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Not A Dead Star

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Dr II. Ivicin, wlio two years ago anuounced a uew erator in tUal wotld ot extu.ct volounos-tlie moüii-lnw reoently examinad draw mg ot the nei-iiuorhoo.l of Gruithuweu, vrhicli su-ouly confian ú tüeory oi receut Risp Uio dwwing.s ot MesiM. Nl-Isou and Green, iu lurtlicr proot tliereoi. l'rof Klem adds tlmt üe anuounced tlie now deui-esiHon uear liygaius as a pratef, tVoui analogy. It b a cnuerfuuael, and eveü one ot the tartfafc ToWiu'd üie soiuli tuure is a slwiiow suwu-sUaped ÜoLloW, wl.ich ter.nmale m a sccoml sm .ill craier. Iu IUU eunliyiic, wlieu Uw iuterior ot tlio lance tooftow of the cráter U no Ion-er i„ Kimdow. the guoou-suaped. lioitow muy stül bu HM as SY . ■ tlu) use of Ulgb power i( ís remurked ( that tlio euTirous oi" the nevr water ttp„ear to be flssural Ín a heW.Uaeriug íuauuer. Two ñuc íurrows, huo oleus , hi the soil, wlúca exLonl iroin . toward tho tinail HouirtaiM, aro Uw "- est objocta ou tUo mooi. It U Impwsiblu as yet to decide wbtlbM ÜH ibriuation is rcally volcainc. Hiere ís ob curioui íaci, bowever, wbteh woukl aeein to indkate tlwt mouutaiu of Binota has at oué time hj sei-ii ou tlie woou. Ou tue 2d ot Ju y, 17a7 ScUroters aud Oiors cxaimued a niouutam situatcd ia tlw be VDoi-s. Tuis mouutaiii, vviuu i was asuitainea to be 3,tóO teet m beigW, has bwu seeu ueiuicr uelore nor lUöö, aud was yrooabiy mw-cly a uiass oí 'i'ue ioimauou nieasured by Boucoier Has tusajjyoarod irom tlu moon, aud ueai-iy iu me samu spot taertiB uow a cráter. (ClUMM souictnne wHsiir, too, ou Uid sunace oí me nwon, wuukoiu stnua oí very loug duraúou, Wiucu have lio auaiouos ou Uie e.ti-tli. lie Wlio examaics carenuly Ute nutunais lui-uwüea oy tuu uumerous oosorvatious nudo ou Uui-ir tious, n-o.n Cutí UlUO ot Gruitiuis.enuiJ to our ovvn day, says fïwt üieiii, wul amve at tas eoiieiiuiod Uiat tuins are goinj ou upo u sunuce oí tuis uo-iüoriuj ■ woi k wiiich we as yet cau kuow uot,mu0 auout. - jtfatiüii. At Tiflis some Jews f rom Koutais were on trial cliarycd with USlUg Ouristian blood ill tlieir Paídover ceremouies, aud with killin a little girj for timt purppáo. Alter a six-liours trial tliey were acquitted. Tiie Fubliö Frosecutor, feeüiig the absm-Jity of the charg.;, docliued to deliver tha usual apeeeu for lúe prosecutiou. , - 1 ■""- The population of, if the Corporation ofiicial statement are correct, is UM by 4,000 thau it was a short time ao. Tuero are niany hundrods ot'housos uuoeuupieii to-üay m Montrcal, -wherc live or six ycuvs ugo it was iihnost iinpoötible 10 au l a house waiUutf Kor a teaaut. and the reuta auá values ot'pi-opei-Lyarulovver tlniu they wcie cveu a year or two a.o.


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