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-1 I within ! I ;rmits. - Republican ron, tiii' city, Jnly 27. ai n - Su i 'i'visiiv Wallace of Saline raised the ius1 Hancock and English pole. fiíty feet high, n the cottnty. - John Gayles, a ('anadian, was li by ni expresa txain at Superior, I .}r. :;. and hisleg bróken besidea being ínjured. - Á. misplaced switch west of Vp-ilant'i ilivcw flve íreighi cara oS th track the morniiig of July : and delaj ed i rftins se eral honre. - Marshal Rose of Manchester, ünder arrest for alleged false imprisonof John Walker In the village lock-iip, will be trièd to-day. - II is no doubt owing to hia good looka and gentle disposition that Bro. Allison of the Chelsea Herald receives more presents than any othéf member oí' the fraternity i;i the county. - A movement is on foot to have thfl al church societtes of Manchesteí village unite on Sunday evenings and hold tlicir meetings ai one church only. The Presbyterian and Baptista wül unite. - Respondingto n toast at Normal school commencement mayor Alien of Ypsilanti said those present "had to Cor their own dinner, ere nol honored by the presence of state officials and aot a member of the Detroit p was present." - Jnly 19 is sel down for the day of Miati(ii) of.Justice Skinner of STpsilanti, charged with habitúa] drunkenness. Circuit court commissioner MacMahon will take the testimony; prosecuting attorney Emerick will conduct the prosecution. -Mr. J. II. Ilood of Sharon sold a two year oW ram to C. Burtch, the iof which, atthis season's shearng, weighed twenty-seven and one half lounds. This is the heaviest flleece from one sheep ever recorded in this state.- Grass Lake News. - The executive committee comprisng Messrs. Chas. li. Whitman :;nd C. W. Allian of the örst, I). Cramer and A. D. Seyler of the second, Geó. W. TurnBnUand E. B. Norris of the third 'epreseutative districts, are requested to meet ;it the ollioe of Sheriff Case on Monday oext at - p. t. - On Tuésday afternoon Frank Huesnan, Sharon, was kicked in the ablomen by a horse. Dr. Kapp was called and rendered such aid as was possible, lint the young man was in.ernally iajured and died from its effects last evening at about nine o'clock.- Maochester Enterprise. - Developments of the census of Ypsilanti showing tttat city to have lost il). ut 500 in population since 1880 must teiul to stop hereafter on the part of her citlzens the claim to being a rival of Ann Albor. In 1S70 her population was 5.471 . in 1S74 she showed i decrease to 5,211, and now will fall below 5,000. -Calvin Lucas bad some brush to burn, and to prevent the flre spreading plowed 15 furrows around the land on which itlay. But "the bestlaidschemes o' mire and nu n gang aft aglee." The wind came up and carried the lire over to Mr. Goodrich's fence. Result: a suit for damages, before Justice Page. Verdict, according to Judge Co decisión in a similar case. Mr. L wasnotre Ie for the elementa; - De: - The death of Barnahas Case of Manchester on Friday removes from our county one of its pioneefs. Mr. Case muy very properly be classed among the Qrst settlera oí' Michigan, coming thither to Jackson county in 1832, and settling in Manchester in 1836 where hehas since resided. A man of more than oïdinary abüity he was ijuite universally consulted in business and political aff airs. In tli.' latter he was particularly prominent havingbeen elected senator at a peri id when the district embraced flve counties; in 1860 he was an elector on the Breckenridge ticket: he held the offices of supervisor, postmaster and many minor stations and throTigh a long life his fealty tothe ocratic party continued unquestioned. lie expresaed a strong desire to live until the election of Hancock and English. Deceased had been ill a long time and death was not unexpeeted for some months. IFe died ;:t the residence of his sön M. D. Case, in the wist year of his age. Sheriff ('ase. atiother son, was snmmoned to his bedside the micldle of last week. death being probable al that time. He was buried on Sunday. __


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Ann Arbor Argus