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- .Toiiii II. Miller fliea a [lar s]i streatnerfrombi Bïorein Man ihester. -Abont 500,000 Tbs. ofwo rthave heeñ .nrchased in Chelsea, 100,000 in Manihester. - Deubel Bros. of Ypsilanti pprchas'í ili.' lirsí cvop oí' new wlmal offered tor-90 cents. - LigMiiing killed a COW owried by Jbhñ Nelson of Manchester townshíj), on the 1 lili Lustant. - AVm. A. üi'-.'oli' of Sylvan whodied Iiily 7, waa father of Mrs. J. L. HailoVír Dcvier village. -The D., H. & S. W. railroad wiU sell half f.ire tickets t the Hiltsdále regatía, July 28 and -i'.). - iiiiv. j. B. Gilman of Manchester, wiU, nboiit 1, lócate atMacomb, 111., to preach the gospel. -In the abson'ie of Robert Enpish and family of Miunhester townsliip, sóniè oné robbed the house of $30. - An excursión from Manchester and oth er places alon the lino of railroad to Detroit, was annonnced to take plai e yesterday. - Thomw Guihah of Frèédom -vvas lucked in the stoniach and táce by a horse.joueday last week. iJevvasnot senously injm-eu. - At a ïiK'etinjï Of ('helser.'s citi',ens lo doet trustees of her nniofi Bchool, üeó%e P. Gflazlir was elected ïorfull term and Georee Bóbertsoh to lili vacaney. -A unión Sabfeath school and basfeet picnic for every Sabbath ichool in August, York, Pitfefield, Milan, on VVednesday,JTuïy28, at II. P. Thompson's grove, In Augusta. -The flrst erop of new wheat offereil in Manchester was grown in Bridgewater by Mr. Flinn and brought 90 cents. Mark Dñv.ey of the same town sold 1, 200 bushels for the same price. -Mr. Devoe, of the town of ïpsilanti, had 14 hogs killed by lightning during the storm of "Wednesday of last week. . ün the game day W. Olcott, of York, liad one sheep killed by lightnlng. -Democratie congressional district onvention is will b3 seen by the cali lsewhere, wöl meot at Manchester on ruescöy, August 24, at 11 a. M. Washenaw co'unty Wtll be entitled to 18 delirates. - Probably ÖM largest clip of iwoöl groffn in the county was that of James U. Allen of Ann Arbor township, veighlng 3&81 pöunds and purchased j Ifessrs. Gilbert and Crowello Chelieja at $Qi c(tüts. - Cheteea is the largest viilage of the Cóuty, exceedlng ia popnlátion slighty Manchester, Saline and Dcxter. The eturns s'now 1,20-5 inhabitauts in "ne!sea, 1,156 in Manchester", 1,008 in DexU;v, 'and 780 in Saline. - ïhe milis fonnerly ov.ncd by the Michigan Paper Cooiptmy, at Gedii-sárg', have been purehased bythè Vpsiabtl Paper Company. We understaöd Uiey iiitcüd to bulld a ncw mili for the manufacturé of wood pulp. - Win. Deubel, residing in this v... but owii'íí and earry.iug P 8 grist mili m Ypsilauti, has contracted witl Slaftt1HV, Scoüand mil ios fpr two öwusand barrels ol llouv to be made irom new wheat. It is pnt ny in saeks of f96 fts. - l'rospccts for a líew depot- a building very miich needèd- in Cnelséa,, are nol very cheering. The railroad aiit'.iorilies wero led li bclievf thal gmuud for a depot wou be giyy by owners of the 1 nd tl. e other daj . lie tts= eettained a pretty high p'rlce Wsts demaiided. Xlius the project is indefinito, ly postponed. -The state teachers' institute lor Washtenaw county will be held at ; lanti cornmencing at 2 T. M. Monday, Aug. 10, and closing Fridny following. Gentlemen of eminent leaniii ir and of Bucoessfui experience as educators have been engagedto give instruction iu the v.irious br.mclies of eommon scliool studies, and in the theory and pnirtice of teaching and guveming schools. Tuitiou ree. - Four weeks labor of fifïeen men ai d four teams can linish the grading of the t.xtension of the Toledo road, to B dfstance (ft twenty-five miles U the „h, r;ov. Ashkv is êixpected to turn f rom the east this V.eek with funda to pay Iaborerstothe20thoi tlns momh, wben work will be resnmed. The road ■ must be completed to Pontiac on 01 before Jan. 1880, to cornply with the terms of subscription. - Mr. J. D. Baldwin who lives Jipt outside the city limits is one of the largasf peach growers of Miehlgan. tn the season of 1879 he shipped 10,000 baskets, and this season he expecta to i increase the shipment to 12,(X)0. j day he forwarded the first lot of the season by expresa to Ypsilanti, being one month earlier than last year, Aug. 20. The Early Crawfords, the best peach grown wlll be in market about three weeks henee. -Webster Case, whose death was cbronicled in the last issue of the Anqus by our Manchester correspon lent, was bom in Rush, JSIonroe Co., N. Y., in 1807, coming to tliis state m 188Z, when lie purchased the farm lie has iBC8 owned. After the parchase he returned to the Bmpire state remaimng untfl 1837, at which time, with his family, !.e carne to Michigan to stay. At the date of purchaae of his farm upou which he lived 43 years, there was pot a building erected npon the present site of Manchester village. -On the 16th inst., ,1. II. Shermnti ol Eaton Mills, while shooting Woodcoclï company wlth his nephew, llenry 3ennett, one niile from llawsonville, ccidentally shot the latter, iaflicting erious though not fatal injnry. lt apears that Bennett was on one side of a ense thicket of tall willovs, in a tree p ten feet above tlie ground, 1n the ct of shooting, while Sherman was on ie other side. Baipposing Bennett was on the glOHnd, and concealed by the thicket. Shprman ftred at a bml; most of the charge, an ounce of No. 8 shot, lociged in the left fore arm and hand of rSetinett, tsvo shots in the neek and several in the face. -On Monday Charles Fish of Sharon,cameto town with a friend and wished to make complaint against hiroscll'. or rathcr have his t'riend do it for him. before juslice Goodyear, for assaulüng one Jake Ilazelschwardt, but the 'squire would have nothing to do wïlh the aftair, and taking onieer Vreeland with them they went to Sharon and before justice Rose they secured the necessaary papers; the ofBcer arrested Fish and "the Justice öned him $1 aad costs, amounting to Q. AA e learn that Fish has ágata been arrested, thist'meon the complaint ot HazelHchvvardt, and taken before a justice m Chelsaa.- ilanchester EnterpriBe.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus