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Milax, July 7. -The Milan Bahöols elosed ou July 2ad. -Samuel White has liad an attack of 'ever bul is recoveiing. - Mrs. "o:lcott is having an additional story to her house. - T. Leonard of Ann Arborhas been stopping at Milan for a few days. -Work has been oommenced at tliis (lace, on the Detroit and Butler rail■oail. -The Free Methodist grove meeting near Oakville last Sunday, was largely attended by citizens from Milan. - A iirst class job of liquor dealers' wort was exhibited here last Saturday eveniiiü; e boy eame home iïom Toledo on the, train, dead drank. - A decided iinprovetíient has been made at the church here by building a platform the width of the building, and six feet wide, witli ampie steps for passing into the church. - Burt & Bessac have bought the building lately ownedby Wm. Whaley, iml (sed as an apple house, and will occupy it for storing grain. The firm mtend making Milan a prominent grain market. - The Ypsilantian, in its issne last week Intimated tliat the reason why auch a large quantity of wool bought at Milán lust treek, w.ns b ípsüañti páftiea could riot pay so high prices. nor buy with so little dockaj Milán buveis. but consols itself with the idea that the clips were all brought to Ypsilanti. l'Sour grapes." - The man whothought he found live grain baga tu the road one evening last week lias been laboring onder a delusion,or suffcring f rom u gteat bewildermentof his moral faeulties. The baga were in reality stolen from a farmer's back porch, about 9 o'clock. The söoner the baga are returned, the less chance the poor thief will have for trouble. - Two contracta on the Detroit and Butler railroad commence at the crossing of the T. & A. A. railroad, one running ten miles west, and one iota miles east. There a considerable pile driving to be doneacross the river flats and two pile drivers are at work, one of them running by steam, and conunenced work on the Gth. Grading on the westjcontract was commenced on theTth.


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Ann Arbor Argus