Real Estate Transfers
Celeste Brown to Florence Ilnson. Aun Arbor city real estáte. Trice $2,00. Samuel Frain to Wm. Connors. 40 cíes in Superior. Price $1000. latherine Weinette to CalebM. King. aliñe village property. Price $50. ('. M. Kiiiu; to weinette andKrause. aliñe village real estáte. $60. Marie J. íloot to John G.Frank. Sane village real estáte. $80. Chas. II. Winesto Celia ir. Barnes, helsea village property. Price $638.33. Celia H. Barnes to Geo. V. Palmer. !belsea village property. Price $900. Emily s. Gillet to Wm. Platt. rpsiuili city property. 540. BJioda Kirkland toThos. Wilkinson. helsea property. $370. John Kirkland to Thos. Wilkinson. Ihelsea property. S100. Thos. Wílkineon to ('lias. Wunder. ea property. $500. Grant T. Perry to Fred Marken.- jinul in Lodi. $1. and Evarts to Michael Berr. Dexter village proper. $275. John Costello to Michael Bereuder. ige property. ! AJexander McFarlain to Siary rJ Anrew. JLiuiid in l'ttulioli. Piíion fifí,, 00. QUIT-CLAIM. Isaac W. Alien to Miles Sweetland. jand in Bridgewater. Price $975. James M. willcoxson to Sheldon Ide. acre in Aun Ailx.r town. $25. Frede'k ('. Hnson to Florence líuson. nn Arbor property. Price s,ooo. Sheldon Ide lo David (.ates. Ann Vrliortown property. $50. Oh as. S.Gregory to Michael Bersuder. Dexler village property. $1.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Celeste Brown
Florence Huson
Samuel Frain
William Connors
Catherine Weinette
Caleb M. King
C. M. King
Marie J. Root
John G. Frank
Charles H. Wines
Celia H. Barnes
George W. Palmer
Emily S. Gillett
William Platt
Rhoda Kirkland
Thomas Wilkinson
Charles Wunder
Grant T. Perry
Fred Marken
Michael Bersuder
John Costello
Alexander McFarlain
Mary T. Andrews
Isaac W. Allen
Miles Sweetland
James M. Wilcoxson
Sheldon Ide
Frederick C. Huson
David Gates
Charles S. Gregory