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Chambers's EncycEopesdia. 15 Vols. Qver 13,080 Pages. Price During July, $6.25. Amonp the wonderful triins whieh have ben nccompl'sherl for lovers of good bookw by the " Literary Bvolution,'"pertiap8 the most wonderful is tlie reproduotioa of thie grcat EncyelopesdU at a merely nominal oost. It in a verbatim reprint of the last English adition, in tó brautifuï volumes, olear nonpjtrril type. bandsomely bouud in olnth. for 8&7..'O: the same prlnted on flirrr, h ca vi ér paper, wide margins, and bound in half Russia, gilt, top, prioe Si'5.0()„ The first ten wl tunes are, ready for delivierj:. Vol. 11 wil 1 Be retid? Jtily 10; Tbc remulntug volumes will be oompleted by Ociobcr next. $6.25 Au mazing OEer. $G25 The more widdy and rapidly these Tolumes are seattered, the preater their influence in induring otber purchasersof tbis and öttr mauy Biandard publications. Accordingly we give special terms to early subscribe rs. To all, whose orders and money arereceived ftnring the month of July, we wil! supply the IS volumes. in cioth. $ti.ïï5, ;md in halt Buvsla, gilt top, for #12.50. To any one sendmi f rom imy pjace, whep wt have no special Rgenl fusuaïiy tbc leading nookseller of tlie town) a elub of five orders, we will ullow a conimission nf in per cent. The volumes ifikaod will be tent ut once by express.and the rtmaiuing ïolunies when completed. A specimen volume in clnth will bp sent, posipaid, for 50 cents, or in half Russia, gilt top, for SI. 00, aad may be return t-d at once if not satisluctory. The " Cha-mjvkiíoN I'"ncyclopíei)Ia " comprimes the flrst t5 volumes of our ' TJbrary of Universal Kuowledge," andtbe ramainisg volumes, complete in themselves, will be sold aeparutely wüen publislieil. Standard IBoolrsïv .. „i-T-,,:. ...... i ir i-.JM.,, ai ■-■r.i .,., iio.üo. etovio.. .v.i-1 RiVtV. hy ID. T. AMin, illut., r0 cent. Miknian'w rtltJbon'B Rome. S vola., 52,(50. Acmé Library of Modern CJftBaloa, 50 cents. Mai-Milav'n H i story of lüitiland, S vole., $1.50. Amerieun ratriotïirn, BO & nts WiHWuTay'a Life and Lftieis, 50 cents. Taïnp'a Historia of Enyliph Litrature. 75 cents. Mheaiilftys t-'s ;nsmd Cobras, 3 vols., #i. 80. Cecile Bonk oí Natura! Blatory.íl. Chamber'.sCycloriedinnf I'iieinHire,4 vols., $2. ; Fictori.d Handy Lexicon, 25 oenti, Ebqihfé Hisforof KniHaïid, 4 vols.,s. ; 6a yin es by author of Sparrowgrass Papers, 50 ets. VltiBiiwU's Eire' f Illufctrioua Sien. 3 vols., (1.50. Mrs. Etem&a'g Poëtica! Works, 60 eentfe, GK-ike'e Ltfe and Words of Oh rist, 5ö cents. ' Kitto'a Oyclopeedia of Bible Liteiature 2 toIs $2 YounifV Bible Coucordance, 911,000 reterDces Rolliu's Xnciont ]!iory, $_ 25. ' parinL') Smith's Dictionary of the lüh!e, ilius., 90 cents Aeme Library of Biography, 50 cents. Works "f Pluvius Joeïil us. $2, Book of Fublee, aop, illus.. 50 cents. Corojc History m the I '. S , Hopkins, illu.. ro cmts Milton's Complete IJoetionl Works, 50 cents. Health by Kxercise, Dr. Geó. ÏT. Taloï, 4( re ui. " S!i;ikespe;ire'a 3ompl'tc Works, 75 040 to. BeokWl for ' otnen. Dr. tico. }ï. lor, UU ceuUs. Wurks 'f D'inta, trans ated by f'ary, 40 cents. Library Kagajne in eent a No., $1 a year. "Wnrksof Vlrgtl, trftQirïated by Drydr-n, 10 cjnts. Lihiavy MttgHzioe, bound volumes, fiO cents. Thf Koran of Mohammed, by KaK-, SÖOBBts. ïjeaypa irom th Diary o-fan old Lawjci-, BI, Advent u res of Dou Quixot, iJlus 50 o;uisv Eaoh of tho ahove untad i rluili.. lf by ir ai! Arabia n NIxbts, il lus , 96 nente.. potag6 i ri Moet of the book . ave ab-opiibhluc Bn nyan's I'iltfriias Proitresa, illu., 50 aents, m tino oï itions an'l fine binding at hm lier pnces. ]{obiti.M)n C uso--, iiltta . SOcnís. Descriptive 'i(íi1'ííucs ana Terms to Clul Aluuebiiusea and Gulliver'sTmvels, illus., 50 cents. I sent free os requeut. Remit by bank draft. money o d:r, registered letter, or by Express. Fractions of one dollar may bt tent in postage stumps. Addrens, ' JOHN n. ALDEX, Manager. Tribune Huilding-, New ïurk, A P PMHTP3 ■ n'6ton. T Hastines; rhilnaelphia, Lcary & Co.; Cinoinnati. Kobt. rlarke & llTZj.L'l VJjXJ' ' ■ Co.; Iiiiliaiiiipulis, Buwcn, Stcwart & Oo ; Clevoland. Ingham, Clarke & Co.; Tolytn, Brown, Eager & Co.; Cliicago, Alden & Chadwick ; io auialler tuwus, the leadiug Boukseller, only one in a place.


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