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MEDICINAL. To Narren Suffere- Tita Great European líinidly- -![. ,j. i!, Slmpaon'a Speclfio Medicine. , It isa positive cure for S'permtttorrhea, Seminal Weakneí,8, ü ] disease resolting (rom Abu EFOUE. MeDta, Anxlet'yi AHÍ. jt'Hiilc and li Íf[ñ thai load to k's_. i.v ■j .5, SJSaniription, inamiity .yJBÏ' MLjSÍ"f (iiul nti srrnvó. t K8wiC sp.-í'iii, :,:,"i. F . cinc is beinc: us i . with wonderfu] 8uc ees, Pamphlptsstnt frectoíill. Wtitfl for tli' ni and ■ i ; ful I p iri culo Prloe.Speriftf ti. ,oi sil paokagea íor$.'í.(H. Addrem ni] ord J. R si M üN M !■ DrCINECO., Nos. 104 and "■ 'lain Btreet, Buffulo, N.Y. Forsi'V Arn Arbor by Eberbaoh & Sou, unp 1)V all diup;Kist8 NERVOUS DEBILÍTY. GK.VY-S Sl'KCIFIC MEDICINE. ' RADIJKTI, Orcat r K'" DE.Rk _ Jt"" nuf.-ilIiriiM-uro í ■', 1. Jf ffft for Beminal ''TT ra? 't; - BT' tt'ncjvnnl s ■ ensesthiii tv.llow tflBS ,í. t a aequence on - = BefbreTaking'V, Univcral LdBsltude, Pain Id tiw Baek, llimiiMs of Vision, fremature Oíd Age, and mftnyotherdiseoses tbat lead to lnsanity, Consujuption and aPrcmtttnrp Grave. S Full piuticulars in our pamp'ilets. wliich wtU'mit to -í'ik! -e by mail to every nne, T%e Speoiflo Medicine i eold byU Druggistsat ÍI per package, or six packagei for 5, or will be sent by iintil ')n rccpiiit of the mone-,! y iirldrcssing THE (JRAY MEDICINÉ (((., No Hi Mechan ios' Block, Detroit Mich. 9-SoIflin Ann Arbor by all Druygists, aod by drupRist. every where HALLS BALSAM Cnres Clds, Pneiimonia, Bronchitis, Asthnia, Croup. Whoopinsr Coiígh, and all tliseases of the Breathing Organs. Itsoothes and hoals the Membrane of the Langs, Inflamed and potsoned by the disease, and prevent the nightsweats and tiyhtness across the chest which accompany it. CONSÜMI'TiON is not an incurable malady. It s only necessary to have the rlght remedy, and HALIS IJALSAM is fhat remedy. DON T ÜESPAIK üY RELIEF, for this benian speciflc will cure you, even thoug-h professional aid faíls. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most JPowerftfl IlcaUng Agent ever XHscovered. Menry'a Carbolic Salve cures thc worse sores, ITenry8 Carbolic Salve allays the naiti of huras. JTenrt's Carbolic Salve cures all erni tions. Ilenry'8 Carbolic Salve heals pimples and blotcJn-s. llenri's Carbolic Salve xcill cure cuta and bruises. Ask for Henry's, and Take ?ío Other, ïy BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _L3 Towwsurrs CURES IN ONE MINUTE. m MU TBflBB A KURE rilEVF.NTIVE OF Contagious Diseases, C'oids, Hoarseness, Diphtheria, and Whooping Cough. lleasant to íhc Tttste, {% JOHN P. HKNR.Y, CURRAN & CO., I . fUOI'RUBTORS, 24 í-oJ:ego Piiice, New York. THE READYFPJILY SOAP MAKER: 7;J tTT] 1 1 Ir H JLJ JL JLJ 98 PER CENT. PURE. (Vatented.) FtNEIiY POWDERED. HIGHXY PERFUMEO. Tho stroncpHt snd purest Lye made. V'ill make 12 pouuttH of tho bost Perfumad Hard Soap in 2(1 minutes without boiling. The bet water-soitener mude. Tho best diainfectont. Tho foÜOTrfM aro some of tha advantafres ■ obtamecl ty Lowia' 98 Per Cent. Puwduiüd Lye: -k_ Fïret. It is packccl in an iron can with JlMrt php or removable lid. easily taken off L&í"íi#' ant leavii)!.' the contenÉH exposed, tnüro' %''■■:_■ á by eavlng the trouble, azuioynce, and HK _dan'j(ir ffroiu flvinf? partióles), as r Srwith otiier Lyee, whlcti, belng ' ■Hrft j% F'oíílí ia the can, imiat be ai. Bfk brocen with a hanimer to get " ' ?nfA th)1 L3'e out HBA A Tt beiní? a fine 'X 4oíl?"'vvder, yon can remove the #í f ÜQ u' au Pour "t all tiie conHH tonta, beins always ready f or : , ' I Third. A teaapnonf ul or more fian be Lj' '' ' ': '. ;lJ !'1 viter-softening scrubblngr, K etc.. ad the lid returned to 'tho can, and MU thereby save the balance of contente. ■H With other Lyes iiïl must be disolved H ■L?1'' üllcc aut used iu a short time, or the oL st.rfnfrth is grone. MdLSat Fourtli. Absoluto purity. Pree from all adtüterationa Fiftl'. The beet Soap can be xuadeúifrom ten . , ■ fSixtPi. No failure ja poBRiDle in mnkins Soap with íhiw Lye shen the simple diructiuna alven ar.; foüov Beventh. One can of tbís Powdered I&e ia en'al to twenLy poundti ot' tiai Soda or Wa-ahiiag '?. One on of tbis Lyewill Faponlfyono Eouii'l moro of arrease thau as . ntrated ye, Ball Potaeh, or Saponifier. NíikIi. This ].yo íh 33 pur cent, etrongrer than any otíur Lye or !■ Tenth. One to two taspoonfuls will eoften a tub oí the hiirdest water. Kleventlt. One teaspoonfol vail thoroua-hly cleaupe Slnke. Draine, or ' Invaluable for kiUing R m Ih-m, Míce, Kats.etc. Tho beet arüclo for wasaiag Truca. MANTFACTUBKD ONLT BT . G.T.Lewis&líenziesCo. PHIIíAXIEIíPHIA. ■■■vr-F-zvñl wnxiAm beid, ; Wijf?] Window Glass, Píate filass, I U99 WH . PpS tS Kibbed and Iiough Pinte fnr i! ■ I IW i TtV il S'ky '';i: ' Cuí ■ ■ ' i i V '"■-"■'' FlBlriíBil ea n"d Oil, Üolorf, lJutty, nRR?99-T9 ÜJa 1 ' building, or in want - lAnr. J" lYMl ' auylíiingi write for eati12 & 14 CongreES St. East, Detroit, Mioh. MiiV ro AiTAIN sUCCESS. Withoul heat , life s a failure. Y:i.Kiv i-.yi: , Si. ;.,.v UoMPLEXIOW, Loas op Appi-.titb, Dyspepsia, 8ickHeadache, Bijjou8es8, and Constipation', is the n Ruil of a complaining Livur. MARCEAU'S Lites and Ahti-Biliodb Compoünc is acknowledged aa a sure cure Cor the enftebli i! Bystfin. Pos, 'OASCAEA SAGRADA," wiih other m ritoriona iugredients, makea it au inl'allible remedy tor Equalizino tiik Ciía ri,.vTios, purifying tlie Blood, and restoring to Perfect Health the enfeebled system. 7" cents per bottle. 'l'uwn's Bron hial Syrup cures all hang, Throat ai;d Cu . ,:, cents per -ís & Cu., Wholesale : For ule by U. J. mio. & co.


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Ann Arbor Argus