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Mii-ax. Ju'y 21. - Tticliard Oailis is building a hou ferhis fati er. -liiiit iV Be sac are n wreadytobjiy „■rain at their warc-liouse. -David.] ni ingShaopeóedánieat iKukct in the Kingsburj buildhig. - A child of Oüu Pepper SÍX niimiii ,]i] iid on July I7th of cholera int'anin. - Mrs. ('arrie Edwatds lias pme on a isit to friends living in the vicinity of .'lint. -Had. Burnham and Oscar VanValibnburg haye bougUta (team Uirt-shing mticl':n ' - K. A. Rej nol'ls iris bought tlie two I lotf op lOsite i'ne ii!:v residejMje f C. II. !■ -Dr. Bessac is soon to make decide3 iAproTements on his nesideuEB by buildiiïg uiucli lrger. T. Bramdh, and intenda putting i residënce upen them the present slimmer. The Iota are situated opposite the residence of Alex Smiül, two of tbelots ure covner ones and are the best situated of aiiy location in the village for a residence. - William VanVaïkenburg living llm e mik ;. north )i' JNIilan, had ahnrss nul buggy and -"o I!t'jte3 of woól stolen on the nurlil f .üly KiUi. Snspicion was at oncu enttvlained tliata mak who liail lately been employed by Mr. VanValkenburíí liad stolen the property. Tele.irri'-phic dispatches were sent early the following inorning to Ypsilanti, Aun Albor, Tecuinseh, Duudee and Mdhroe, tointercept theihief if he oífe red tne wool for sale, as he prohably vould as soon as the wool mavket opaiedin thémorhtng. The thief , or oí' 'Juin as there proved to be two '.vas ;:i iisttil al Aluinoe where he sokl the wool. It appars the man y!lo disposed of he wool at Monroe was noL Mr.VaiA'alkenhin'sl'orinerJiired man hut a person whom he had induced v.liile li -ank lo ássist liim in the theft. The pvispner v.;. , brougbt to Milan Saturilay by deputy .Sheriff Jbsepb ( -umtlett and taken to jail at Auu Arbor on Mouday. _!1 ;.}■, : .s wiio moved tlie ■ ■'iiirch steps a short time ago, $6 for tle Innocent amuseaebt -Charles Lewjs a sectionhandonthe T. & A. A. vnilvoart at, lliis place was overeóme with heat one day last week. - The primitivo Methodiajaare workint; trp.ttle situation herc. with a view Of lUiniiilcly building a Iikiihc of wor:-hip in tuis place. - Lightning vialted the house of N. e. ï'uiiiani on the mofcningf Jlll" 19but taking a lightning rpd forguide lid nu damage except slinin üp the point on the building. - There ire 7" men at work on the 1). & 15. railroad at lliis point. Olher s ,tre at vork ('ach way from Mihui, o mi!. 's. The timber for the bridge aernss Uio riv( r herc is being franied as i'asi aa possible. -Tilomas Lee, living four miles soiith of Mooreville, had seveval sheep killed by dogs on the night of July 13th. The djmjages werc appraised by Jutice B. V. Marblè with the view of its being paid out of the dog tax fim;1. -II. M. Burt has bought i'onr los of


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus