff, a Montreaí merciiant of ■yrealth and high soeial standing, lias brought a lawsiiit to get back $uOuo whioii lie settled upon his vrife beíore marriago. bhe subsequently elopcd, but would not give up thü property to hcr desei'led husbauú. The great searcily ot meo to work in the quarries at West IVwiet, V't., lias caused the iutroduction oi' Germans, quite a number of whom liavé arriveu iroua Castle Garden, Jsuw Voi-k cuy. They Work well, and are sober, quiet, peaceable, Lateliigeut citizeus. Fivo little negro boys, rang ing ia age t'rom 9 to lo ycirs. vrere brouUt bciore the mayor ai Oxford, MxM., under a charge of taking another iíliio boy, aged lu ycars, lïoin his bed at niglit und boating liim severely. üpon coiiviction, two oí tlie juveniles ero sent tojail, . Frederick Turncï, aged 40 ycars, wag f ehloi'oioriiied ut üuttUlO, -N. i.., preparatory to liavirtg an operatiou [lerioniied by l'roi'. JuÜus F. Muier, when the pacieut suddenly spraug iroin his recliniug position, teil on the Hoor, and expifea in the pieeiioo of a dozen yliysicians, Mrs. Scott Siddona ays : "I havo traveled through the United State lor eleven yeara und knovy all phatms of society. The womon here are very nmch bet ter miornied than the Enj- liah wonien. Anierioaa woinen possess a certaio grace and case, vvhat lIio Freuch aalJ ctic, that you will not find in the highest English íociety, a gervant girl hei'e will tlress lierseli' in a graoeful, natty Tray that an Euglisli ducliess knowá noLhingaboui." The erangelists Moody and SanTcy passed through tho lndian Territory, and while at Muskogee, in the Cree nation, Mr. Moody arranged toreceivo i ten lndian airls from that nation, for whora he will procure freo oduoation at the yuiins' ladies' Reinhmry estab lished by hiña at Northfield, Mass. The total Canadlan lumber cut tlii soasun Ls placed at l,0ü4,000,0U0 lcot of which 380,000,000 feet is oredited tcr Ker Brunswick. The cut oi' t.lio latter is divided up as follovrs; St. Johu rivcr, 2UO,UUO,000 ; Miramichi rivciy 10O,UUÜ,ÜUÚ; iíaie de Chulear, 30,0Ui),000; SÍiediac Kichibuci.i. eic, 30,000,000; 8t. Croix fiver, 20.000,00a The importsof theeilk nianulaclurcs during tbe past year exceeded tliose oí tiie pi-eTiou8 year by aearly Su per cent their total valué ímounting lo nearly üiö,ouu,oO0, paying a revenuo to th'e Uuitcd States oí $15,00ü,(XXk Tlie American milis aro kept aclively at work, aud then" busiueos is Üouriíiliing'. The wife of Franklin Roclovay, of CollinsvilU'. CUjim., put hor two youngest children to bed, the oihcr iiiulii, le.iving a large kerosene íiuup.' buí'uiug on a stand, and went belovr" to entertain soinc coiiipany. An liour later she went upstairs, and íwuid that the lamp liad exploded, sealier-ing tlie oil and ail over the room Without setting anyUnng ou lire or ■waking the cluldi-en. Oswego Times: A gentleman of thia city hands us a Glasgow, ticotlaml paper, of reent ilute, ia which we ünd 'Prime American Cheese" ailvwtisedat retail at 6d por pouiid. llus quory i.s how can American cueese whien relails at lö cents per pouudhere, where it made, bu retaiied at öd perpouud ii ÖcoLUukI. ïhe liimber business is ono of Goor-gia's growing industries. H is estiïnatea tliat this e:u-'s product vriil amount to SK)ü,0oo,üü0 ieet, and will exceed in ralue $5,000,000. No industry m tlie State bas assuiiied guch proportions in tlie game portod as lias ihi m the past tour years. lu regard to tlie timüer intei-ust of tlio wiregras scütion it is stated tliat tiinber is utw briuginjj better uribes tuan it lias ïoir vear8, Tiic Bichmond (Virginia) State ntIributcs ilie iaiiure ot' foreign immiraats to settia in the South to the prosence oí the negro as an impoïtnnt element of the popuUtiou of Uní gection. On the other hand, The Bichmond Whig eays: "Pi-ejudioa against the negro is indigenous only to the 8OÍ1 they inii;il)il,aiul it is especiiüly noticeaWe tliat the immigrunt class of ioreignors, wheu they lirst come among us, knovr littlo or notliin; of such distinction until they havo hnbibed it trom association witü v" pelves."


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