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Lake Superior Transit Co. BJuwnersleave Detroif for Rault . 1 na and f '■''- on :.,M.luy:, Ta ■ . i . ' i Baturdays, n i „Kl!il"?d ': mude ai Daluth I I nul, Mlnnrapolfft, '■'■■ mavek, Manitoba and North,South . ' '":' aftei Jrae M on Sundays (to Cleveland ..nlyj at 4 i: ., nd on Mmdy 'ridnya Bt 9 p. m. Wednesdnv aDd Batorday, at 6 p. m.. tor Cleveland, Erin, umi BufMn, comiecting wiili railroadt tliercat for tbc Bftst and 8on1 h. Fo tickets ml fuvtbrr informatlon hpiOt to J.T WHITING, Genera] ,L,'„t, Dook and üfflc foot of Woodwaid aTenu 57 m Detroit, Mlch. ' Let IJp- TakeaKest! Tf yon want fo start on a vpry eheBp and oijov. hl;' tour in Jrly, to Niágara, the 1 0( Kt. Lawrence, Montreal.Qnebec, White n-,-! Frnneonia Mountaina, ' ., :. , ■ -, liri; „p tne Hudson, Pa.'atojra, and return orer the rmito, stopping whi n and here yon v.-ínt to, with allxpenses pñM,ñnü iwi "extras," write to II. F. EBERTS. KxcumionA -'t SU-ét Canada Boutbi rn l.'y, De rolt, Micb. LUI WHEELER OKEOSTÖÏT, Teacher of Englisli and Italian -ASI) CULTIVATI01T OP THE VOICE, Will lóente in Detroit during a partfon of tle Kummer of 1880, and will be prepureü to roceive pupila o-o amo arreí in-!,, u c. J. WHITNBX'S Music Store, Kooms 40 J'ort Street wtst. ■W Ab Mr. Wheeler can receive btttatiMlTED ndmbkb of student applicationa sbouM be n:iide .is soö as cos emKNi eilher to bim, 161 Tri moni Street, Botton, or at ilie Ilusic Btore of C J. Wiiitney, Ifetroit, where a book for aignatntea will be kept and fnll particular given. ; A ET EMPOEIUM And Artist's Supp!y Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. AïfDREW J. BKOW, Preprletor, Dealer In Picture Frames, Looking (ïlasscs, Oil Paintlngg, Engrnvlngs, Cliromos, Artist's Malcriáis, and Art SpecialUcs. OID FRAMES RE-GH,DED. a'u di y Jt'iieufliraufl l-uirab; 1 liBTditow in hlek i rr.i vnrt t} Of JIcBk'iil),! i-ti}s-lïatliICl:p, nitdlkuow Itwlll l,elo y,ur inil.t est to niake yoiir purcbato of I atn deternilned to more a seii( muny i?ods tfata Spring and Mm., :.nd davc made prlces Iiat win i re it. As 1 stated iu iny adTeru ment I asi Winter, tUeie wan uu c etise for lililí priesa tlmt wu incl talbed of hy some, and alrtad therelsfccgtnntngrtoix' a dclin# lriccs. Since my reluru lion.e, I ba arte one heavy pmcliuses ut fr TEN I.TWESTï percent, les tlla ivcre toua;ht for earllér, Lee luy aiiniifü wast 51 bncflt lo me f nauclally as wcll na pnykicullj l caudidly belieleve I aiu !.elliu i aults f rom 50 cents to $2.)o catU 1 lUuaauy otUcr Kousein the State o , iNicMiffun.atsd Hutu f 1 om 25 cents 1, %1.00 Icss cui-.Ii. I have opeaed j Mrancb in Beitcr, for a short inltl asanontlctforthe bcavy pnrenam 1 nave beca mailing recently. Doni Ihinkof buyiup: acent'a worth imijj you lave ccn my stock. JOET. JACOBS, TWè t'lotliler. Young tifien ";!!■: Business College at KALAMAZOO, Send for Journal. W. F. PARS0K3 tl-lSt Presiduót, JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALEKS JN WÁTCHES, CLOCKS Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PENS 24 South Main Street, Tisrasr abeoe, mich. && Specipl ttention given to rcpairing watcbei tochs, :.i;i! jewelry.


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