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RAiLROADS. MICliltíAK GHITttAL KAILKOAD. __ JUNE 13, 1880. OOIKG WlBt. - ■.ilíIíKííi _f_ f_p_ö3 5 fea Detroit , leave, ; ;' L; ! ," i % '4 & s' 3Ü V O; 1 . Junction, 7 15 M f. 10 J "0: 8 46 10 H Wivyne Junction ; gj 10 29 B 42 4 9 „ ' JJ ípsilon, 8 ,„ 10 4(j ; m l , w!{ J Bedde, 8 30 7 20 : i Ann Arbor, 8 40 11 00: 7 wl 5 2210 00. n 17 I)eïter, g (,4 ! 7 5(!{ 5 :w 11) 2l"ZZ Chelsea, 9 22 8U 888.10851 Grasa Lake, 9 50 1 8 351 6 lï 10 54 Jackson, 10 20 12' "si 9 00 6 UU 20 ittc Albion 1104 12 60 7 451159 a StenluU, n; 13O s 11 12 21 i BattleCrcek, M?lBrl 8 412 45 3 20 Cinlcsburg, 12 52: 9 15 ■ % Kalamnzoo, Ml 2 36 4 5i 9 35 1 30 S 02 Lnwton, 1 63 5 25 2 05 _ Dtoatur, J 10. 5 42 2 21 Dowugiao, 2 36j 6 12 ï 44 Niles, 3 05! 4 04 6 07 SIMM ltuchiman, 3 jg 7 03 3 ja ___ Three Onks. j 49 j a7 _!; New BuHhIo, 4 03 4 53 1 7 40 4 05 Michigan City, 4 30J 5 20 8 08 4 33 6 55 Lake, 5 13 6 02 8 54 5 17 6 48 Keusington, 6 001 6 50 9 15 6 05 8 18 Chicago, amve, 6 50: 7 40 10 35 0 5 8 30 OOING EAHT. M ". S I" 4 " - Ia Ijs a ÜÍíel? I A.M. A.M. P. 34. P.M. p H Chicairo.leaTe, 100 i 00 4I 5 15 1 9 10 Kensington, 7 50 9 50 4 50 6 05 10 00 Lake, 8 38 10 301 6 42 6 50!m 4S Michigan City, 9 20ll 18 6 30 1 40 lt so NewBufflo, 9 49 11 32' 6 68 il fio Three Oaks, 10 03 7 18 i!__ Ia m Buchanan, 10 32 7 40 19 30 Niles, 10 45 12 18 8 W 9 00 lij 45 Downgiac, 11 13 8 38 j i6 Decatur, 11 38 9 05 1 qo Lawton, 1157 1 9 22:A. M.' 148 Kalamazoo, 12 33 [ 1 38. 10 00! 6 50 10 2i' 3 26 öalesburjf, 12 53 . 7 08 : Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 jj K 7 40U 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 26 3 00 L 8 08 11 85T46 Albion, 2 52 3 21;A.M. 8 35 ! l ï 591 4 10 Jackson, 3 45Í 4 05 7 15 9 30U2 V 6 Ofi GrasBLake, 4 10 7 38 9 50: ■ b '1b Chelaea, 4 40Í 8 02 10 07 I 5 50 Denter, 5 O0 8 16 10 191 6 05 Delhi, 5 10 8 25 1 Atm Arbor, 6 22! 5 07 8 4n')0 35 1 2 06 25 Gediw, 5 29 8 48 ! ' Ypsilanti, 6 SS 5 23 8 55 10 48 2 20 6 41 naynejunc, 6 02 h 45 9 ie 11 08 2 44 7 n G.T. Junt., 6 35 6 16 % {{ % ] Detroit, Ar., I 6 50 6 30 10 00 11 w j g J Sunday exceptad. iSuturday and Bundayêïepted. tüaily. H. B. LEDTAED, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth, G. P. & ï. At., Cbioago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Raüroad. Taking effect Sunday IV-bruary 22, 1880. GOING NORTÏI, OOIMQ SOUTH. ËxpJMix. Mail SïaTi üiTlËif. 1 STATIOSS. A.M. V.M. P.M. A.M. P.M P.M. 8 10:12 05! 6 10 TOLEDO 10 00 3 05 8 10 8 13 12 08 6 13 North Toledo 9 57 3 00] 8 07 8 20 12 22 6 20 Detroit Junction 9 50 2 47:7 58 8 29 12 3S 6 30 Hawthorn 9 41 2 33 7 48 8 37 12 48 6 40 Samaría 9 33 2 20 7 3 8 50 1 10 6 55 Lulu 9 19 1 68 7 24 8 55 119 7 00 Monroe Junction 9 14.1 151 1 18 9 04 1 3ñ 7 10 Dundet 9 05 1 35 7 10 0 16 157 7 22 Azalia 8 54J 1 15 6 55 9 30' 2 27 7 35 Milun 8 42 12 50 6 41 9S7[ 5 40 742 Nora 8 30 1 12 38 6 34 9 451255 747 Urania 880122o! 828 9 56! 3 17 7 58! PittsfleUl June. 8 20 12 Of. 6 18 10 10 3 4ö 8 10, AKN ARBOR 8 08 II 40 05 All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster tliaü Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASULEY, Je., Superintendent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND SÜUTHWESTERN BA1LBOAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. OOIMO WEST. OOIBO ZA8T. Mix.Mail Ëxp. Eij. MaillHir STATIOMB. 1 A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. F. M.lp. M. 7 30 8 25 5 45 YpHÜanti 10 40, 5 15 8 10 8 00, 8 44 6 02 Pittsfleld June. 10 22 4 58 7 38 8 30' 8 57! 6 13 Saline 10 10 4 48 7 12 9 00' 9 15 6 30 Biidgewator 0 531 4 83 6 35 9 50 9 35! 6 48 Manchester 9 35; 4 l.V 5 5(1 1 1)0 11 20! 8 22 Hillsilale 7 SSJ 2 45' 2 60 115 1130 fi:lo! Bankprs 7 50 2 30 2 15 Train run by Chicago time - 20 minutes slower than Columbus time. f . i :. AiKküA, .11111.. Yppilanti. CANAÏA SOITIIKRH R'Y I.1NF.N. The üuly American Koute Througb Canuda Trains leaye M. C. E.R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Bostoo. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Lightning Expresa, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. ín., Wagner car to Buflalo and Rochester. Toledo truins leave 7 50 a. m. except Suoday ; 3 10 p. ín. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Siindny, For Fajetto 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. 5" For Information and tickets apply to H. W Hayes, ageut M.C. E. B., Ann Arbor. M. C. KOACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. F11ANK E. SXOW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Detroit. PKUT WESTERN RÜLVJIVvX Depots foot oí Third and Bruh strnts. Detroit time. Detruit time. Leure. Arrive. Atlantic Expíen, TJ4.00 a. m. tlO.OOp.ra Express, 8.35 a. m. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 p.m. t9.45 a.m. Detroit Express, 12.45 p. m. Stenmboat Express, 7.00 a. m Fust Express, ll.S0 p. m. '3.40 a. ni. JDaily. Dilyexcept8undy. tExceptMonday. 4 For informa.tion and tickets apply to H W Hayes, Agent M. C. R. E., Ann Albor. W. H. FIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Western Paae'r Ag't. General Pas'r Agent ffilUlE COMPAE Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan J, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Ee-Insurance EeBerve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includinj Be-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. HACEs Agent! Ann Arbor. D INSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD,rCRACKERS, CAKES, 4c.' l'ur Wholesale and Ketall Trade. ,We shll also keep a supply of J. M. Swift & Co's Best White Wheat Flonr Kye Flour, ISuckwheat Klour, Corn Meal, Iiil, te.., ie., Xc. At wholesale and retail. A general stock of &E0CEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on 88 reasonable terms as at any otber house in the city. Cash paid for Butter, Kggs, and Country Proiluce geuerally, -ë" Goodsilelivered to any part of the city with. out extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor. Jan.T, 1879. lUUaU VI CL IV Spanish rem. edy. Qniek cure, 4 to 6 duys. Worst forma oí Nervons Pebility, Lost Manhood, and weaknessof the generativa fuuctiona, all urinary eomplaiuts, etc. Au oíd arniy cure. Over 1,000 ciired in Detroit. Oives gript run and crtttmtje. Sent bv expresa for 1, W, S. O'Ujuí-K, dirugyiit, Dp'lroit Mkk. 27-it LEGAL NOTiCES. fWlHlam Kueetinan OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ oi V ashtenaw, sb. At a spsbíou of the Probti. Court fot the üotinty ol Waahtermw, holden the Probate Office in the city „1 Arm Arto, n triday, the twenty-iiftl. dy of J„„ in '. yearonethousandeifr),. hundied and elghl ftT" Wiam JnrtcVoi Probate mítSítr Oi tbe lote ol Uillim SLftfi2ES the Iei" ebtate & 4 gsra. "on &S?a leec-ucd, and all otlier persen, mterelted in sbould not begranted: And it I further orteroi thnt Mid petitioner give notice to the peion in. terejted in ,d estáte, of the pendehcy of ná pctition „nd the hearing thoreof, by ..inga copy of tina order to be published in theA M.' AuoL A kous, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county tureesucecssive week previuus to aW dn ol hearing. " WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN Estáte of Ellzubetli ll, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washteuaw, S5. Notice isherebr iiiien that 'W '!r.der Oi the Platc Conft for 'the C.mnty of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-siith dy Jf June, A. D. 1880, au monthsfrüm that date were allowtd for creditors lo prcsenttlieircl)m?aeiiist ilie eslate ol Elizabeth Lane, late of said rountv deceased, and that all creditors of sald deccod are required to present their claims to said Prol.aie Court, at the Prubate Office in the city of Aun Art)or,forexamination and allowance, on or hefore the twenty-seyenth day of December next, and that 'iich claims willbeheard bcforenid Court.ou Mouday.thetwenty-Beventi day of Seplemher. and on Mondav.the turen ty-MYenthday of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said davs. Dated, Aun Arbor, June 2t!, A. 1). 18R0 WILLIAM D.HAKKIMAN, 27 wi Jndite of Probate. Iteal Kgtate for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washtonaw, ss. In the matter of the eBtalfl of John C. Burkbardt, Senior, deceased. Notice ia hereby given.that in jpursuanceol an order ranttd to t Ui: mulersigned, admmistratorvof the estáte of said deceased, fcy the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtonaw, on the twenty-tonrth day of June, A. I). 1880, there will be bold at public Tendue, to the highest bidder, at thesouth front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor. in the county of Washlenuw in siiid Stilte oa TDESDAÏ, IHB SïTlSTEtSTH Dil 0W ArSTJST A. D. 1RR0, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that d.iy (subject to all encunibrances by moitage or otherwise existing at the time of the dcath of said deccasod) the lollowing deeciilved real estáte, to wit The west two-thirds of the folioiring dencribrd' pieceof land: One and twenty-five hundredths of an acre Ironting the Eber White road (so calle.!) one hundred and lorty-nine feet and 16 100 of % foot and running baek from the center of said roid three hundred and ixty-five feet, b.-inir tbe soulh end of a certain parcel of laud êituated in the city of Ann Arbor nforesaid on the west ha'.f of thé outhm-üt quarterof section twenty-nine in town as umims.iii . u,.,„,,„ci t tn eenter of Yill Creek road sixty-one rods uS "ve nd a half links east of where said road erosseB the line bet-ween sections tnent)-nine r.nd thirty, ninrjiiig east along the center of said road eight rodi and twenty-three and one half link, thence dne soul h to tbe cente: of said líber "White road, thence westerly along the center of said Eber White road nine rods and two links, thence north to the ]iUc of bezinning:. Dated, June 24, 1SS0. E11ANUEL MANN, Administrator. Mortgag Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a certain mortgnge bearing dte the tweuty-cighth dy of November, ia tlie ye;ir of our Lord one thousand eight htindret and seventy-six, made and executed by Mitrcnret Ryau of tlie village of Manchester, county of Washtenuw and State of Michigan, to William F. Osius of the township of l'ittafit-ld, saine couuty and8tatet and record ed in the office of the Bonter of Deeda of Waahtenaw County aforeaaid on the thirtieth day of Ju]y, A. D. 1878, at 1.50 o'clock p. m. of said day, in liher 54 of mortgages, on pa?e 703, and the asiimnt elttimed tobe daeat the date of thiH noiicf is tiï-34.87 (aix hundred thirty-four dollars and eiglity-seven cents), aiso thirty dollars aait retisonable solicitor's or attorneysfee,in addition to all other leaal costs if any proceedings should bo takt n to foreclose Ibis mortage, and no proceedin?n ut law or in equity hnving been iuetitutcd to recover the same or any part thereof: Notioe ii therelore hereby ghen, that by virtue of the power of pule in siiid mvrtgage contained I shall sell on Satubuay, thk Nimh day or Octokeb next, t ten o'clock in the forenoon oí said day at public Tendue to the highest bidder at the south front door oi the Court, House in the city of Ann Arbor, county oí Waahtenaw aforesaid (that being th t building wherein tbe Circuit Court for Washtena-v etraniy is heldl, all those ceitain pieces or pmeeli of land sitúate in the village of Manchester, in tb county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan knovn and described as follows, to wit : Bein lots nmnher five and six in bloeit number forty-tiva n the Tillase of Manchester, in said county and State, accordirg to the recordod plat thereof. Dated, July 15, JS80. COMSTOCK F. HILL, Aiwi"'-- ♦nr.the estáte of William P. Osiua, aeceased. Trice within the reacJi of AU. Most popular boobs f.lnce prlntiiiji was invenled. The Fall and Complete I-ecturcs of Col. R. C. Ingersoll, No. 1. Mistnkes of Mosos. No. 2. kolls. No. 3. Ghosta. No. 4. Heil. Nj. 5. Liberly of Mn, Womun nnd Child. No 6. Gods. No. 7. Intellertn! Development. No. 8. Human Kights. No. 9. Hereafter. No. 10. Religious Intolernnce. No. 11. Hereties and Heredes, ho. 12. Col. Infiirsoir Vintliralion of Thos. Paine No. 13. Plcn for IndiTidunliiy ;ind Arrai(fnn)eni of the Church. No. H. The Keligion of Onr.Dy. No. 15. Penonal Deism Denitd. No. 16. The I'hilosopher of Beutou - Humbuldt. PRICE 5 CENTS EACH. Col. Ingersoll and hís Chicago Critios A I.ectuie by the P.eT. Jame K. Appltby. Pric II Centi. Speech ol Challes Stewart Parnell at the Kipoltion Building, ( hicrc, Febiuary Í3, 18M. Topether with h sbort Biography oïhis Life, vitb I.nrge Portrail and Autogruph on CoTer Pui. Plice 10e. Full Kerort of the Grand Be-Union of the Soldier and S;illors of the LateWnr, lreld t Chicnir Nov. 12 to 15, 1879, ineliiding all speechen, and those of Col. E. G. IüRersoIl, Tol. V. F. Vilm. Samuel L. Clemens fMark Twnin's Speteh on Bnbiefc). PriceSS Centi. " Life and Trip Around the World of Gen. Grant." 15 Cents. "Last Speech of Senator Zacn. Chandler," nd Biorrjphiral Sketch, with Larpe Portrait of Mr. Cbandler on Cover Page. 5 Cents. Common Sense, Essay on TVeams, The Religión [of Deisin, in one volume, by Thomas Paine. PR1CE 25 CENTS. Any nf the above sent poit-jiaid uptm Teceipt o price r lééV Agents wanted iu every City and Town Liberal IVrms, Artdr.s: P. W. CAKROIl, 101 Randolpta St., Mii.a;o. 111. The Litorary REVOLUTION. The raost successful revoluiion of tbe century, and, to American readers of books, llie most important. Only books of 1le liigliest clnss are published by us, and the pricea are low beyoDd coiupftrisoji witti tlie chenpest books every btfore iasuod. To illua- trute ftüd dt monst ra:e these truths, we send the f Ilowing books, all complete aud nuabridged, post' paid, at tlif pricea named : Macaulay's Life of Frederick the Grpat. Foimer price, )U5. Large brevier type, beautifrt!' print; price thn cents. Carlyle's Life of Eobert Biiras. Formei price il.88. T-arjj brevier type, beiiutiful print ; price three cents. Lig-ht of Asia., By Edwiu Arnold. Foimffirice $ 1.50. Beantifttl priut, brevier type; priceP cents, Thos. Hnghes's Manlinei of Christ. Former price 1.00. Beautt" ful print, brevier type ; price tnree cents. .John Stuart Mills's Chaptem on Socialism. Essays of exceeding interest and importance. Price three cents. Baron MuncLausen. His Travels and Siirprising Adventure. Former price $1.26. Bourgeoise typs ; price flve cents. Mary Queen oí Scots I.iimartine. Former price tl ,25. Brevier type, beautiful print ; price three cents. Vicar of "Waliefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. Brevier type, beautiful print ; pnce flve cents. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Bourgeoise type, leaded ; beautiful print ; price six cents, Private Theatricals. By author of "Sparrowgra Papers." Small nies type, leaded ; price two cents. Stories and. Ballads For Younpr Folks, by Ellen Tracy Alden; with vt'ry fine illuetrations. Seleetions complete fron her Dook. Lare type ; price tive cents. Leaves trom the Diary Of an OU Lawyer. Short storie of thrillln luugbablc, puthetic interest. Prioe three cents. Booksellers fiverywhere (only one dealer in each town) líeerr theseand our larpre list of Standard books, whico are sellinR hy the ruillion volumes, because ttur people b?lieve in tlie Literary KeTolutlon, AMEKICAN BOOX EXCHAJiGK, Tribune Building, Nw York, I01IN B. ALDEN, Mamatfer


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus