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How The Mercury Went Up

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At eleven o Vloek yesterdny forenoon a cil ■ .■ aboui Beventy yars okl srtt onder il awningon Michigan averme, c'ool, plaeid and coitfcented, and mercury "' I" IViü'iV: !o i lo abOTlt si:,i. ■ lir ihÍ'jím son, i have fallen asleep, b1 nlon.y c;L!it' anotlier oíd eitizeu about Uié sume auv and stopped fora moment lo fan nis neitefl race. .' J'i.r; v w.wui put?" guetíedthefirst. ' W'ell, ves, luit iíÉ some of tbesé younq men wlio are perspiring around liere lo íov hsd lived in June, 18Ï29, I !hr ■'(! know wliat hot wcaiher was, I tell yon that was a fecöfeher, anii mi miatafce. " ■■-liiiir, $9. Jíow Ifit's set. Area't yon i little olí'? '' " N"o, Sir; I remember all about it. i V'iïfi so I the stli lo the 2óth tli:i1 tiren coulil ríot work in the ÉLeids and liundreds of Qattle died froro " l'on are off just a year," said the n'L'-imiii! ■ lo vnkc iij. " (t was in löSft I vetsaembes i, because J raan fbr oöice fall. " ' l caiTi lielp aliout yonr rauning fór office. I know il was ni '29, becaiise I brnl e íiiy les tla-t year. " '■I don'l ciiro t you!rroke'ronrnenkl" exclaimed the oth'er, hia mercury rising Efhty-six degrées at a single jump. '■1 guess 1 kno.v what year i ran for oílicc! " " 1 say it was in '29 and I've got a diary to prove it! " ■■ tod I'vi1 rot two diarles to prove it was in '281 Vou are talking to an oíd pioneer, sir! " "Ar.d so are yon- one wlio heard the wolves hovyling before yon were borní Doii'l yovJ imagine that yon know itall!" " What 'a thé dispute'" asked a customer wlio carne oat oftlie store. '■Vl:y. sir L've liern calied a liar by tluil iesnn Hiere!'' replied the first. 'til I wasn't so oíd í'd drop him inhis tra;k!" ■Añil h.e?S called me, a liar!" shonted (lie sciiiiiii. !'m íive years older Ihan lie is. bul il' he wants to try any drops on me I '11 clear liim of ihe law. I say it was in 1820!" 'II wasn't; it was in '28!" "Look out!" "■Jjoök out yonrself!" u ! ou't lick my nose again, or I'll hit ypul" "!)on"t push me back, or I'll do you inj ui-.v !'" .Vuil bul for tlie yaonftcer man those two old piwaesis woulii liavc tackled each other about a hot June whieh neilher proba'bly had correct "within flve c.-irs. and whieh iioiibtless was a good deal ooatór tlwn any other June ibes ever saw. They stauted off Jn different oirc tionsto hmit up old diarieg and proye each other falsifiese, and in iuinrc they won't hitch along tor each ot'ici' o;i the streèt cai's, won't drhi!; IVom the sanio soda í'omitain if they know it , aii(l seéitig each other across the street wil] growl out: ■■■i'here shoniil be a law to prevent siich old liars from ruiming at large!" -Detroit Freé Preas. Lost. - Between J'pAflfinli and the 'nÍM'isity Hall, a hair bracelet with oíd clasj) upiin Whieh is eiig-nniMl ■■Anna.'' 1'lic, limlei' u ill be haiKlaome)y rev;inled by leaving the saaie at the Á itGtrs oiüce.


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