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Apples For Foreign Shipment

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There are lew greater treals duríng thc winter and early spring' season, taya 'The Londön Magazine of l'liurmacy, thtiu tlie inagnificent apples wiiieh are imported J'roin America to iinil thcir places on tlie dessert-tablein Englfuad, Considerable aumbors, however, arrive here in a bruised condition írom tlie effeets oí oareless packing ; a cerlain amount of lermentation i set up,;uul unless thcy are consumed without aelay they are lost to tlie desserttable. Tnisis more í'requently the caso when birrcls lull of tlie so-cal led "Newton l'ippins," and otliers, have been exportad by private individuáis to iheiï iriends m England, than vrliun they are packed by tile regular tradesHK'ii. A coininoii buL soft kind oí' lissne-paper sliould envelop eaoh applo before ít is plaeetl in tlie cotfe, and tilia tissue-paper suould have been soake.l in a solulion oísaliuylieaci.l and driet-l belbre it is used. The best preparation ofsalieylie acid lor this uttvpose is the aleoholic solution, made wilh the strongest spirit, and then diluteu wilh as mueli waler as it will bear without precipiUiting theacid,so as to make tila soliuion go as iaras possible. Jiacu applo sliould be euveloped in at least three or tour f 'o ld of tlie salieyatea-paper, and every possible prco:uition s-iiould be taken to prevent bruisliig wnen lo.idiiijj iiHo üie e.tóis 01 cases. Weil-pckoaapples sliould uól m.;ve at all Uui'iHy; uie voyage, ani. ihe aüakiii.4' ola railway tram siiouid have lio elieol upon tliem. Nevi.rl.lieieoS, a ceruiiu auiount 01' contusión is inevitable, and to avoid the ulterior regulLs ot this the oalicylated paper is indispensable. As to me eost, it ivoukl be but a mere trille wiien we DOUSUiei llir ïesulc jainea and tlie spiendid conduion oí me iriut when it enter the London marlet. BedldeS, it ib very probable that the salicylic acid paper used lor packin llie apples iu America nngnt be u.ed over ag-ain, 01 applied hero in EngUud to some similar aniiseptic purpose, and au aliowance iude lor it aeeordingly. The accounts of last ycar's vintage in Frailee as thcy drop in with more and more lugubrious detail, are ver bad. In the claret district 110 vintage in this eenuiry is reniembered to have yieKled so littie; in the haut nie.ioo country a report shows that the yielt has ueun ouiy one-Lhird Ot' the vintage 01 1S7Ö, and a halt' that ot' 1S73. The lalliiig uil' is attriouted mostiy to the wet spring ot' Iö7i) and uartly to the laet tnat tue phylloxera lias certaiuly Uiken hold tlie elaret vmeyards. Ut course the wme ïnercliants are makiug their prolit l'roiu il. Judge James G.irlicld, of the Cor poratiou (Jourt oí ijjucliburg, Va. prooabiy is tlio oktet puuno niai vvlio sull work-i. lic is over Sa year of age. lie practiced law Ihty-eigu years, and tor ten years lias beei Juügeof the Corporation Court ol J-.yncnburg", and lor eleven years lic was in puoiic lilé as a ïneinbor of tüt jLegislature or Congres, lie is stiii silung ullil paLieiuiy tryiug' cases ana aeuvermjf opinions, snovriug; gieal vigor 01 mina ana cousideraüio pnysica loice. The 16,000 churehes of the Methodist Episcopal churoh owe in the aggrogatu $7,0110,000, au average oi' fji,UOO to eaeh chureh.


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