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Saving Is Wealth

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Thora is nothin;? now iu t li is, lint it j isamfUjoct frnuglit so nmcli hnportance tb the yoimji wlio would Biiccecd In life, mul that it is vrcll to I relVesheu tlieir memories by ofien rcpeiUing the axioni. Moreover, as the American Pottery and Glassware Journal says, waste and extravagáiiee havo been Mie bane of uur times. Owiiiif to these ninltitndes liave bccome bankrupt, and bcciiuse of tliem inany are to-day unable to make any headway in t lic world. In the face of all the lessons of' (lic past and of all the warnings of the present, tliere is a sti-on ; disposition 10 spend moncy i"eckles;sly in dress, equipajes, eiitertainments and inmiinerablc "nsulcss ways. Striulin: boys and Voniig niissea think nothing of devoiting moro every ïnontli to their drésa Ihan clotlied thcir fathers and uiotliers tbr a year; and yet they aipear 110 better in society and a. ""y more respected than wure thc,fe"s ííie iiiir.iits in their youthlul d;y'-. ËVBry cew tliey can niakc For tlienisêrves 011 wring from parenta or Criends is di8pogea of without any thonght of the bad habit they are eultivating', of Llie domands of sickneaa oud okl age or of the possible crimes to whioli tliey may exposé theinselves in the hour of teinptation to meet the results of their outlays. TUu groat uaierence between those wlio save and those wbo do not in the afruggle of lile, consista not so mucli in early adVautages or superiorability oliiur thiii-!8 beuiL;' equal, as in the power to resist WastOiui expcnditure aud siniiil indulyeuces to save souietliinir. Oiíu eveniug latcly, IIon. William EL Dodge, oí New York, ücUvered au auuress etubodyiug bis racollectioua of New York tbr tuc last sixiy years. Near the close he uttered these worde, vvhicli shoul.i be etweiully wctghed by cvery youug Euan and woman: '"In conclusión, let me say that, as 1 tliiiik of noy early business lite, 1 ani impressod with the tiict that tbose yoiuig' men wliu were tlien known as ïudusu-ious, higliininiled youUis, conM-it.iliuiis in Wie msi liarle of tneu' ilu,ii-, were tiloso wlio succeeded in inu-iness 011 tneir owu account ; vvhile uiuiy iio luul bettet' OjiporLunilies Laïiéd, bL'causü they vvoul.i indulge iu j.i.Msures wiiich not oiily üiipatred confideuce, mu vvasied vv hut Uligilt .■ave aideü tlitm ii) coinniencin buniiiess. All voiuiy nien siiould aim to save sonietUing uacb year, even at the uxpenie ot' i limiteü wiuxirube and uiaiiy liti.e tilines whicu tney tliink necessitie. Il tiiere Wcre 1101113 Uut youiy men here, 1 would Siiy tliat i'ruiu the flrst year wlien 1 einei-eti a store, witii a saiury ot' ni'iy doliai-s, to iiiy last year - vvhun as a salesman I received very large pay - 1 liever l.iileU to save a poruon ; and whon I Startcd m business that suui and my eieneiue ere all my capital." l'liu tendency 01 the tiuies ii unvards la.v ana uueial idOUS 111 re_,ail lo inouey. Especialty is Uüs irue iu uur is 2ï e_g '■ ; : : :, . :;tAswna llieir earams íoolisnly au 1 w.islc.uIiy. ïaose wliose iin.ii.iie is SUiail euueavor by every aruñce, and even oy UlMiiunesC iji";i -Liutr, ' p ui uppearanees 111 tue matter of ureas, ana excel theuiseives with vigor toappear in society uu iiuoquality with their moro iavored ana wealcniër acquaintances. . Cierks aud euou-girls expeud tneir iiieugre eaniinas m lress, aiid amusement, Unukiug óf tlio morro w, tueii' uuiy iunuition uuui lo outsume utliers. ilow dillereiH irom Liio cuswm jf thüir torewiücrs, wiLli_ wiwm uuouoiuy un l stuaiuus solf-ilcuLal me rule, when Uie yoiuig' oureíully aml lüsLCiiiiously ireasufea up tnoir uaruiiígs, luyiug uio lutiuouiiou i'or xumru we.utu ana iiiipyiiicss. W'ere it nut lor tUg tywtií i"' ínuaeiiUy trainlM bous una üJ.uULura n'oai Lae lai'IUS ttiiii uouutry vuiiyej we mynt weil tromWo ior tUe muire ot' tue country.


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