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Hanging Baskets

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TliU frraceful nul conveulont t'orm ol' dccoimtion inoreasps in popularity t'roni yoar to yviv. Many a city Uoina which woulil otherwiie bo deatitute of floral adornment is briaftteued by theni, nal in the ouniry anioiig peo pie of taste and rcli nenien! theyuro bceomin,' moro and more cominou. Material. - The baskets themsclves are made 01 wire, torra cotta or rood. The first iiained is tlie most u-utnl, but the siiiall terra ootta basket-; uru exiriMiicly neat and olegant tbr bay windows or other interior sitnations. They possess with the rustió vroo 1 biskets the additioual advantage over tlie wire oi' Lvtiiiuing inoisture longeP, and thus sufferiug less lïoiii neiilrei of frequent watei-iug. ïlicwood baskets gonurally eoiisist of ft turne. 1 wooucn bowl, eovored over with twlgs and ruots to nive it a rustió a p pea ranee. W'hcn Lhis kind ol' basket W used, i-are Bbould be i'xei'oised Lo seo tliere are a lew holes in llie bottoijn to penmi, drainage. Tiic matter ia soarcely eyer atLended ló by themfkers, and florists who sell thein roady lïtfed with planta are apt to ne.leet it. Tlie ooiisequence is tliat the basket BÓon bceoines waterloged, áud tlie plant! eontained in it die oí wet feet. Vrhere provisión for draiuage has been neglecie luiitil at'Ler the basket is íll led, holes inay be boretl trom the ouLside, and the dropsical condition relie ved. The wire baskets are ürst lineil with thick nioss and alterwanl lilled with earth, into whiclt the growing planta are set. They must be watereu everyday, as thedryingair penetrates thein 011 every side. A new style of wire basket is provided with a zinc reservoir beneatli, wlneh holds a wcek'ssupply ot' water. These are eonvenient bui. expeusive. Selection of 1'Uinis. - Tne central portiou of the basket sliould be ülled with upriglit plants ofaneat ilwarl habit, and around the edge thosu oí' ci-ecping or traiiing growth. But whne a basket íilled with any bright, thrilty planta oí suitable habit of growth, is a thing' oí' beauty, it is í'ar betier to tuake snch a combiuation of color as to presenta harinouious living picture. Tne eolors not only of the ll wers, but also of tne foliage eniployed, sliould be siudieil wuli a viovr to lilis ejfeob üur greenliou.-es l'iinish sucii a varieLy of pl.uiLs witli ornamental foliage - oruiiion, goldeu,wuiie bronze, yurpie and silvery-gray - that amiost any üesired ell'eet of color can be uroduoud iuuepenuently ol the blussoiñs. Wuen a lass ooinpiioatea style is preíerred, a basket niay be madp beauulul by its vory snnplieity. in suoii cases a single pianl is suiüeient, provided it malies up oy its luxurianoe oí'grovvtn ior tue laek of variety. V o saw a very atli'acLive basket receiilly, which wascoinpleteiy wieatned witn the rieli foliage and bright mauve-eolorod Uowers oí an ivy geraiiiuin. A plant oí ISaziflragg sarmentosa, connnonly cal led ötrawoerry (jreraniuni, set in the center oí a euiait üasKet, wiil soou cover tae surfacu ly down tue siaes. Anoiuer usolul puuit ni llns way is the Gunvolvuius inaiirit.inicus, a single specinien ot vvnion wiil soou uliko tue uasuet a neh masa of uriglu green lollage and Country JJaskets.-Ño one uced be depi-ivea oí Uauing bastets on account oí Lhe remóle. íess t'roiu greenhouse plañís. No basüeta are pro iUOp.i more exquisita luanc.ui ue ma iely judiciouá use o cue pínula í'ouiid. 111 Llio íoteats and lioids. 'JL'ue baskot itscií' ni iy lio luaUe ol woven twigs, tue end ot' ;ui ola keg cuverea over witli rustió branches afiit ruois, or lila slcoI 8ihmi-'s ot'a sapeiuuuutiied uoopskirfc Tüea iorfllliu , ih; loivst fumigues aüuiKiauuc ot' uloSS, ricli, liht soil,aiid te.riis, puru-idgeberry. aaxiíngei, aud iiU Liic iiniiieuse v.incly of oüiel' plants winoh love to nostle ín its süadus or suek its open suimy bauks.


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