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TheoMest.livin rrartuate of Harvard eolloj ík said t,o beJoaeph Hnacl, who was g rad u ii teil la 1801. The increasft of the Roman Catholio ppulntlon i ti tliis in tho last twenty ycars lias been SLÜoat 3,800,000; tliut of priests ha boen 5,754: ; tliat of churche and chapéis, 4,u22. The gain in pricsts and churches still continue. At the termination of Anton Rubinsleiu's 1 ist concert in MoscoW, the patriciiin beauties of tliat city carriel the platform by storm, and devoured the gnvit pisnisfs hands with fèrireftt kisses, to lus iniiiiifest emburrassinent and confiHion. Miss Sarah Martin, a Cherokee rirl, wrote a letter to ltev. L. Mjody. The letter was showii toa weilthy friend of llov.'Moody, vrlio was so well pleasoa with it that he placed $1,000 at the disposal ot Mr. Mjo Iv tor the continuatiou of Miss Murtin's education. S. A. Bemis, nu old cttlzftn of Boiton, whose f ■ 1 1 1 1 o r was the flrst person to aniiounce, by ringlng the chuii:h belt, the Bi-itish. ailvance on Lcxinrton and Concord on the niilit preced ititf thi' ineinoniblc l'Jlh of April, 1T7", oli'crs to "ve a ner bell to tho Old South church in Boston in exchauge for tho old onc. The new "compromise" metáis of which so imich was haard a few months ao are to have a trial at tho mint. The director of the mint is to have r.oined Ibtir hundreti specimens ench of the "stel la," the metrlc sllvéf dollar, and the bgoloid" dollar. Tac-ie are spuciinens of a reform coinage recornmended by Alcxandcrll. Stephena and iiivented by llubbell, ot Philadelphia. At Scavlcttstown, Pa., a young man tried to prevent lus father froin tising a liltS-e gïrl, wlien fathei and s ui clinched in a hard tusslc for muscular supreinacy. The pug'ilists rolled into a inill-raoe and in the watei' for soiue minutes, lía ving ended the struggle at last, the lUtlier packed upa few dada and left for the West. Tue sou also packed hls trunk and left l'orunUuowii parts. The Gorman war nianeuvers this aiitumn wül include the massihg of Boine twenty tliousanil eavalry behind the liliiiieland i'ruiitier, wiUi ïnteut to experiment practic.illy on the rapidity vvith whiuli Uio frontiur lineo;ui be puvered aud líela in l'orue by this arm, bendiug tlie arrival ot intUutry, to repui invasión. Tne tuit will be exhaustive, including the nurohiiy, feeding aiKl disposition of the troops, as if unller the stimulus of au actual emuryency. Joaquín Mil Ier who has rccently revisiteJ Cajubrnia, says tliat the social decadence and "üusincss dry rot" ! in tíau Francisco are very marked, aid that nothing ever happened huif so üisastrous to the fueilfc Suites as the building of the Taciñc r.iilroad; that the road became at once a sort of ' paoii, which let m a ot weafc üinl woi'thless people, uid gave "the brave youüjf States" tliere all the vanoi lUeir virtues. A town in Arizona is calleé Toombstoue. The story gow tlsai two youug nitn, brotliei-s, wlien about t. tart lro.u Tucsotl ou a pi-ospeoliu;; toniiuto tlic Dragoou Moiiutains óunora, were aitvise.i to yive up the uuuertakiii"-, 'or it' tliey purSiStfd licy .Yould liifc' aeitlier uiine ïor toïtuiK, uut tlieir "tombslonjs" instrad. Tne boys biMveiy bade good-byu to tlieif íricuils tli'oiiii wariiea thoy woulil never couufbacK ulive. Tne prusp':cturs weiit ofi and iüllüWiny: a blind .-uil ai;ide their eail Ou looUing nbout they saw a lede of ore crupping out several feet, all nfltrtod and ricli with precious nietak. 'We have found our tumbstoiie,'' tlicy excUiinied, and 110 nanio wuuul do to dcsiiiate tlie canil). Tne town has adopied the name, whioh, if nat poelical or clasaicul, is ceruunly uriuuil. Tlio disnppoarance of tlie Atnlnnta has "-ivon riso to a siuníesiion in tne Van Mali Gazitte tlmt every sca roin? y,gel should be corrtpélleil to ourry at least one of the so-cullod "soa-mescncer-j " Tlio sew-inesaehjier is a owk ttuwk in various sizcs of ooppoP, ' coinpartineiits; and, accor.lnu' to lts size, letters, dispatclies, ships Jog, jewehT, aud Other valuables can bo insertcd in it. The cask can be quickïv l.enneticallv sealcd so thnt no Wte.'cani.etina.Hlmaytl.enbetn-own overboiiiil witli tlieassurance tlwt it Avill reniain afloat lor a very long "Th'e Tokio Times says tho education of Japanese girls In American schools U not viowcil with favor In Japan, and the practico of sentfing yrmí5 .latU; to this country ftw tuis pnrpose is not likely to bccoiue a scttled etistoin. Tlie reason is tliat on returinmi to Japan the "-iris ffhd their education and aequired tastes uttei-ly aiitegopistic lo the social custóms to whicli, of necessitv. they must conform. Japan is m-actically a new andstrane country-ta thcm,and its sex rcslrictions and luimiliatious rovolting. The convcntional laws eau not bo set asido and they are ibrood to bccoiuo Japanese again. . At the celcbration of the eightyscveiith anniversaiy of tho Ku'luno.xl Blues, the lollowin letter was raad fiom Gen. Liurnside : '-Whilst I was lad to have ciplured your corps Avhon 1 last had the honor to moet ït on ltoaiioivè Islan'ti, 1 woiitd be yery o-lad to süiTtindel' to it on the lOUi inst,, at Chu'k1 Sprin-. I m sure ot one thing, and that is tlmt iny constant lioue ana prayer i tliat union and „,,,',io ,aiittA siiUliers niiv in the iuture bc fouiid sUoulder to ui defense of tUe.nhy? umi pivroitivos ol our bétövod country, aüd Huit uu evil spirit will ever aaiuunseto put tlirm at swords' pointe on soctiuua! aü.ins. HïthertO when a proiessioiia! dlvér went uiKler water, i tube Ims suppiietl hiin vvilii air. ButuMr. Fleuss iias Diiiuntud a pi-occss Uy wlnoa Bil expiTiuuccd mver eau ruinaiii mUfS W. ter lur hours, havia willnn lus liulniet and üress a s'upply ot compivssua okiv-xen KM duuu-d witli uiueu, wliich s naLuraliy presont in liHjluugS and in tlic aivm-driiss when lic aa sLimesit. Tae exluilua earuonio acid beiii" brou-lit hito cotitaot wiUi causitic ..S-a, tlie dea,,ly gus W trauslonned hito siniplo carbuiiate ot soda. It XS aflsertëd tiiat ïuuneious exponments ana tests havo couomsiveiy ih-ovou. that Mr. Flcuss' sysioiu ia attemieö wiili uo iaooliveuiuMoo, and U" ex neUWJ is ouu-iiftlt Ui;u 01 tuu okl luelU. u. Mi. fjeu U uly & Uw procesa lias MWU UvuUUl oul suioo lao Tav bi-iaye dvi'tsier, A few byfiungs a.,u. nu OioUny uiciaciil occurrua ui UW l;utna;y m tfon 1 WülaC'liaianai), lovawa ui Uroad-, way, .New i wik, gruw mg out ot the tciiuui' ut a nu ,u uoiiur üy a cii.stoiuei' in JwyiUülrt iui' a wusn. Jo.m l'owell, thu muoii ui uie luuuiLryuuii nuorreu to, nuaWuro tuut Hop Voh uud spociiic.i.iy ueeUueu he Wuual hul uocupt ti'iiue úultun uu auy icnn.-i, iiiuueuuy oiifioü o..c 10 ikjuavu lus iiocuunt. Xhu surpilsc 01 Air. i'uvveU in:iy ic iinagmeu wriicii nu suaaeuly iuuiid üiiusclt coulrulltUii by lLo Won, who liad ciuotíü ana louKed luii siV[ door, nul liis Hirco assislants bnnicn by tliuii einioycr to tlie uont aoor. Tnu tinco at once AMuiuuü au oUunsivu attiLuae, two oi tüoui iiavny liot Kniooüiiiig-ironM in üieir lianas au l llifttuleuiuv by tlieir uioveuioBU to jjolibli oll tlie olicmling cuatomer, 'Xliuugh maUsill tnat lm was in danger, i'oYi;Ji suuiiuoueU courage to vhat lliu deinonsLifttiou rnuant, and ■Was inloiiiicd tnat Uu nioney was bad. Ho hisisied mat llio dollar was good, to wuicli liojj Woli replied that it jniglit be goou íor Mélica man but no good iorUiui. Unuerslandiujf by tliat tliat Hop V oh wanuíü a 'nouimck or gilvcr, iur. l'oweil pi'oiniLly set rnaLturs Bir.'iglil by lianiliug over one of Urn-Ie bain's iHvuusus to iay, aud so escaped a calpiu.


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