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- 880 Boula hi Graaí i iake. - i [udson íhows a population Ú70. ■-"■■de bas 1,912 I bal . ■ 1874. - Adrián haS S San lish club of 400 membërs. -Dr. A. A. Bycraft of Lansing has locateö at Gratis Lake. - Pontiac's high school graduaten! twenty-four. Monróé's teven. - ÉÍ. Voorhees of Adrián tawnsliip', (■iiiii:!(mic(-( íjuti ing tvlieal June -F. F. H ■■atmen1 for insariity ;i( I as; hun. - Pontiac will have Lwo Detaocratie clubs, oue for old, anol I oung men. - l'or larceny, Charles Spellaine of (ras l-ake. will reside eighteen mohths a! [oniá. - Dtuiirtj the year ending iun? -'o. 70,000 emigrants entered '■'■' I i.ü ■(! States ai Porl Huron. -Win. G.Moore, áColdwát bas received a "phat take" in I uiy department at Washington. - $hj3 ThayerJiDUse at Flua kas been closed. ÍÓO ij i U'-l )iiiirt;'"aí';'. It will som) be reopeüed by another manager. -Census o!' Adlian shows 7.8."i inhabitants, ■■"j71I less tli.'ui in 1870, and about one thousand less thari in 1K74. - The politica! waris hottest in EJillsdale oounty over the office of Jwlge of 1'roiiate. their beiog three aspirants for the (ilac . - S. 1$. Wafcefleld of Monroe, is building the Butler ro&d frota tbè erosfiIng of the Toledo and Anti Arbor lo Eidgeway. ■ - Jaeksoii oounty paupers have. to vork (for their living at the poorhouse; cons(:(iieiitly that institution has but 20 innifttesi - Ilíiirey MnrihT. a öonrid fal the state ])risc] at Jacks: n for alfcehy, ('soáped June 27. 1 is time "tíOTíld ' beëti out in i (ctober. -Over fifty fíírin_ers froni Mot) county have prifchased farms of the Union Pacific railroad company, in Nebraska, this spri - Earntngs of thë Flint and Pefd Marquette raüway frdm Jan. 1 tojuna 80, 1880, are 24,906,10 more than ior corresponding date in 1879. - The Pontiac Gazette cheekily in"lixli'ti thf inmutes of the asylmn and claims a populatlon of A,A2. Her Bfr tual population is 4,086, a gain of 4% since Í874. - Albert Cady of Grass Late. is accused of circulating reports éferogatory to the charactei of ilrs. Adelbert Dwelle, for wliich the husband sites foi $10,000 duin'. - Gov. Crosweli has pardoned from prison Charles LapoLnt, cpnvieted f adultery in Lenawee county. Ik; had tlucc montha In serve b.ut a sick brother needed liis care. - A horse, property of J. L. Xear of Fla' Koek, brolle his halter andinmdvingaboutthe atable knocked a small paper of Paris green intd a pail of tvater, drank from it and died. - At Jackson on Monday, John T'.cdford, au old resident, acting in capacity of special policeman, interposed to quell a disturbance, was shot in the abdomen, and is not expected to survive. - A Macón correspondent of the Adrián Press writes that a man John Mills, while digging in a gravel bed at Macón, unearthed a brass box eontainint; 280 gold Boyereigns bearing date - öuringarai] á9tfriris& lightning struek and killed Charles Dplegegger oí near Flat Koek, 22 ycars of age. i i ■ was drawing rails ith a team at the time of his sudden death. -The quostion of closing saloons"on Saturday, ribing amorig the city fathers of Larakijf, the cüy attorney said there was no authority for it, and ño penalty for proprietors to do business on that day. -On Saturday (lie offleers and patientsof the Eastern Asylum for the [nsane, at Pontiac, had acelebratiöu of the Fonilh. Outsiders were not admitted and the oration was delivered by one of ttie patiënt. - Nothing like railroads to improvö the price of farms. Men who held their land at about $75 au acre beforu the Butler toad becam a certainty now boldly ask $300 an acre, when the right of Way is being procured. - Six boys have been arrestod inLen-' awee eountyon a charge of placing obstliictions óti the Lake Shore railv, a track, throwing stones through thèTflndows of passing coaches, etc. They are to be tried in the Lenawee county court. ' - N. G-. Vreeland, a former promi-' nent Democrat of Adams townsliip, Ilillsdale county, but who for the past threeor four yeara bas been the leading spirit among the Greenljackera of thai td ii. is now an enthusiastio , of Hancock ana Eüglish. - Charley Crosweli, son oí Governor Ciosswcll, John ('. Huntcr, Charley Metcalf, George Sarrison, and a young man named Scott, were capsized on Sand Lake, June ls, and narrowly esc;;]).'.! drowning. They were in the water half an hour befóse - Dnrlng the Btorin of Juns -7, in Jackson, the Main streel sewei broke in, leavtng a hole in the stret 15 bj and 10 feet deep. ïhe basement of W. M. Bennett's store was llooded wil'n twofeetof watei-. dantaging gooda to the amonnt of $6,000, öd a suit for' damagea is threatci -In the decree oí separation grani recently by Judge LoVeH to Cathariive l-'iiy ys. Thomas Fay, lus honor ordered tliat the defendant pay 1 tlie complainant the sum of $2,fiOÖ, tlüit neitlitT sltonll tuarrj during the life of tlio (.ther. ïlmope sm-li orders as ttds were given ftiere would be leas divorces ask'ed for.- Ionia Sentinel'. - June L'ii. I'':"c;n' Mclnt.c of WnJ terloo, a yoltng man twenty yeata of aire, while getting the liorsea óui of the wheat, had bis right leg brokeö just above the ankle, by the horae leapihg the (enes and catching his iiind foot bh the rails and bringing the raiï againsi hia Peg, drKgging bim several yards and breaking the outer boae of the leg. - A young man of MarShall secured a livery rig and wlth liis glrl woit oft riding. Leavingon Friday and uot returning an offlcer went In pursuit. Thej prere found Monday wbei) assertecf they had lust their way and had been without an; ea since departare. Appesa'ahcé of th'e h and sunroundings substuntiated the statement. íüe girl aged ■ was regtored to her párente and the young man ged_19 was jailed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus