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Chamtos Encyclopedie. 15 Vols. Over 13,000 Pages. Price During Ju!y, $6.25. Amnng the wonderful things whicli have been accomplished for lovers of good bookH by the " Literary Revolution," purhaps the most wonderful is the reproduction of this great Kucyclopeetlia at a merely nominal bon. It is a verbatim reprint, of the last English edition, Ín 15 hautiful volume?, clear nonpareil type, handsomely bouud'in cloth, for S7.5O; the same printed on flner, heavier paper, wide margina, and Vound in half Russia, Ut top, prioe #1.5.00. The firat tea volumes are ready for deliverj. Vol. 11 will be reacfy July 10. The reinaining volumes will be completed by October next. ff&6.25 An ilraaxing Offer. $6.25 The more widely and rapidly these volumes are scattered, the greater their infiuence in inducing - ther purchasers of this and our niany Standard publicationa. Accordingly we givespecial terms to early snfcB'ïribers. To all, whoae orders and money are received during the month of July, we will BUppïy the 15 volumes, in clotb. S(i.iï5, and in lmlf Kussia, Rilt top, tbr $12.50. To any one sen ding from any place, wherè we have no special airent fusually the leading bookeller of the town) a eliib of five orders, we will allow t commission of U' per cent. The volumes iesucd will be eent at once by expresa, and the remaining voli mes when completed. A specimen volume in cloth will be sent, pcttp-iid, for 50 cents, or in half Russia, gilt top, for $1.00, and may be retiTnu-ü at once il' not satisfactorj . The " CHAMJïru'a Kncyclopíedia" comprises the firet 15 volumes of our " Library of Universal Knowledge," uud the reniainiug volumes, complete in themselv.s, will be sold separately wnen published. I il rary of Universal Knowledge, 21 vols., $10.50. Stories and Bailad 's, by E. T. Alden, illus., 50 cents. "'Tmin's (íibhon's Rome, ñ vols.. 82.50. Acine Libr-cy of Jlodórn ('bHsins .to renta. jonomii" -"-" " ■"!, i" cents. Taiofs Hutory of Etmti-h T,iliralure 75 cents Msciiultiy's Es.ays and Poems, 3 vols., $1.80. Cecil's Book of Natural Hislorv ?1 fflMunber'sCyclopiBdiaofEng.Literature,4TOl.,2. Pictorial Handy Lexicon, ''5 cents Kniglit's Ihstory of EngUnd, 4 vols., $8. Sayings. by author of Spurvowprass Papers, 50 ets. Pluurch'. Livts ..f Hlnstrioiia -Men. 8 vols., $1.50. Mr. Hernán Poética] Works, 60 cents. Oeike's Life and V, ords of Cliriat, 50 cents. Kitto's Cyclopredla of Hibl Literalure, 2 vols. $ Younsr's Bible Concoidaiict', ;il l.iiijn ieiornces (preP.oilin's Ancient History, $2.25. parinjf). Smith'B Dielionary of the lüblc, ilins., 90 cents Acme Lihrary of Biofrraphy. 50 cents. Works of Flavius Josephi.s Í2 iL;'-,'k ! 'l:l-'3; &S? ?.te-j illlls-. 50 i-'ents. Comie History of the U. 8., Ho.kiDs, illus. 60 cent Millón1 Complete Poëtica] Vork, 50 cents. Health by Kxercise, Dr Geo H Taíloi 4C cenu bhaVespeare's Complete Works, 75 cents. Health tor omen, Dr. Geo. U. TaOor, 85 cents.' Work nf-Bante, trans at by Cary, 10 ceata. Library Magazine, 10 cpdU a No tl a Vear J . orksof rgil, tramlatedhy Drydfn, 10 cents. Library Hagarioe, bouiid volumes, 60 centel rn Koran of Mohammed, by Sale, Meent. Leaves from the Diary of an old La ir ver 1 A -ventures oi Dp uixote, illus., 60 eeuta. Kach of the at.ove bound in cloth. If by mail AraSiÜri Sis;l,t,ill.ia .50 cents. postase extva. Mmt of thflbook.are liopiiblShea Bunyafs Pilgrtm's Proetrea., illut, 50 cents. fn flne edUion.s and fine binding, at hi,-her pne, " Robijson C u, ,llus 5ii cfljits. . Deecrlptive Catalogue aíd Terms to Club MaMliHaekaDd ilullivt-r's Truvels, llus., 50 cent. sent frec En retest. by buik draft. money order, registered letter, or by Express. Fractions of one dollar may bo ■ent ïii fftstaga autuipa. Addreas, ' JOTIN' B. ALDEN, Managen Tribune Itiiilding, New York. A (tF.NTITTI ' "1ton1H-;.L..HastitiR; PhilAdoIphia, Lcary & Co.; Cincimmti. Robt. rlarko & iii, ,■ c l ■;■ Irliimapolis, owpn,8tcwart& Co.; Cleveland. lagbam, Clarke & Tn. l.!l(, Urown, L,ger&Co.; Clncago, Aldon A Chaawiok; m smaller towus, the leadiDg Bookseller oulj


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