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Dexter Department

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J. McN AMABA, jjliTOTOB. - Tlié days grów shórter. - c.Sf Gifegorj willvisii Petoskey. - [Inry Btebbins is around sigain. - Ailotlier H. K. social is talked 0Í. - Fivefigbts last Thursday evening. - ciiarlie Minnis has tocated ftt Ann A:liOV. -Doctor Frothingham was tn tówn ednesday. - Mrs. Sutton, who was sunstüucK, has rfecovered. Bev. D. IMgttr 'oceupied the Baptist pUlpil Simday. ;. _Two smali Larkin boys have run avvay irom home. -4. cDiuiK-U'iii base ba}l moe wül be oraiii.".l next wee!;. . -Mr. and Mrs. V. Cuslunan of L:.i - Biing are visiting l'.erc. -Mr. Valciitiiie oionpies the boli's .iel bj Mr. ','.. '■ - Tiie remains of Wm. Wheelcv . boñftd in his door yard. - Animated poñtleal itkscussions progfes daily 011 our streeta. -Miss Anna Dolan is visiting whtiveftnd frieude at üenoa. -Many a lieat-opprs?ed harvéfet hand seeka a gecluded nook. -VRav. Fr. liunis of Detr&it óffiuiated at 8t. Joseplrs ehiircb Sunday. - -Sliaa Ella Johason of Ypsilanti ia tbe. guiwt of trie Misscs ('onrad. -Mr. Fulford and family of K:üa:nazoo are visitin'.; A. H. Whëéler. - Coutvary to report, 110 leader hgs been enRaged by the band as V. j. _i). Mclntyre of San Francisco, Cal., visited friends herc this wee!:. -Mr. Frank Manu airtd wife r the gtesta of their uncle, Wm. Amold. ' -Albi'd ;uist and wife are visrting tbefr dajightef at Séneca Falls, N. Y. - iServicesai St. Joseph'i church for nexttwo Sundaya wfll be i'.; 9 o' I - Woodruff Allen of the Advocate, Det roit, was visithig relaüves heie this week. - Diphtheria lias disappearsd, much fco the consolation of ftightened l'inckneyites. -Miss Sweetman of Dayton, Oliio, is visifcing her mint, Mrs. Sweetma of Dexter towaship. -.Tas. r.ycnifl has moved inlo the ('.o&tëllq house the depot lately vaealrd by Fred - OtiaAi ShaHVr for a lng time millpv at the Península milis lelt for Jnekson to accept a similar posittoH Monday. - A cauciís of Dexter repslicans will uonvene at Dexter Exehaage, Satr,:day. Ju!y 24, lo nomiitale delcgalcs, &c. -Saín Reese and John Dixon have liiucl.a.seil, and have in operaüon B kai-ge ilno .U--;mi wttö lutest Improvements. - Tlov. Mr. Cay of ("helsea addressed a medium sizcd audiwu-e at R. R. hall Snnday ey34g, The lecture desei a lavge ajidieiice. - Fi-ank Sinith is salosmaii in ttte han'.v.iirt' store öï Mr. Keïlpgg Of Déftvci-, Col., sou of Mr. of JJexter ai; d a temee resident. i- "Hurrali for öarfleld and"Eeavcr"' howlcd an enthusiastic poütician on the stiet t Saturday. But alas! il was whis1, he wanted- to get rid of. -The M. E. church ice cream social '; at A. U. Beal'B store Saturday eveaing, wcll altiMidt'd and proved to be a squrceof beuelit to the church, iinan■iilI1i'-. ..... point whioh tbe öeath of draymar. TjiliW mute No. 2has provea bevond dáubt wiöi a cosöy ilruatration for Tubbs. ' i -A soit is pending betwecn Ed. ! linene and Ed. l'nccy. Paeey dis-! charged Cullinene ai'U-r harvcst, and nowüt. C. claims being bired ïor six montbs. -Mr. Johnson, painter of "Gambnnus" and other artïstic pieces, is en gügea piintin-i n 8ign f'oi' Scliatoerlej uliicli,it issaid, wiübeüie lincst one he has done in some time. -The Yourig Mei's CalholicBenovolent society of Jackson give an excursión to Put-in-Uay iiext Tucsday, stopping for excursionista at Dexter. Tlie - fariTwill be 1.50 for tbe round trip. -Jas. Beban bas found a real lied snail, and is acuriosity of considerable importante. The snail is visible, as when alive andone woold imagine it aboüt to draw inte its shell. He will send it to tbe museum at Notre Dame, Intl. -The replevin snit of Tuttle VS. Coleman lias been adjourned for two Weeks. AU the village people are intcreBted in this case,which will test the Jegality of a m;m's impounding cows for the expvess psrpose of extorting money from tlie owners. - "VVe accepi no imixy statements as they are generally inconsistent witli the original, and if the young lady Who wished to have hermarriaííe('i)) recorded in this column will only come (of send her better half) to us with the request, we will be happy to comply with her wishes. -Co. I have been waitinc? a lonj; time for the state to bny thflm surts and guns hut the state don't seem to appreciate their job-like patiënt. Now Co. I prw pose to huy their oimi stiits and guns. Should our great state ever be fortúnate enough to have any "spare change" why tliey can buy them of Co. I- for Co. I. - Our animal disgraoeful harvest rmvs which have gained Dextcr au unc.iviahle notoriety, (lid not ncciir Saturdav niirlit . e(mi rary to the expectatíeni Of patrona of tliis brutal sport The aetion of our villasre anthoxities in depntizing an adequate force of men to look atter these pugiliettc celebrities is commendable. and ciuelled a nuisance oo long toletated In our midst. -rOur f rait erop tliis year hasevery todlcation of belng an abnodant and wiüia! a rcniarkalilf oiip. Peacbei have already made their appearance in marketandthe supply will be unlimitpd. lVars are a ('me erop and pientifn], and wben tle apple season opons people will only realize their abundance Dy an inex'iaustible supply. Thus Dexteritee cansce manj good things ia ttie future. At an investígation of charges of fljunkenness bef ore circuit court oommissioner JücJalioii, at rpsilantt, on ifonday, Justice Skimier who retained Jfessrs. Babbitt and Allen, oounsel, plead guilty. The testimony will be reportedto Gov. Crosweü who wil] probably remove Jfr. Skinnei trom office.


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