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Withuu. tu Yellow i .vi. . ,. ,■, j. , LOSH oy AVP..TITE, UYíPKPSIA, íi Ji HeABACHK, BlJJüCSNES, llld CoüKilPAtion. is the nsuli of a complaining Iiver. MAKCEAU'S Livkk and Ati-Bii.iüus Compounu is acknowledgud as a sure cure for tiie enfeebled Byetera. Posaessing 'CASCABA SAGRADA," witli other ínc-ritorious ingrediënt, niakes it an infallible remcdv for Equai.izinq THE Circulation, piirifyinf the Blood, and restoring to Pkkkect ííealtii the enfeebled gvstem. 75 cents per bottle. Town's Jironeliial Syrup cures all Lung, Throat and Cliest diseases. 75 ceats pr bottle. Farrand, Williams & Co., Wkolesale Druggists, Detroit, Agenta. For snlo by II. J. BKOWS ie. CO. LYE 98 PER CENT. PURE. (Fatented.) FTYELY FOWOI'K i:i). HIGITLT PERFUMEO. The Btronfrest and pnrcst Lye made. WiU make la xmnas of the best Perf mued Hard Soap In 20 minutes without boiling. The best wnter-sol'trner mado. The bufit dininfectmit. The íollowintf aro ome of the nilvnntnuen obtained by uBintj Lewia' 98 Per Cent. Powderod J .yw; j% First. ItiBpacfcettínanlroneanwitli JBp wüp or removablo lid. easily taken off Ejor and leaving the contente expoeed, there1 ZSR. "y Bavn8" the trouble, annoyance, and JpgSBt - -danger (frona flyintf particles), aa BBBHBÊuiBm with othcr Lyes, which, beuiK gsPK -, BOlid in tho cans, must le '■■": '■IL Ifr lroken wilh a hammer to get '■ .S AeVondlIt belnff a fine AEflflJLBffV tatÍMwer' yu can remove tho Êiffitsf ÍEi "(l an(i Vnur out all the con3 " tonta, berng1 always ready for jt I Third. A teaspoouful pr more can be ww luftifá US;i'' añ n watür-softeniagr, Htirubbta. mm etc, and the lid returnod to the can, and JmH thereby nave the balance of mntnts Mffl "With otherLyea all must be dissolved B w at once and usedin a short tiino, or te UjKjp etrciiifth is g-one. ■rfCasHS Fourtli. Abwolute purity. Free from all adulteratioiis. Fifth. The best Soap can be made ín from tea to tweuty minntes with this Lye. Sïxth. No failure i powpible in Soap with thia Lye whea tho simule diroctiona triven aro foUowed. Heven tli. One can of this Powdered Lve Is equal to twenty pouuds of bal Soda or Waabing i ;íl] t h. One can of this Lyo will B&ponify one pound more of rease than au y other Conceu tratud Lye Hall Potash, or Saponiner. Ninth. ïbis Lye ia 28 per cent Btrongrer than aiiy Otüer Lye or Potaen. Tentli. One to two t;aspoonfuls will soften a lun ot tlie hardest water. Klcvcnth. One teanpoonful will thoroughly cleantfe Kinks, Drains, or Closcts. Invalviable for IííUíuk Roaches, Mice, Rats.etfc Tlie beat arücle for waahintr Trees. MAXTTFACTURED ONLT TtT G.T.Lewis&MenziesCo. PHUiADEXPHIA. a-y-y--,.. WIEIIAIÍ HEID, rjX $, tf 1 1 S)TÏ& Vi'mI I Wholeoale & Retal 1 !.nW in Hflf _Y][ Window Glass, Piale Glass, I P4 I I&'ByÍI BIbliea and Eoujh Platr for I !■ I BB k V% V Vl 9k7 Liffhti. Cut aud EnamBS 1 11 ft II eled Glnsa, Silvcr Flated III laf B I ■ 8 II Snsb Bar. Frencb and GtrfetaanLMHkiklMBl mnn tooking Oláis Pialen, LVJ'HfcJ VHJr.Ikll Lead and OU, Colon. Pulty, IMF i il B w i r -■' ' i"""". "-'-■ r 1 1 Sp 't Tíí2t3 I C7' ' ' r ia wn "J I B 1 l 1 VMl ol anytiiinf, write for cali. ii i J matei. 12 te 14 Congrcaa St. East, Detroit, Mích. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most JPowerful Healing Agent ever Dïscovcred. ITenry'a Carbolie Salve vitrea the tvorse a ores. Henry's Carbolie Salve allays the pain of burns. Imry's Carbolie Salve cure all erttptions. Ilcnry 's Carbolie Salve hcals pimple and blotches Settry 's Carbolie Salve tvill cure mts and bruist. Ask for Henry's, and Take No Othcr. S3T BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _EJ TOWNSLEY'S TfiflTEM AJBBjj CURES IN ONE MINUTE. A SURE PEEVENTIVE OF Contagious Disoases, Colds, Hoarseness, Diphtheria, and Whooping Congh. JPleasant to tlir Taste. j JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., S' 'l.K I'HOFIUEÏOItó, !M Callean Place, New York. THE READY FAMILY SOAP MAKER: MEDICINAL. To Nervous Snflerers--The Great European IÍiimm1 - Dr. J. 1Ï. Simpsou's Speciflc Medicine. It is a posítive cure for r-pevmatorrhea, Semina WeaknesB, Impotency, anl ill distases reaulting f rom Self-AbuBO, as KPOBE. Mental Anxiety, aftek. jjkav IjOss o t' Memory, jfL-' "rN TfSfe I'wíhs i ii Bítek or J%&EL$ Wr w and disea8s söpSè í' 'ííiH sumPtÍon, iua;iuity fí ijS' Wíj Htld !in early prave, l'W i f k. cinc is bfeiii(f ust'djéíí"'"""' with wonderful succens. Pamplile s-nt freetonll Write for them and et ful! purtictiars, I'rice,Spe"itlc, S1.00 per pHckai,'o, (ji mx packiigci for $5.00. Afldress all orders tu. J. IÏ. SIMPLÓN MfiOlCTNK "(., Nos. 104 aml 100 Main títr .ft, Ruffulo. N. Y For sale Ín Aun Arbor by lberbach & Son, anp ty all dru;íist everywhere. ñYrvous debility. GKAY'S SPKCIFIC MEDICINE. 'RADE MAR-Ti,eGr't Fn-TRADE MARK tfxÊ Sf for Seminal JÊ&Bw nra' fcf L& P ennesthnt folIowíw Before Takingí,," iicraory Afteraking. Univeral Lassitude, Pain in the Bnck, Dimness o! Vision, I'rpmature Oíd Age, aiid many otherdisBSee that lead to lnsanity, Coniiumptiün and a Prematnre Grave. -Í!S Full particularií in our pampfalets, which we ríesire to send free by mailto every ona. N The Speciflc Medicine ia sold by all Bruggists at íl per packuge, or aix packuges for $5, or will be sent by niail on receipt of the money-by addressing THE liKAY MliDICINE CO., No 10 Mechunies' Block, Detroit Mieh. S-Soldin Ann Arbor by all Druggists, and by dniKgist everywhere HALLS BALSAM Cores Celds, Pnonmonla, Bronchitis, Asi h in a, Cronp, Whoopin? Cougrh, and all diseases of the lireutliing Organs. Itsoothes and henls the Meinbraue or the liiiMU's, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevenís thc nihtsweats and tightness across the chest which accompimyit. CONSUMPTION is notan incurable malady. Itisonly necessary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is thatreraedy. DON'T DESPAIR OF RELIEF, for this benin specifle ill cure you, , even though professional aid faíls.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus