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They Want Our Beef

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Kotwitlistnndin. the severe proliibitory roguLttioiia tbat rest riet tlio trafflc, tho iinportation of caltle fiom Poreigfl countrios has of late gone on inereasinjï. In 1878 the niimbei1 ot' forcign animáis landod at tho six privileged ports was 1,200,323. In 1879 it was 1,241,847 ; and if, as most peo p Ie expect, trade continúes to iinprove au 1 wa.nes riso, the import vr_i, of courae, grow ralhrr than fiill off. The fact Lh:it sonic iifleeii thousaiul erittle are killed e ver y weck at tlio Depfcford place oimlit to iudicate tliat ïiot only is tiie tbreigu caltle trado a largo one, but tliat the rogulations enibrcing slaughter at ihe port of dcijarkaiion must seriously raise the price ot beef. lt may thus come to bu a grave question, wheíhor it would not be possiblo to relax tho restriclions Dow placed apon the import ot'eattle lïóm the United States. Therc is no virulent type of disease raging in tliat cüuutry. No case of plaque eau be discoverod witliin its frontiers, and, allliough sometimos eattle trom American ports .show symptonii ot' pleuropucüuiünia when Üiey aru laiided, vet it be borne in niind tliat, wlien brpugbt over alive, tliey are exposed to weathor ot tlie worst sort, and leprived oi' exercisc in captivily. The stl'oilgest and heallhicst ftliiuiats, in such cimnms lances may contract pulinon.iry, bntlbrall tliat, it miy very well be üi.u no pluro-pneuiiiuiiia was among them wlien put on board fhip. Il tuis be the case - and there is good sciunLi lic autlionty tor sayiiig tnat it is so - Mi'. -Muii.lellii should set a bout inakin tlie ioreign c.ittle trade as ln-e as is compatible witn satbiy. He should put America on the same i'ootin' as tópain aua PortunHl. A Providenoe lady visiled a store to puicuaae a p.ui1 ot jioveü. öüu Lriea un uno or ivvo pau-s oc-loro boeoiiHii attaHed. A lew tiays aiterward sne miasoa a vaiuaoie gold ring ïroin hei linker, tjearen WH m:ute lor it wilhoursuouujia, and it was iniully &ïvu up as lost. At tiie expilUtlOU ol' iiearly a year slie went uno tiie saine stort ux'aiu on tlie same errand as oeíore. 1ij le linter oí tüo lirst pair she tried olí sne iuuud lier ljl io.-it l'm, wlieit sue leu it ín drawiu uli' Uie ylovo a year ao. lr. Öharoii Turner lias preparad the tbiiovYin,.; suiienioni. ot tne proress oí UlirisuuiUty. At the eluse oí. uauli ceuLury tac nuinOer of believers i; non: fc'irst century, about UU,(JOJ ; secoua, 2,J0,U00 ; tmrd, ü,UUU,0UU ; lolu-Ll, 10,iM0,UU0 ; liitti, lo,UUU,UÜ0 wxiu a),0üvJ,00U ; semita, i,uuo,uuu: eyiitu, SO,J)ü,Vk)iJ ; íiintu, 40,u00,uuU ; Uiiioti, üO,oüu,uoo; eievenin, 7u,0U0,0uu ; iwe-iuu, ou,juj,lh_)u ; Uiivujeiita, i,UU0,Uu0; lourLtíjiitn, öO,UJa,UüO; !!■- teemli, 10O.ÜiW,'JUü ; sixteenih, 12o,UUU,000; soveuweutli, lód,UOü,ULio ; eiüteentu, JOO,OOU,OJü. í)ayü tno present Otíuiury u U esüilubMl that tht cliiuvU lias doublé. 1 US connnuiiicaiHü Under the oíd lar marriaes ceremonies con Id be pcrfornied in California by any jnde, justice of the peace, mayor, ele rgyinan, or preacher of the gospel, but by an act of the present legislatura tliey can be solemnized only by a justiee of the suloreme court, judge oí' the superior court, justice oí the peace, OS igjiiister of the gospel.


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